In turn, women need to vote like their rights depend on it. Because you might find in a years time that there is a nationwide abortion ban and there is nowhere left to go.
And of course they’ll stop at abortion right…
Birth control.
Right to marry.
Right to vote.
It wasn’t too long ago that women couldn’t have a credit card or a bank account.
Leaving a hospital unaccompanied…
Well you see, according to conservatives, women doing any of those things are acting counter for their god-given gender roles. As such, they are transgender, and deserve to have their rights taken away…
Did you really think the focus on trans people is actually ultimately about trans people?
There is a big population of women who are past childbearing age that are voting for Trump. It’s fucked up, but just getting women to vote may not work. They need to get young women to vote.
So many elderly women are going to be voting who no longer have skin in the abortion game.
The KKKaren vote
and this is why there should be an age limit to vote. once you pass the age where your vote affects you personally, you’re out.
Is this sarcasm? What about people who are infertile? Take away their vote? I had to have an emergency hysterectomy at 28 after my only child was born. Should I not have been allowed to vote after that?
Yes, selfish sociopaths exist but, believe it or not, most people are able to use empathy to put ourselves in others’ shoes without having to literally be in their position.
If your comment isn’t /s it’s pretty offensive.
I’m talking about the 70 year olds voting for things that will never affect them because they will die before they see the consequences. not infertile women. why should we let outdated mentalities affect those of us with over half our lives left? that’s how we lost abortion access.
i also support age limits for those holding political office :)
Because that’s ageist. You’re operating on stereotypes. Everyone over 70 I know is socialist, and my dad, who’s 88, is the most socialist person I know because he remembers this rhetoric from when he was a child. He was the first in 2015 to say to me he’d heard trump’s rhetoric before, and it led to very bad places.
Why should my dad, who says he doesn’t vote for himself, but for his kids and grandkids, not be allowed to vote?
Plenty of people of all ages have empathy. You only hear from the most obnoxious bastards because their insane ramblings get clicks and eyeballs, but painting all people of any age with a brush dipped in the most unhinged is not productive.
Women outnumber men, get them to vote!
Get everyone to vote.
Women need to vote in their obvious interest.
Men need to stop daydreaming about living in the Handmaid’s Tale and wake up to the realization that women’s rights matter to all of us. They owe it to the women in their life to step up to defend them.
The only excuse not to vote in this election is to not have the right to.
And people need to stop whining about being told that it’s the most important election every time there’s an election. They’re being asked to set off a few hours to preserve democracy every 4th year. It’s not such a huge thing to ask.
The last time Trump was elected a significant chunk of the white female electorate sided with him. I’d look there before talking about men, especially Black men who seem to be the preferred scapegoat.
Yeah, this gets glossed over a lot, but it was White Women who gave Trump the nod, specifically because the DNC just assumed all white women would be voting for HRC. Meanwhile HRC remains one of the most politically reviled candidates in modern history.
White women benefit from structural racism above all others, with the exception of white MEN.
So who exactly is being lectured here, and why?
It’s easier to talk down to Black men than to hold white women to account.
So many “well akchewalllys” in this thread…
Just because you don’t like the phrasing, or have other grievances, does not negate the message.
Well actually …. Jk the message is spot on
If the phrasing alienates people on your side, and is not effective at changing the minds of people on the other side, it kinda negates the message even is the message is correct.
Interesting paraphrase…
An accurate one.
Overall, a majority of white women support Trump over Harris. People need to grapple with the fact that Trump is quite popular across a surprising number of demographics – for example, he’s more popular with Hispanic voters than any other republican president. He’s popular enough that he continues to close the national polling gap (Harris leads by less than 1% now in Silver’s poll aggregator; Biden won by over 4% and he still narrowly won the electoral college by only ~80,000 votes), and Nate Silver’s projections currently have Trump with a roughly 10% (9.9%) higher chance of winning the electoral college.
And Trump continues to gain as Harris slips, which has been happening slowly but steadily for over a month.
Does it concern anyone else that Republican politicians and voters seem to have dramatic, radical, concrete, and material plans for after they win and after they lose? And it seems like democrats have zero plans if they lose other than to say “it’s not possible, I clearly called him a fascist on social media many times”? No one I’ve spoken with that’s a dem or any flavor of left has any concrete plans for if Trump wins. And he’s the favorite to win right now. Does that seem bad to anyone else or…? No? OK cool.
I mean, who is meant to generate the plan? I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my responsibility, it likely wasn’t your responsibility, in fact I’d be willing to be it wasn’t the responsibility of any citizen working in a non-government position.
We have no plan because the Democratic party has no plan. We have put our trust and faith in a party of complete fucking fools, the kind of blind out-of-touch idiots who assumed Biden would crush Trump by default. Their only concern is fundraising and making sure their corporate masters are appeased.
If the Dems win, they still deserve to face retribution for this. Work with local unions in your area. Organize to elect leftists politicians to the House and Senate. Replacing Republicans is always the preference, but we shouldn’t be afraid to replace Democrats as well.
what plan exactly are we supposed to have? most of us can’t afford to leave the country, and that’s the only plan that i can think of. we’re all hostage in this capitalist hellscape.
This is exactly the sentiment I’m talking about. The only plan you have is to run away and complain about capitalism. The right is organized to fight from the grassroots up to the executive with back up plans for their back up plans. At this point, with apathy like yours, maybe they deserve to win.
I’m disabled, not apathetic. i am physically not in a position to do that, although i support it fully. it’s not cool to judge people when you have no idea what their life is like. i would love to be more politically involved but all my energy is going toward not losing my job, and keeping my family fed and clothed.
The horizon of your possibilities is moving out of the country. You’re being judged for the blinkered set of options you gave yourself, whether you think it’s “cool” or not.
The Democrats haven’t won the majority of white voters since the Civil Rights Act was enacted
“If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women, will become collateral damage to your rage,"
Collateral damage?
What an odd phrasing. This is not about collateral damage. The Republican Party is running on an anti-woman agenda. Women are actively targeted. There’s nothing collateral about it.
It is the collateral of political ignorance.
And watch a ton of women stand in line on election day to vote for Trump.
Religion is a cancer of the mind.
Hide yo wife, hide yo kids
I remember this meme
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Over what?
Does this type of rhetoric actually work? It seems patronizing at least.
“Please don’t vote for a candidate who seeks to actively harm me and take my rights away”
“Stop patronizing me!!”
It doesn’t and they know it doesn’t because they never speak to or about female voters in this manner.
I try my best Michelle, but I am literally not allowed to vote in US elections.
The ones I am allowed to participate in however do benefit in fucking over US-Politicians at least somewhat.
Ask Kamala not to fuck us over.
Ok boomer
Classic liberal. All for feminism. American women are strong and powerful!
Foreign women, however, can die in the next US sponsored genocide.
This kind of brain rot you have is so fascinating. It’s like watching a zombie trying to do math
Bruh you just laughed at foreign women facing genocide because she dared to hope that Harris and the America youth would help ease their suffering and oppose Netanyahu.
Don’t pretend for a fucking second that you actually care about foreign women. “Leftists” like you are more like “liberals” than liberals are. You are everything you accuse them of being.
All of you that I’ve met are incredibly quick to abandon leftist ideals if it means laughing alongside fascists at the “libs being owned”.
Check your username. You seem to be in denial of reality.
Your country is fucked up.
Not my monkey, not my circus buddy.