And pay them with company specific crypto they can spend in the company store.
Quak, Quak, quuaakk
And pay them with company specific crypto they can spend in the company store.
Is there an easy to find style guide of how Windows would like you to use these things, cause I never found one.
Appdata, my documents, program files… Everyone seems to be all over the place
Doesn’t matter. In the situation trump where to ever leave office he will make a blanket pardon so broad anyone is free to do anything in his name till then.
Why? It should be up to the platform to vet sellers then. Amazon gives the seller credibility and takes a cut. They should have responsibilities that come with that.
Nope, imprisonment costs society money. This way all the migrants will be busy keeping their heads down and hiding, meaning they can be abused by employers as any resistance will be dealt with by ICE.
If working illegals was something the government wanted to stop, employers would be imprisoned if caught employing an illegal. Then it would stop overnight… but this is not the route chosen.
The baby drones will be autonomous I recon…
The thing, here is no one needs to do anything for the consequences to manifest. And preventing the consequences is really hard work and a delicate balancing act. So there is that.
Someone watched the matrix
For sure… should have happened a while ago already. I’d sever all communications except for a single phone to the negotiation team for diplomatic communications, the rest goes away.
Look like the lynx from back in the day.
Can imagine those swap modules are good for longevity though.
Gotcha. Tx
Until they can sell blue sky to VC that is.
All that freedom dividend was spent on a lot of US goods… your economy outpaced everyone due to being the country with the industrial capacity to sell.
And the US military is your social security for minorities and economically depressed… all the way up to the MIC.
The US profited most of the whole situation and now you are here to claim you where actually the victim?
Feels more like a shill trying to sow division. How’s the price of butter doing?
Counterpoint: the US made bank being the enforcer of the rules based order. But being the most wealthy country in the world is apparently not enough. And to be direct, the US was the one rattling russia’s cage the past 30 years… and now it all escalated you cannot just nope out without consequences.
And in regards to money spent… the us sends weapons… meaning all the money stays in country, adding to the Pentagon budget for new kit. The EU mostly keeps Ukraine afloat financially… so they can pay their soldiers etc…
Probably those protective goggles you wear while in a tanningbed or spraybooth
And cervela with samurai sauce is a hidden gem!
Geo guessers have been training these systems for years now. And they cannot even use metadata.
Maybe moderators should be referred to as caretakers in the fediverse… seems to fit the role much better.
Yup. But they would just start troll farms in other countries.