Once Biden stepped aside and endorsed Harris, Trump’s entire campaign strategy was upended, making him the oldest candidate on the campaign trail and exposing faults in his logic.
Wtf, “exposing faults in his logic”? Why do the media continue to do everything they can to portray Trump as a reasonable man making logical plans for how best to govern?
RepubliQan owners
Just like the LA Times owner refusing to let the Editors endorse Harris
RepubliQan owners
I’ve looked and I can’t find any evidence to support this, can you?
Are we doing this again?
No. No, we are not.
Why not? It’s not unreasonable to ask for evidence or am I supposed to just take your word for it?
Because this is common knowledge and you can google the information for yourself. You’re attempting to interject doubt into the conversation using a dog whistle.
They call it “Concern Trolling”
Concern trolling is the most annoying troll, too. “I’m just asking questions” and circle arguments over and over.
That’s not a dog whistle, a dog whistle is a phrase or word that has a special meaning to group its intended to been received by. I.e. something that will only be noticed and picked up by them.
What is common knowledge?
It’s common knowledge you’re trolling.
You can take a character study on the average republican as evidence
I don’t know if OP is a republican but I find their response strange, almost like they got caught chatting shit.
As far as I can tell comicsands.com is associated with George Takei which seems to refute their assertion that it’s some far right publication.
I wouldn’t assume they’re a republican, just that they assumed you were sealioning when you weren’t.
Because it’s not the job of random internet strangers to do research of widely available information for you?
So the concept that if you state something as a fact you should be able to prove it, that’s just not something we do here?
So if we were having a discussion about WW2, and I mentioned the Holocaust, you would make me prove to you that it’s real before continuing the conversation?
Or… Is it something that has been thoroughly researched, with a general consensus among experts about the specifics so therefore doesn’t need to be proven every time it’s mentioned?
Heigh ho. Have another downvote! Collect enough and maybe you can get a discount on that sanewashing detergent. You’re using it at an alarming rate.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Fucking lol.
Bullshit, that’s a well-known fact at this point. You’re sealioning.
What is sealioning?
Ah I see, I mostly know it as “Just Asking Questions”, which I guess shows my age… and Rational Wiki’s…
Btw, don’t use Rational Wiki as a source, it’s largely focused on being snarky and satirical as opposed to factual and unbiased. It also isn’t as well-maintained as it used to be leading to the quality of articles going down hill.
I vary between calling it “sealioning” and “JAQing off” depending on how polite I feel like being.
Your assertion is that www.comicsands.com has “RepubliQan owners”?
I’ve looked and I can’t find any evidence to support that and the fact that George Takei is involved in it suggests you’re wrong.
Also, I don’t see how asking for evidence to back up an unsupported assertion is “sealioning”. Are you sure that’s the term you wanted to use?
Here’s more:
“Jay is the founder and CEO of a digital publishing and social media company that rather unexpectedly grew the internet empire of actor and activist George Takei to tens of millions of followers. Jay serves on the board of directors of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest civil rights organization serving the LGBTQ+ community, which Ma once described as the “trendy” people.”
No, that’s just your bullshit strawman argument.
The claim was that “the media” (as in, most of it in general) has Republican owners, not comicsands.com specifically.
You’re wrong, go back and read this thread again.
I see, I think.
Floof mentioned the media.
So the republican comment could’ve been media. Wasn’t 110% clear but that’s prolly how I might read it.
deleted by creator
A combination of “The owner of the company is a right winger” and “We need to make both sides look equally incompetent, even when one side is shitting himself and the other side has actual policy.”
Used to it was just the latter, now we also have the former.
Hey now, to be fair it’s just “persistent anal leakage”.
Looking forward to MAGA folks bringing patriotic Chinese-made black butt towels to his rallies.
Please kill me
Don’t worry. If he gets to power, he’ll take care of that.
He’ll do it too slowly for it to be fun.
Do you mean Drowsy Donald?
Hoping if he wins they won’t be “cancelled” as a free press?
OK so I don’t have Twitter and I have social media blocked basically so I wanted to see the ad, right? I went to YouTube to pull it up.
It was really bizarre - if you search for “Harris ad trump sleeping” you get about 100 - OK 20 of the exact same clip from any number of local TV stations (most of the Fox) where Trump claims Harris is sleeping. And one - exactly one - MSNBC clip, which runs for 12 minutes talking about “exhausted” trump, and doesn’t even show the Harris ad. The Harris ad did not appear in the search at all.
Now I’m not “signed in“ there, I don’t have cookies or anything so I’m just some random browser showing up asking to see the Harris ad and seeing 90% Trump ads.
I don’t know what else going on at YouTube, other than it’s awful and worse than ever, and appears to be subsumed with Trump crap.
I tried finding the Harris interview on Fox there, and just like you, there were so many videos uploaded by randos that could have easily been manipulated, so I just went to the actual Faux website to watch it. Google wants Trump to win so they can buy their way to total dominance.
