[Insert: This is not legal advice blurb, don’t do and don’t encourage anything illegal]
[Insert: appeal to authority as to why I should post this question and should have your attention]
[Insert: divulging something specific only to me or to maybe a few hundred people in [country/continent] to ideally encourage engagement so more people reply]
Just curious.
I don’t really think I’m important enough for doxxing to matter. I’ve even posted my social security number in a chat room before, just for a laugh. Also my banking and paypal logins.
One time after I did that, I met a nice person who privately messaged me. They were just like me, same mothers maiden name, same name for our first pet, even went to the same first concert! what are the odds?
Anyways so like a week later some hacker stole my identity. I couldn’t believe it. The crazy part though is that my credit score actually went UP. About a month later the hacker actually called me and tried to make me take my identity back but I knew better than that. No backsies. Heh, sucker. Have fun with your new wife, moron.
Honestly, I was happy to have someone to talk to for a bit. It was nice.
Honestly, I couldn’t care less who knows what about me… Not making it easy for anyone, don’t get me wrong, I believe in not saying more than is needed. But I see no reason to not answer truthfully when asked something personal.
I’m the type of person who’d willingly give my data to train LLMs or what-have-yous if their owners weren’t a bunch of pricks and just asked me nicely instead of that “Legitimate Interest” cloak and dagger bullshit. Also if they weren’t money grubbing bastards.
I’m the type of person who’d willingly give my data to train LLMs or what-have-yous if their owners weren’t a bunch of pricks and just asked me nicely instead of that “Legitimate Interest” cloak and dagger bullshit. Also if they weren’t money grubbing bastards.
if you’re using a public email service like gmail; you’ve already done this and they’ve made billions because of off your information.
I know, which is why I’ve called them pricks, bullshit artists, and money grubbing bastards.
Sucks for them that my Gmail account is almost exclusively for spam nowadays, switched to Proton a while back. I’m sure Proton aren’t 100% Paragon, either, but at least they’re not Google.
i’ve did the same thing a while ago; but now proton has begun enshitifying too and i’ve been weighing whether or not i want to go through the hassle of creating my own mail server like i did back in the early 2000’s.
And this is how it’ll keep going for the foreseeable future, unfortunately… They all live to become shitty.
Self-hosted seems like the best way to go if one is looking for privacy, although soon enough the only truly effective option will be to stay offline…
And this is how it’ll keep going for the foreseeable future, unfortunately… They all live to become shitty.
unfortunately true whenever money or leverage gets involved.
Self-hosted seems like the best way to go if one is looking for privacy, although soon enough the only truly effective option will be to stay offline…
i learned the hard way that it was risky back then and i’m 100% sure it’s worse now and will require a lot more effort.
also: you must have REALLY pissed someone off; they down vote you within seconds of posting. i run a script to tell me when i get a response that runs every 10 seconds and they down vote you before my script has a chance to run.
Well, here’s hoping something’ll change for the better some day soon. Would be nice to have a truly free internet. Not gonna say ‘safe’ because humans aren’t safe as far as beasties go, but at least free from these monolithic entities which want to divvy it up among themselves…
Thanks for the heads-up, but I don’t really care who likes or hates me, either:)) This is the internet, someone will always hate me for some reason or other:))
Also, may have been me, I remove the auto-upvote from anything I post.
Would be nice to have a truly free internet
i was lucky enough to experience this back in the 1990’s and it was FANTASTIC!
I change my identities often. So if one identity is doxed it does not matter since I probably just used it for some not important debates. This makes them harder to link them sincr no identity has enough details to fully dox me and get linked with other identities.
This is true however only for being doxed by general public. Police however could easily dox me by my IP without me giving out anything.
For high risk stuff I use tor and single use identities.
Anonymity is a myth. If you don’t want to be known to have said it, don’t say it.
I do not care about dox. I have nothing to hide, like a need for anonymity. I only care about corporate targeted manipulation focusing on my immediate interactions like page dwell time and targeted suggested posts, studies, and products used to manipulate me with politics and advertising
Instance checks out
Bots have good reason to do it, because it makes them more relatable.
Humans sometimes can’t help themselves.
I have a public facing persona separate from my legal name. Though I do take steps to decouple the two.
I change details a lot. Get the catharsis of pouring my soul while hopefully confounding whatever dipshit would think I’m a good target.
My name maybe has some letters in common with “Alice”.
Humans like talking about themselves and relating their experiences to those they’re talking to.
its human nature to want to be understood as what we are. besides some people are thirsty.
I’m a cool cat and I feel left out.
I post, therefore I am. Life is not worth protecting. The less rent I pay, the less wage slaving I do, the better. There is no happy ending, there is no better place. Just anguish and torment.
We all find peace one day. Either in this life or the next. Mine awaits in the next.
May all who read this find theirs soon in this life. Peace strangers.
Uhm, well quite frankly I’m just living my life. There’s plenty of ways for others to mess it up. And people do screw with me, but I haven’t experienced identity theft yet or heard of anyone who experienced it. I’m actually more worried about a car hitting me.
Your writing style and word frequency table allow doxing yourself without even realizing it 🕵.
What I try to explain: by posting on this platform about your topic(s) of interest you potentially dox yourself already.
I bailed on reddit and killed my account because I fear that 45*/47’s thought police would be able to correlate my post history with my identity. My login here isn’t even tied to an email. I intend to make the challenge of backtracking me a lively one.
Your ip should be in the logs, right?
Theoretically deleting the account will scrub at least my comments, and I’m hoping if it takes them long enough any backups will be overwritten. It’s not like I was advocating for violent action or anything, but I do work in a sensitive position and I don’t need something I said in my free time and thought to cause me problems.