Because this is common knowledge and you can google the information for yourself. You’re attempting to interject doubt into the conversation using a dog whistle.
As a transwoman, I’m VERY familiar with concern trolling. Used to see “trans allies” everywhere on Reddit back in the day pulling up with the
“I dunno, I support transpepole, but maybe see a therapist instead of getting on all those hormones?” (Who the hell did they think was prescribing the hormones?)
“I’m all for you being gay, but doncha think you’re taking it a bit too far?” (Lesbian Transpeople exist and they knew that)
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit dismissive of real, oh sorry, I mean biological women? You’re moving a bit too fast!” (TERFs still use this one… though they don’t pretend they’re “totally allies” though)
That actually taught me a lesson. I started to recognize a pattern and see how people would apparently search for terms to brigade. Other ones that will bring out the trolls are conversations about rent control and Zionism. Basically if you make a random and insubstantial comment and a whole lot of people jump on you over it, then I tend to wonder what they are after.
That’s not a dog whistle, a dog whistle is a phrase or word that has a special meaning to group its intended to been received by. I.e. something that will only be noticed and picked up by them.
So if we were having a discussion about WW2, and I mentioned the Holocaust, you would make me prove to you that it’s real before continuing the conversation?
Or… Is it something that has been thoroughly researched, with a general consensus among experts about the specifics so therefore doesn’t need to be proven every time it’s mentioned?
Why not? It’s not unreasonable to ask for evidence or am I supposed to just take your word for it?
Because this is common knowledge and you can google the information for yourself. You’re attempting to interject doubt into the conversation using a dog whistle.
They call it “Concern Trolling”
Concern trolling is the most annoying troll, too. “I’m just asking questions” and circle arguments over and over.
As a transwoman, I’m VERY familiar with concern trolling. Used to see “trans allies” everywhere on Reddit back in the day pulling up with the
“I dunno, I support transpepole, but maybe see a therapist instead of getting on all those hormones?” (Who the hell did they think was prescribing the hormones?)
“I’m all for you being gay, but doncha think you’re taking it a bit too far?” (Lesbian Transpeople exist and they knew that)
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit dismissive of real, oh sorry, I mean biological women? You’re moving a bit too fast!” (TERFs still use this one… though they don’t pretend they’re “totally allies” though)
I heard it all, many MANY times…
That actually taught me a lesson. I started to recognize a pattern and see how people would apparently search for terms to brigade. Other ones that will bring out the trolls are conversations about rent control and Zionism. Basically if you make a random and insubstantial comment and a whole lot of people jump on you over it, then I tend to wonder what they are after.
I’m cracking up, that’s hilarious. I hope you asked them the same thing about being straight lol
One of my favorite lines I’ve said, was someone accused my lover of being gay because of the fact that I “used to be a man”
I accused the transphobe of being a pedophile, ya know, because his girlfriend used to be a child.
I like to call it JAQing off.
That’s not a dog whistle, a dog whistle is a phrase or word that has a special meaning to group its intended to been received by. I.e. something that will only be noticed and picked up by them.
What is common knowledge?
It’s common knowledge you’re trolling.
Really? Give me just one example.
You can take a character study on the average republican as evidence
I don’t know if OP is a republican but I find their response strange, almost like they got caught chatting shit.
As far as I can tell is associated with George Takei which seems to refute their assertion that it’s some far right publication.
I wouldn’t assume they’re a republican, just that they assumed you were sealioning when you weren’t.
Don’t you just love an old fashioned dogpile? This place isn’t that different from Reddit, sadly.
It turns out the real thing we were trying to escape from was the friends we made along the way
With friends like these …
Heigh ho. Have another downvote! Collect enough and maybe you can get a discount on that sanewashing detergent. You’re using it at an alarming rate.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Fucking lol.
Good talk. Have a great day.
Please enjoy this complimentary bag of dicks to eat.
Seriously, what is your problem?
There’s only room for one Tucker Carlson in this world, my astoundingly-persistent-in-his-attempts-to-just-be-asking-questions friend.
OK, I give up. You’re either trolling or not capable of reading at an adult level. Either way, really fucking easy block.
Because it’s not the job of random internet strangers to do research of widely available information for you?
So the concept that if you state something as a fact you should be able to prove it, that’s just not something we do here?
So if we were having a discussion about WW2, and I mentioned the Holocaust, you would make me prove to you that it’s real before continuing the conversation?
Or… Is it something that has been thoroughly researched, with a general consensus among experts about the specifics so therefore doesn’t need to be proven every time it’s mentioned?
Of course not. I was asking OP to back up their statement that is some kind of QAnon organization. How is that unreasonable?