How does the initial advice work for guys?
I don’t have accessories, am I supposed to take one shoe off or something??
Integer underflow. You’re supposed to put on 65535 accessories (or 2 billion, depending on your int size)
Our int max is the number of fingers we have, so 10
Oh no… I implemented my AccessoryCount as an unsigned BigInt for some reason. That’s more than the particles in the known universe.
I’ll just step outside on a clear night and claim that the stars themselves are my accessories. Is that too pretentious?
In that case, add 3 and go again! Scarf it up!!
The interrobang is back‽
I fukken love me an interrobang. I have a shell alias on my computers that copies one of those bad boys into my clipboard so I can more easily display my shocked puzzlement. It’s very useful when dealing with msft products, especially Azure.
On iOS I have it set up as a text replacement. If I type ?! it is replaced by ‽
Android similarly makes it easy. If I just press and hold on
, I get options for ¿ and ‽. Seems like mobile devices have worked out more convenient UIs for this type of thing.Wait, my keyboard could type an interrobang all along‽
I always bind compose key to right logo key on Linux. Then I can enter interrobang by pressing right logo, exclamation mark and question mark.
I always have a terminal open in the workspace on my other monitor so it’s just <super-j>
<tab> <return> <super-;> <c-v>wait, that makes me sound like an absolute fucking nutcase lol. I typed that first sentence completely unironically and only realized how absurd it was afterwards. It’s faster than the whole “type the Unicode point value” thing, but I should probably start using compose key instead.
For me, the problem is different 🤔 I work in an environment with young people 👶 Young people who speak with emojis 💯 and they expect others to speak with emojis as well 🤝 So when I write a message or a mail 📩 Then I need to figure out which emoji I need to replace the periods with 😅 And the minefield is kinda terrible, since some of the “regular” emojis are considered highly passive agressive 🙂
This is hilarious to read for me because my mind automatically makes a pause after every emoji, longer than two periods, and it feels like every sentence is very emphasized. But the silence is filled with this not-so-serious emoji. Idk, hard to explain it
it’s better to just not. just let them do their thing, and you and i can continue sending actually legible communication.
Thanks a lot. 👍
The accessory I remove after looking at the mirror is usually myself. I just give up going out. lol
Me too. High five! (But not like, in person. Because I’m not leaving my house.)
Electric high five!
Even the virtual interactions need aome space lol
What are you an accessory to? Murder? On the dance floor?
Pinch your cheeks to remove dead-inside eyes
what if I’m really dead inside?
Mine is changing one “fuck you you spineless amoral bastards” into a “please”
“As per my previous email…”
Sometimes if they don’t get it the second time or don’t answer what I asked, I send the exact same email again.
Hey… everyone… why aren’t you talking about the fucking swastika part? What?
Coco Chanel was a Nazi collaborator.
Wait until you hear about L’Oréal nazi.
Mine is deciding whether to start with a “Hi <name>” when replying, or just directly responding without a greeting, usually when there’s already been a lot of back and forth or I’m getting annoyed at the person.
When I’m annoyed, the salutation gets dropped. That way they know shit is getting real.
I don’t know if I have ever used an exclamation point in a work email.
My issue is usually how to phrase asking someone for something, when I am actually commanding them for something.
I started using exclamation marks because of constant feedback that all sentences ending in periods is read as mean or something.
It is absolutely stupid needing to cater to people who read into things in the worst possible way, but it seems to be working.
For command vs questions, some people will feel obligated to treat any communication as a command and there isn’t anything I have found to avoid it. Just like how some people treat direct statements that something is required to mean it is optional.
This is me, but with my own emails. Even something like “Have a great day.” just reads like a “Go fuck yourself” in my head, regardless of context, and so I tend to overuse exclamation points to make the tone very clear. I’ve very much got the 'tism, so having clarifying punctuation and even the more accepted use of emoji in work communications has been an absolute blessing for me not immediately assuming the worst in a work communique.
The funny part is that due to experience, I read emails/internet comments with a lot of exclamation marks as someone being fake and snarky because that is the type of person I know in real life that uses excess exclamation marks. So for me it was extremely painful to force myself to use them when I think they are just there to placate people who are probably thinking that people who don’t use exclamation marks are meanies.
Yet few people understand that just like any other method of communication, using exclamation marks can mean either “bless your heart” in the loving way or the southern condescending way and they don’t actually clarify anything unless you know who is using it and in what context!
Have a great day?
It is a work email. Get rid of all of them.
Let me change to some less professional tone :
It’s a work email. Get rid of all of them!
Does that make one a… grammar nazi?
Sometimes the accessory she removed was the swastika.
One per email is all you get!
Me, looking in the mirror while wearing 37 pieces of flair
Now, you know it’s up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or… well, like Kolanak, for example, has thirty seven pieces of flair, okay. And a terrific smile.
Not sure why I would use an exclamation mark on a work email
Feigned enthusiasm/friendliness. “Thanks for catching that problem!”
No worries that you fucked things up! If you could just get your shit together, that would be great! Thanks so much for making me have to follow up with you to accomplish the very basics of your job!
Hey, my enthusiasm is genuine!
Wouldn’t want to bother myself
reminds me of the movie l.a. story where this is used in one scene by steve martins narcissistic girlfriend
All periods. Don’t use “!”.