It’s pie mushy peas and gravy with chips and it’s good. I swear half you fuckers who dunk on British food would balk at the majority of the things they eat around the rest of the world.
Yes, nuke England with my blessings, the country fucking sucks, but stop dunking on working class food, especially because it is actually fucking tasty
I will always maintain that American food is significantly worse than british food. Beans on toast is literally based vegan proletarian meal smdh
With soft beans and crunchy toast you already have a contrast of textures that is more interesting than most other quick and cheap meals.
my favourite part is the crunchy crust then the gooey bean soaked bread in the middle. Also really nice with some pepper on top
a sophisticated mac-n-cheese and mayo-on-crustless-white-bread eater when they see british chips and gravy:
a USian with bleached teeth when they see a normal mouth:
Americans slapping the same spice rub on every single thing upon seeing someone use herbs or even just consider what spices/sauces goes best with what they’re preparing: Hehehe those people eat bland food.
I get that it’s a response to some movement in America where a bunch of white people find mayo spicy, but seriously the recipes I see people post… You’re like those white dudes who buys those terrible hot sauces with artificially boosted capsaicin levels in order to prove something, but with spices.smoked paprika and garlic powder are so epic, but so is whatever is the Next Thing (in 2010 it was sriracha, in 2020 it was gochujang, now it’s za’atar maybe? though that’s too difficult to source for your average foodbro)
I love smoked paprika. I prefer regular garlic, but to each their own. I don’t put either in everything.
I still have a bottle of extra hot sriracha and tbh the taste has worn off, or maybe they’ve changed the recipe. Kinda just tastes like ketchup, which I’ve never been a big fan of
Yes. People should stop being babies saying Ew to the concept of “gravy over something that isn’t gravy”.
yeah probably
it appears to be chips, gravy and peas which, as much as we can say “lol angloids”, probably fucking slaps and would delete a hangover instantly
Yeah everyone dunking on this has clearly never had gravy fries and the peas actually is a genius addition. I would definitely devour that.
I’m an Ameroid with burgerlander tendencies, so I may not know exactly what constellation of takeaway/street food this is… but it looks like mushy peas, fried potatoes aka “chips” and some brown sauce or maybe a bit of curry?
if any configuration of that is true, I would absolutely house this (“tuck in” I believe is an equivalent term) in front of strangers, God, St Andrew, and everybody. is even tip the tray up with my open maw as the gutter to catch what’s left.
it has all the 4 food groups: sweet, sour, tumeric, and fried.
Close but the sauce is actually just gravy but some people would add brown sauce to this meal if it suits their preference
I’d try it if it was in front of me, but i wouldn’t order it
Yeah. Potatoes + gravy is classic and I like how peas taste.
I’d prefer to keep fries crispy for some texture, but whatever.So many of the people who dunk on food just reveal themselves to have the palette of a baby. “Ew I’m not used to this concept wah wah, give me the same thing I know I like that’s safe” (this excludes my ND comrades)
As if half the shit most people eat isn’t just beige plates of grease and slop anyway.
Try it and find out if it’s good.
Like the “beans on toast lmao” meme kinda frustrates me. Have you tried beans on toast? It’s good.
Dunking on Brits is a time-honored tradition but it gives some people weird brain worms were they actually believe the hyperbolic stuff we say to piss off brits.I like to make a sort of pea mush and serve it alongside some rice, salmon and a wild salad.
In conclusion: NT picky eaters get sent to the
this looks like garbage but might actually taste good, and might be vegan. crispy potatoes in spiced goop is usually good. the classic chinese night market fare is wolftooth potatoes (slightly underdone wavy cut fries) in spicy gravy and pickled green beans. since i absolutely love that garbage, I would eat this anglo garbage.
So many of the people who dunk on food just reveal themselves to have the palette of a baby.
First bite i had of aforementioned wolftooth taters i thought “this is not great, the potatoes are not even soft and the sauce tastes sour and weird” but a few bites in you start to love it for just that. people need to try weird shit once in a while, and try it twice if they don’t really like it first time around. aquired tastes have almost always become my favourites while simple things i enjoyed as a kid (ketchup, oven fries,
etc) have taken their proper place as being just acceptable.
adult baby palates (people with sensory issues aside) feel like the food version of adults that only read harry potter
people need to try weird shit once in a while, and try it twice if they don’t really like it first time around. aquired tastes have almost always become my favourites while simple things i enjoyed as a kid (ketchup, oven fries, etc) have taken their proper place as being just acceptable.
