To be fair E always had great potential (I recall reading somewhere some car makers use it in their infotainment UIs), but alas doesn’t have the manpower to keep it at the same pace as some other DEs, even much newer than it. If I were Xfce and got the last straw of the GNOME-ization of GTK I’d rewrite all my shit with the E libraries - hell, it would be awesome if those two merged together.
I remember running Enlightenment as a DM for my pc long ago and loved it’s looks and animated splash screen. Back then I found other DM to be looking like old stuff trying to look like windows. But E was beautiful and smooth. Just not the most developed as a system management ( it was mostly just a DM and no proper system configuration tools ) I don’t know where it’s at now but I kind of miss the styling.
E was black magic. The things it could do with such little hardware were mind blowing. And the ESD became the de facto sound standard before ALSA.
Out of interest, after alsa it was pulse and now it’s turning to pipewire?
What was the standard before ESD?Before ESD? I don’t recall. Spittle and prayers, I think. I vaguely recall having sound on my Sound Blaster 16 in my 486DX2, but… that was a long time ago.
OSS was the Linux sound system before ALSA. I’m not sure if ESD replaced OSS or ran on top of it. I vaguely remember configuring this stuff for my 486/SoundBlaster in Slackware back in the early 2000s.
You’re right. I think ESD could run atop OSS and maybe even ALSA for a while. Not sure if it could operate without either. Those sure were interesting times.
Samsung supposedly uses it for tizen
yeah their libraries efl
You had me at cats.
Malloc everywhere :3
That’s a good cat name!
true (its actually his real name)
It also sounds like “malo” in Spanish which means “bad”.
“Here’s literally all the things… You sort it out, if you want. If not…whatever.”
Every time I read something about Enlightenment I have to think about this post:
That was enlightening.
Thank you for the link, this rant is amazing 😂
Should have had a point like
❌ Everyone pronounces it wrong (gee-nome)
Nobody will ever be able to get me to pronounce it that way
I think most of Lemmy acknowled the beauty of Linux
Yeah, but we like to also constantly talk about it ok, I think we established that as well, or do we have to
fight about ittalk about the beauty of Linux some more??/s
(well, not sarcasm, more like a joke)
I used both E16 and E17 a bit, in ye olden days. Really cool stuff. Very different ideas of what a desktop is/can/should be/do
🎼is/can/should be/do🎶
—Frank Sinatra
Enlightenment does support Wayland
I don’t think they realize what the X means
There should be a checkmark next to “logo is a foot”
I haven’t used enlightenment but I’ve always heard interesting things about it. Does anyone have any experience with it or know why it be like that
Tried it in a vm, I just don’t like it’s ui but the ux is good.
I used it as my main DE a few years ago, its great! Really cool UI, completely different to all other DE’s but it makes sense, and it has some cool stylings like for example virtual desktops icons being the actual desktops, just really tiny. The bugs, however, kept piling up, and it (segmentation fault)ed too often, so I had to abandon it. Last I heard, the reason it doesn’t get major dev work anymore is that its really hard to work with.
Twenty years ago, you’d run it every now and then because it was kind of fun. I’m not sure if it counts as actually using it though. There were actual window managers for that.
I’m not sure what the use case is nowadays, I’ll have to install it someday.
I used Bodhi Linux for a long time and I still remember how cool was the Enlightment fork they used: Moksha
Real 🗣🗣🗣
E supports Wayland
Enlightment doesn’t support many distros and i think Gnome looks much better and much more unique
Enlightment doesn’t support many distros
True (segmentation failure) but they said its all a joke from the source i linked: