I’m gay.
My dad is not pleased with this fact. Completely homophobic.
Half the time his homophobia doesn’t even make sense.
>Fishing show on TV in the living room
>Watching it with mom and dad
>Mom: "I don’t have the patience for that kind of stuff
>Me: “It doesn’t feel like too long when you’re out there”
>Dad: “Time flies when you’re a faggot.”
>Go to my room
It’s getting ridiculous. He goes out of his way to respond to everything I do by calling me a fag.
He didn’t say he’d kick you out for coming out as Bi though. Legal loophole.
I was given a very specific (but non-inclusive) list of people I was not allowed to bring home. That included any and all women, naturally, but also included any and all men of any colour darker than germanic-european-white, and indeed any men of a religion other than young-earth-creationists.
Breaking any of these rules while still living in the house would have meant my expulsion from the house. I’d like to say my mom wouldn’t have allowed him to kick me out but I really don’t know.