There is dumb and then there is MAGA dumb. Next they will be banning women speaking to each other.
Never go full Taliban.
They saw Saudi Arabia and said, “I want that.”
The ones that will be most surprised when they come for the Republican Karens will be the Republican Karens: “Yes, YOU TOO, honey. Here is your handmaid’s tale outfit…and make sure you are quiet and submit to the male in your life that is your ruler” … they will tell the Marges and the Boeberts of the world…
he’s aware the pharmaceutical lobby has deep pockets, so this is more like a ransom
Exactly. He will ask for 99.9% of what they make.
So you’re saying prices will go up 99%
Well, yeah.
Gotta make profits somehow and avoid Seal Team 6 liquidating your ass on the way to the Hamptons.
I’d be more wary about windows.
deleted by creator
not how math works…
I’m not even going to bother explaining the joke to you. I am disappointed in you as a person though.
I’m not even going to bother explaining the joke to you
your anger seems misplaced, you should really be angry at yourself.
i understand what joke you tried to make, it just doesn’t make sense. “not making sense” doesn’t automatically make something funny. 🤷♂️
Disappointment is not anger.
I wasn’t making any jokes.Disappointment is not anger.
it is, just camouflaged.
prices going up 99% would result in “them” having ~0,2%, instead of the 0,1% they had before. so, you see, your joke, where you tried to pass the expense of the bribe onto customer, doesn’t work, before your math is way off.
More like racketeering I believe.
Vaccines are not cash cows, so they might put some cash in his pockets just to make his threat a reality
Interestingly, “vaccine” comes from the latin vaccīnus which means “from the cow”.
What happened to “my body, my choice?” I choose to put vaccines in my body.
How’s that working out for drugs
Drugs are great, too!
What a lovely false equivalency!
People mad at me for pointing out hypocrisy in what we are and aren’t allowed to put in our bodies?
Dude, a massive chunk of this website is in favor of complete legalization. While I am also assuming their position on drugs, given where we’re at, my assumption is much more likely to be correct.
Don’t stop there like some middling bitch. Require that all Americans be rounded up and injected with incurable, chronic diseases.
As a display of Christ’s love for us all.
So he’ll have concepts of a decision?
He’ll announce his plan in 2 weeks.
It’s always 2 weeks away.
Hint of a major and disrupt health policy shift, not backed by any science, with a Trump-knows-shit-about-shit answer of “we’ll have to look into that” two days before an election. What a fucking guy this idiot is.
These are not hints. He means what he says. The lunatic flat out said he’s going to put RFK, a rabid anti-vaxxer, in charge of the FDA.
“I’m going to let him [RFK] go wild on health. I’m going to let him go wild on food. I’m going to let him go wild on medicine.”
I fear it starts with messing with vaccinations and we have long dead diseases come back, but then shifts to other things, like “you don’t need those meds for depression because I’m not a Dr. but I know better than them and they are trying to poison you”. Then they are sending people off to for profit torture “treatment” camps like the rich do for the “troubled kids” now.
In the end you have people in essentially old school psych facilities where they aren’t really treated, they are just “out of the way”, and when they die they put them in the mass grave out back.
This has all happened before and will probably happen again. The German Nazis were also opposed to vaccines.
Americans, I have the solution. Simply declare vaccines, abortions, whatever you fancy as weapons handled by the second amendment and the hillbillies will fight for it till the end of time.
I’d rather sprinkle a box of finishing nails on a golf course and say “oops”
Rusty nails?
Nah, I’d rather leave everyone in suspense
Trump will say anything and do whatever he decides is in his own best interests. Every time the media reports him saying some stupid shit, he gets media coverage, which gets him more support from morons.
He’ll keep spouting shit as long as it keeps getting reported and amplified.
Execs at Pfizer: “Shit, time to fire up the checkbook. That’ll shut him up.”
Basically the US response playbook for NKorea for the last 50yrs. Them: Does something antagonistic. Us: $hutup.
So this is essentially when you’re eating and the dog starts barking so you give him some food to quiet down. All you’re really doing is training the dog to bark when you eat.
Oh boy. Black market vaccine time.
Keep talking Donnie
Of course, only no vaccines for the rabble. They themselves would still enjoy all the newest medical treatments.
It may hurt a little at first. But soon you will all be succumbing to ailments modern science had thought were extinct. Just the way God intended it.
I guess we don’t have Presidents any more if donnie were to slither into the WH - we have a king.
KingDictatorThat would be an improvement. We know how to deal with kings.
Someone find me an eviscerated priest.
Abortion? States’ rights. Vaccines? Careful with that.
He won’t. Big Pharma will pay him handsomely. They’ll pay him more to remove ObamaCare.
They might figure they could make more money treating the sick than they could selling the vaccines.
that’s a double-edge for them, though. do they want more patients and more scripts being filled but perhaps at a lower, negotiated rate; or do they want fewer but cash-paying patients?