It’s kinda infuriating how often people basically say something like “my [acquired taste] is objectively delicious, good and normal and your [acquired taste] is nasty, weird and disgusting!”
Two short videos about acquired tastes that I found informative: licorice is a very rare example of an interesting flavor to come out of north europe. pickled herring was certainly an aquired taste before I was
but in hindsight it kinda just tastes like every other white-vinegar+sugar pickled food which is fine i guess, nothing extraordinary
salty licorice is a very rare example of an interesting flavor to come out of north europe.
Weird attitude to have about regional cuisine, but I’m glad you like the licorice.
I had an effortpost about this tendency towards northern european food on an old account and now I regret not saving it
The main point was people expecting something drastically different from Baltic/central European food and then being disappointed/feeling superior/Just not seeing and accepting it for what it is. It’d be like going to Vietnam and discounting most their dishes as Thai food because of the similarities.
Northern Europe is a small region in a relatively cold environment in Europe with a low population on relation to many other regions we classify with distinct cuisine. Of course it’s going to be heavily influenced by french cuisine. Of course it’s going to mainly be soups, root vegetables, pies and other hearty food and a bunch of fish.
What I say is weird is discounting those tastes as “not northern european” just because you can encounter like experiences elsewhere.The weird nationalism people have about food and ascribing it specific nations is just… Frustrating. Borsch is about as northern european as it is Eastern European. Its a hearty beet soup. And its delicious as fuck.
Something that could be said to be specifically northern european I guess would be Smørrebrød, which is a twist on the sandwich. Northern european bread is phenomenal, some of the best I’ve tried in all the places I’ve lived. Rye bread is fantastic.thanks for the effortreply. i spent a lot of my life in the nordics and while everyone makes fun of british and midwestern american food for being bland and boring, scandinavian food deserves that reputation. obviously the bland food has a material reason behind it, because it’s subarctic and dark, so most of the food is based on salty pork, taters and onions, heavy enough to last you through a cold day. if you like slight variations on that theme then great.
it’s probably my least favourite food region in the world, and it feels weird to call potato and meat home cooking as a “regional cuisine” but i guess it is in a way. not being nationalistic, just not a fan of the style. same goes for most northeastern european food but i think northern slavic food has some more creativity to it and more varied flavors.
which is why my original post was that salty licorice is one of the few flavors out of the nordics which is actually interesting
edit, i also kinda like hasselback potatoes, seafood salad with dill, and swedish sandwich cake which is such a ridiculous thing that it should only be served at funerals so that people have something to ponder. COME TO THINK OF IT dill might be the other cool thing north/northeast europe does that is underused in the rest of the world
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hehe i’m not like those angloid food plebs, i just discovered sriracha. guess you could say i’m pretty worldly and cultured. you couldn’t handle this intense spice
I’m drunk and I love peas and potatoes load me up
this looks like as awful a textural experience as creamed corn plus the gross shit is covering a portion of the chips/fries, so that’s a hard pass from me.
I mean I guess. Are those peas? Do i get to use chopsticks or a fork?
The presentation is horrid but I’m pretty sure it’s mashed peas and potato fries.
honestly it looks pretty good with the right hot sauce. I’d probably go with Pepper Plant garlic sauce for this one from my other comment on best hot sauces.
It’s “mushy peas”, they’re prepared from dried peas treated with baking soda (and then coloured green to look less unappetising). They’re kinda good though.
Oh, I always thought they were puréed green peas.
I’m pretty sure that would go from shitty to amazing to inedible just depending on the quantity of salt invovled
Americans be like “beans in toast is so terrible” and then their spicy exciting food is a burger. Or Mac and cheese. Or pizza. Or potato salad.
And that’s still good food!
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Just sorta use the paper and styrofoam to form a sort of funnel and probably slam it in one minute so i don’t waste any of my lunch break
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