Just days away from Election Day, many women have on TikTok have hinted that they’re voting for Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, while their parents are voting for Republican nominee Donald Trump. As part of the trend, each video shows social media users with a piece of paper in hand as they leave their houses to go vote.
"POV, [on my way] to cancel out my Trump-loving husband’s vote in a swing state,” she said, along with a blue heart emoji and an American flag emoji.
Imagine knowing what Gen Z knows about who Trump really is and watching your parents blindly vote for that.
We are absolutely failing our children to the point where they are inheriting the climate disaster, WW3, and might not even be afforded a democracy to allow them to correct our mistakes. This is their time and i hope they see it.
working at a community college, i noticed most young people are disinterested in politics because it’s always just been a bunch of crusty old out of touch white men. which, tbh is mostly true. so kids never even bothered
biden dropping out and kamala taking his place was 1000000% the best thing that could have happened, because now these kids are suddenly paying attention and seeing what a fucking wrong choice trump is
I’ve noticed the same. When Biden was still in, support for him was of the “grim determination” variety. But as soon as he bowed out, it shifted to practically jubilant support for Harris.
So glad to see that shift.
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Chronic cynicism and the abhorrent decisions of a madman in a foreign nation thousands of miles away have done a lot obscure it, but I think there is a lot positive things to be said about Biden’s term and political legacy. I think the long rearview on history will look back on Biden with mostly favorable opinion, personally.
I agree, as bleak as it might sound, Biden’s term was one of the most “progressive” and productive presidential terms in the last 70+ years
Gen X’er here and an older one at that.
My two idiot older brothers, one of whom is an Oathbreaker… Keeper…what the fuck ever, are voting for that fucking asshole.
A lot of my fellow classmates of my highschool graduating class are also voting for him. I went to the same school, came from the same town had a lot of the same experiences. How the living ever fuck are they so bamboozled?
It’s absolute insanity and it is not going to end here.
Gen 'Xer here too. Most, if not all of my social circle are voting for Trump too. I am mirroring you in saying that I also shared the same life experience as them. What I’m noticing with all social media which is a major part of all our lives is that its a giant echo camber for both sides. Here on lemmy and reddit (yes I know, but I still check in there) we are all leaning left and denouncing him. Meanwhile on the Meta and Twitter I see everyone clamoring about him bring their savior and how evil and wretched Harris and the libs are. Both sides are surprised how close this race is. I see the media profiting on all this chaos and nonsense. We need to fight to get the media out of the control of all these oligarchs, be-it US or foreign interference centers. I think and hope that more and more people are realizing this and this is going to be the start of class warfare. Sad thing is they got all us have-nots battling each other instead of them. So hard to talk with the cultists and veer them away from the Kool aid going around. It’s sad and it’s going to get dark one way or another.
Anyway preach on and don’t give up.
To be fair, there is a billionaire who literally recently shared a stage with Trump who has his thumb on the dial of all political conversations on Twitter.
Engagement optimized social media.
I’m curious: does it break down at all by socioeconomic status? Are you doing okay and your brothers doing shit?
Send MAGA back to the Stone Age where it belongs.
i’d venture a guess that stone age cavemen didn’t give a rat’s ass where anyone took a shit like MAGAs do
but they did abuse the women. so there’s that
but they did abuse the women
More matriarchal societies existed in primitive cultures than you’ll likely learn about in grade school.
The misogynist violence is not a consequence of human nature but a legacy of our engineered social system.
Not sure of the current status of her work but books by archaeologist Marija Gimbutas argued that European prehistory was characterized by matriarchy and religious worship of a goddess.
The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women’s Roles in Society, by Eleanor Janega concludes much the same.
But this neolithic carving that was really common is so obviously male
Interesting perspective. Looking at her Wikipedia page it doesn’t look like there’s much support for her kurgan theory.
Feels a bit like ancient aliens for feminists.
MAGA needs to be pulverized under heel and relegated to elsewhere in the carbon cycle.
I’m so happy to see this that I’m willing to ignore the misused “POV”.
It’s more the new usage at this point.
POV we’re getting old 😭
No, the children are wrong. Even if they do it ironically.