Not just that, but I was watching some video about i dunno, some kinda hardware, or something - nothing even particularly recent or popular - and the comments underneath it were so obviously and horribly bots. They all used the exact same words, they all used the exact same phrasing, and they all had different user names. Just one after the other, probably 100 of them
So I think YouTube has abandoned attempts to make it good - or even usable - probably for profit reasons. Enter russia4trump
Basically in the same situation as you, but I follow a mastodon clone of the KamalaHQ xitter account. If I share the mastodon link, it takes you to the xitter post to watch the video, but in the mastodon app, it plays directly.
FWIW: https://bird.makeup/users/kamalahq/statuses/1848764783132053811
Good point - but it didn’t work in my mastodon app (it linked to the tweet but as I say I have that blocked). I did read up on the Kamala tag though, so thanks for the pointer!
Every comicsands.com post is just a chain of orange, “Privacy Badger has replaced this X (Twitter) widget” boxes for me.
Thanks Privacy Badger. Do better Comicsands.
YouTube did this the last TWO elections. They always show Trump stuff. Even when I’m signed in, they show me Trump stuff.
The video was a tweet. You won’t find it searching for an ad. It was embedded in the article.
Something must be wrong with the site at the moment, as I don’t see any video in the article. The rendering is also a bit fucked up.
Thanks. I saw a bunch of those “- (@)” throughout the page with lots of whitespace around them so I guessed they might be where embedded content were supposed to be. Maybe my pihole is blocking them.
Why would I not find it searching for an ad on youtube? I’ve found lots of ads on youtube in the before-times.
Because it isn’t an ad
Was it a video? I hear they have those on youtube. The article made it sound like there was audio and video together, not just text.
And anyway isn’t it called an “x” now? I’mma x all my friends to find out.
Was it a video? I hear they have those on youtube.
Remember when boomers thought Internet Explorer (or maybe AOL) was “the Internet”? This reeks of that.
Here, I’ll make it easier for you:
Cool thanks!
Saved you a click: they shared the video of him nodding off but added a lullaby.
That poopy diaper is so nice and warm it puts you right to sleep.
How dare you make me visualize that
I have occasional narcoleptic spells. I’ll just nod off for a few seconds at a time.
But I’m not running for president while pretending that I’m the healthiest person to ever have been healthy.
That doesn’t sound narcoleptic to me. That sounds very normal.
I mean, if it’s a one-off thing, sure, but I’ll suddenly spent an hour of my afternoon fighting off mini-naps at work
Sleep technologist with 18y experience here.
I don’t mean to nitpick, but you’re likely just sleep deprived. You probably don’t get enough sleep or the quality of your sleep just isn’t very good because of an issue like sleep apnea. When your sleep sucks, a simple bump in blood sugar from lunch is enough to throw you into a neck-breaking tailspin. The more you know… 🌠
Help me stay asleep please!! I keep waking up and tossing and turning…
If you’re being for real, see a doctor. You most likely have sleep apnea, it’s way more common than people think and infrequently diagnosed. The doctor will probably set you up to do a sleep study, which is far less troublesome than it used to be a number of years ago. Before they would have you go into a facility, strap you into all their probes and monitors and sensors, and then you attempt sleep there while someone monitored you throughout most of the night. These days, they send you home with a little finger clamp and you can do your normal routine. You drop it off the next morning and then you get your results like a week later.
As troublesome as it is being on sleep therapy with CPAP, the quality of sleep I get now that I’m on it and used to it is night and day better. I sleep soundly throughout the whole night, I have vivid dreams again, I don’t wake up to pee at 3am anymore, and I don’t get headaches or migraines anymore when I sleep in on weekends. Most of all, I’m not nodding off during the day or getting road delirium/drowsy driving which is what drove me to seek help in the first place.
Bloody hell, from making a joke to actual advice. Sleep quality might be the issue, because I’ve tried various sleep lengths, no caffeine, no hectic stimulation or all the other advice you’ll read online. I’ll have that checked out. Thanks for the tip!
I hate the after lunch sleepies lol
Sleepy Don.
So many lawsuits would drain anyone.
Not to mention criminal proceedings!
Drowsy Donald
LOL remember when Sleepy Joe was the decrepit old man challenging young, virile Rambo Trump?
There will forever be conspiracies about how Biden always planned on being a one-term president and was never serious about winning the nomination.
She should hit Trump back with some nicknames like what Trump does to other people.
Sleepy Don. Meatball Don.
Drowsy Don to quote buycurious’s reply
This is getting out of hand, guys.
Ugh I really wish we could avoid astroturfing or exclusively political accounts
Why is it out of hand?
Yeah, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be looking at there. Are people not allowed to create new accounts, or…?
Should have a temp ban on any accounts under 30 days until after the election.
Can you be more specific? What is the issue here, the name?
I see a new account with almost no activity… So…
It is boomer-facebook level political cringe, is what it is.
And how does a screenshot of their user page show that?
By contrast, Joshua R. Simmons, Harris’s White House doctor released
I love how the grade-school English gaffe by the ‘professional’ writer reads as if he’s calling us Joshua. The American ghost-comma strikes again, delimiting the subclause in spirit only.
For the haters, that sub clause should be Harris’ White House doctor. That’s the side context they’re trying to bring in. They also could have just not named the guy.
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