My favorite was one where a girl was like “On my way to cancel out my Republican sister’s vote” and then after it went viral posted another video saying “Jk, we both voted for Kamala. We would never support someone who’s trying to take away our rights”
Now this is a TikTok trend I can totally get behind.
Do we have any evidence that they are actually voting and not just filming videos they hope will become popular without really going to vote?
It doesnt matter if they do. It influences other young people to vote Harris.
My 21yo niece asked if I was voting Trump so she could cancel it.
I said DO IT. No idea why she thought I would vote for a asshole but whatever gets her going.
Because TikTok told her thats what the olds were doing.
Canceling votes is a good start, but they shouldn’t limit it to people they know, and even if all votes are cancelled, you still need more to actually win.
Whatever it takes to motivate them. At least all my boys voted. Of course some of them are too old to be gen z but whatever.
Voting participation is public record. I don’t know when it’s published.
Participation, yes. Who, hopefully never.
Yet another reason to vote against Trump as if it was needed.
We’ll see how it goes.
One of my initial fears regarding the initial hype phase of Kamala taking the candidacy was that the media hype would wear off and that we’d have a lot of no shows at the polls who only posted about it on their socials because it was trending. I don’t really trust my generation or the zoomers to get out there and vote, but I hope I’m proven wrong.
If it helps, this Gen Xer (i.e. “me”) is offsetting their remaining parent’s vote. We were told growing up how decent we should be, yet when we actually took that to heart and did that our parents went off the reservation and lost their minds. There are a LOT of fractured families thanks to Trump & Faux Snuz, and I hope we can make the future worth all the trouble they’ve caused.
We were told growing up how decent we should be
This rings so true with me. I was raised in the church and I truly believed in what was taught about loving your neighbor, and caring for the less fortunate as my family and church taught.
Then my senior year of high school my dad (a Deacon in the church) told me that he notices that I tend to make friends with broken people instead of friends that can help me out. And that’s when the first cracks in religions hold on me started to appear.
Today I’m the only one in the family I grew up in not voting for trump. I’m also the only one who gave up on church. My sister went even deeper by seeking out a fringe Baptist congregation that believes some really fucked up shit, and my brother followed in my dad’s footsteps and became a Deacon. Last week my mom explained to me how it’s the culture of the inner-cities that makes violence and crime so common. It isn’t race, it’s culture. She thinks she’s being open-minded. And they all think they are good people. ‘They’d do anything for you’… as long as you’re part of the church - even then, don’t ask too often.
I’m ranting now, but damn, how is it so hard for people to just genuinely be good and helpful?
My parents were religious, but didn’t go to church. Got in fight with my dad and left with no where to go. Got picked up by some church leader, who broght me to church and ended up hiring me to sell cutco knifes.
Something someone at the church said that still sticks with me today and influences my opinion being that a lot of them really aren’t good people. They pretend around their colleagues, but it’s all fake. They basically said something along the lines of we saw you hitchhiking and would have given you a ride if only we knew you’d be here. Um, thanks I guess. For letting me know I’m not worthy of your help unless. I’m part of your little cult of lies.
Ironically leaving the church is the most Christian thing to do.
Oh yeah I don’t disagree about that. I’m the black sheep of my family in that regard. Even my Gen X siblings are Trumpers sadly.
I was just more so pointing out that I wasn’t entirely sure if the younger two generations were actually serious. I know how social media is. Someone posting about something is not the same as someone taking action so I get anxious about whether or not people will actually make good on their statements.
I haven’t seen my brother in four years since he came into my house dropping hard Rs everywhere.
I outwardly pretend it doesn’t bother me to have cut him out like that, but it really bothers me quite alot. I have young impressionable kids and refuse to encourage that kind of behavior around them.
this is why I think of conservatives like Nazis. I hate them because of the betrayal from family. because of that, i will never trust a conservative again.
yeah i would keel over in a dead faint if my little sis changed her mind last minute from orange to blue.
If it helps, this gen x’er is voting blue, but my boomer mom in a swing state is too!
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how fucked up is the political climate in the US?
Well the right has been brainwashed over the course of decades to believe “tHe LiBruLs aRe GoNnA tAKe aWaY mUh FrEeDuMs,” and coupled with the Trump/MAGA cult behavior has only exacerbated their idiocy to the point any and every one of them feels they have nothing to lose (which they don’t, many have nothing) by standing in the way of democracy.
American politics has long been just viewed as if rooting for a favorite sports team, “My team is the best and everybody else is my rival!” where people don’t even care that their team sucks, they’ll continue to stand behind them because that’s their team. Many vote against their own interests because of that, and the MAGA cult is the worst case it’s been in a very long time.
Bitch that’s called voting.
God all these TikTok trends are so fucking dumb. I guess if it sways votes to Harris that’s good, but what a sorry state of affairs we have that there are people out there that need to be drip-fed content in order to do their civic responsibility and stop fucking fascism.
If TikTok gets more people voting blue, I 100% welcome the trend. It doesn’t matter to me if people vote blue for clout, just as long as they’re voting
I agree, but it should also be something people do because they care about doing the right thing and value democracy, irrespective of what social media tells them to do.
I agree that people should care about politics, but I don’t expect the average person to give a shit about most things lol.
Yeah but it’s easy to see how they look at their parents who - seemingly - “value democracy” with their voting and yelling and campaigning, and what damage that causes. This causes a general dejection with politics and civil structures as a whole, and hence a disinterest in engaging with it at all.
I can’t really see how this is different from anything except that it is an online movement. There have always been slogans, campaigns, and movements to get people motivated to vote. This particular movement is helpful to motivate people who might feel that their vote isn’t significant, as it helps them to think of it in concrete terms as a chess move against their MAGA loved one. I don’t see why that is so stupid. It seems like hating it is more of a knee-jerk reaction against people who use TikTok. While I dislike TikTok myself, this seems like one of the weakest examples of why it’s bad.
I think people are taking issue with calling this act of normal voting “a TikTok trend” as if TikTok deserves the credit for inspiring the youngsters. It would be better if the news media used platform-agnostic terms with social media to avoid promoting their brands. “Young Americans use social media to organize voters” etc
I don’t care if people are have to be led there with a lollipop and a soda if it gets people voting. Civic duty is important, but people need encouragement.
I agree that it’s both sad and good. But really whatever gets him out. They may try and use it later and it will look sad and tired. But at least it puts it in the Zeitgeist.
If people are participating in the election, great. American voter turn out is historically dogshit.
“YoUnG pEoPlE dOn’T vOtE” - people who want to continue to ignore the concerns of young people.
The Boomers got the voting age lowered to 18 because they were marching every day.
People notice action and ignore inaction. Not doing anything has never been a winning strategy.
Yeah, if you want to be taken seriously vote. Even if it’s just in the primaries. Even if you show up to hsnd in a blank ballot. But they are only looking at the demographics and voting patterns of voters. They may try to get non voters involved but many efforts fail there and they don’t know what the mass of non voters actually want.
As a millennial who’s never missed a congressional election I want young people with me demanding that primaries all occur on Super Tuesday and that universal healthcare be on the table. I want to give the Dems the opportunity to actually show their true colors.
The only thing I’d say differently is “just the primaries.”
The primaries are the most important, especially for local elections.
Everyone should study the machinations of Jerry Falwell. Back in the 1970s he came up with ‘The Moral Majority.’ He grabbed power in the GOP by simply having his minions show up at every single organizing event. If the twon of Dogville was going to pick a new county clerk, you could bet that the MMs were going to make sure that the clerk was their creature.
Look at what’s going on today. Trump’s people are putting themselves into positions to count the votes on election day.
As long as they don’t vote you can continue to not cater to them
And as long as you ignore that THEY’RE VOTING, you can continue to ignore their concerns like you want.
Or even better how we tend to do it in Germany: “The young voters don’t matter because they are a minority compared to the old voters”
I absolutely hate it.
dont really like kids all that much but those younguns are real heroes
Shit like this makes me hopeful and honestly that worries me. The universe is cruel.
This feels like a trauma response, haha. I’m right there with you.
The cruel thing is that this is the best humanity can manage and we burned all of our get out of jail free cards to get here.
Can’t believe I didn’t think about this becoming a trend sooner