Through my years of mmo and rpg gaming I’ve tended to swing between the two extremes of the warrior/wizard dynamic.
Some days I just want to be a dumb tank in full armor soaking up hits and acting as a wall for squishier classes. But then there’s days where I love being a glass cannon that can kill something in 1-2 nukes but a strong breeze can kill me.
The least fun I’ve head with a class was as a healer druid in Everquest. Something so stressful about the party relying on you for heals and if you wipe it’s generally your fault. idk how people dedicate themselves to a class like that.
healer/support or mage
Sorcerers et al have always spoken to me, so I beeline for those if no one else is playing them in the group. If magic were real I would be a Shantotto or a Matoya, no question. Leave me alone with my frogs and brooms, all of you are losers. In FFXIV specifically I play the dwarf/gnome race, and small wizards are only a little bit cliche, so Iike being a beefy tank. I am small and fat IRL and if I could swing an axe like that with the rage of a thousand beasts you fuckin bet I would
If magic were real I would be a Shantotto or a Matoya, no question.
Based. I’d probably be out here doing some Quickthinx shit.
I tend to pick weirdo outsider classes, but also in ttrpg parties tend to slot in around other players.
Paladin with a big two handed reach weapon and tries their best but has trouble rigidly following their code.
I’ve enjoyed playing high damage character of several varieties (I used to play a good amount of black mage, red mage and monk in FFXIV) but I have more fun playing tanks (I also find it more stressful unfortunately).
In single player games I tend toward melee classes, I find that if I’m playing a ranged class with enemies chasing me down I feel stressed.
In a current D&D game I’m playing a support focused cleric/sorcerer. I get very obsessive about stuff and have trouble not optimizing. I thought it would be very annoying if someone played a warrior with mighty thews and my warrior with mighty thews was just twice as good as killing guys with a sword than theirs, but nobody is mad at the mage who just makes them better at everything they were already going to do, plus I tend to play my character pretty cheerleadery anyways.
Spellswords and gunslingers; the latter because I love bringing Morricone energy to a table.
You playing anything cool right now pal? i always worry about you man, you and i lived pretty similarly for awhile (fathers picking fights with us and demeaning us)
Trying out some Darks Ages by Nexon rn. Thanks for your concern comrade.
Fast melee. Don’t have to learn any magic system bullshit, and the game is typically designed around using melee weapons. Lots of games have slow hard-hitting weapons that are just too slow to be viable, but if it’s possible I do enjoy me some caveman ungabunga hit with big stick from time to time.
i prefer DPS style classses but i will always choose the class with 2 handed swords in fantasy RPGs. i would play mages more often but i generally don’t like the ‘big glowing colorful ground markers with area of effect elemental damage attacks’ genre of magic aesthetic, it comes across as gimmicky/fictitious/unimmersive, magic should be liminal/surreal/terrifying imo. i basically kind of hate the WoW style fantasy/videogame aesthetic and genre of RPG, the only one i really even slightly enjoyed was Guild Wars 2 (because huge playable cat guys with 4 ears and 4 horns and no paid subscription)
Usually love playing healer/support classes
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I play some kind of wizard usually. The mage/rogue might be the class fantasy i aspire to most, but in most games its just less interesting than full wizard. Youd think that in a magical society more martials would learn at least a bit of magic on the side, but even ones that have the means just don’t
I tend to try and ‘explain that’ in my settings as ‘concepts of pride and honor are both a lot more prevalent and a lot more subjective. “Honor” to one warrior might mean steel and spells, the next might think the one that came before him is a mewling milksop for the one or two cantrips they’ll throw in a fight’; et cetera.
I figure the latterd get offed by the former given enough time
It requires a bit of finagling; I won’t bullshit.
Firstly, most of my fantasy settings have tangible, undeniable presences of divinity; some of which have those concepts of subjective honor and what have you as full-on domains. So you get the ones who are theologically zealous about it, but you also get the ones who are brash and loud for no real good reason.
Secondly, my settings tend to caveat that regardless of whether it’s used or not, all sapient beings have some manner of thaumaturgical current (be that arcane, divine, psionic, what have you) running through them. Even in those who don’t actively manifest it through evocations, conjurations, your typical wizard/cleric/sorcerer shit, it still winds up giving them the endurance to tank through it as a fighter or a paladin; or dexterity their way around it ala rogue or ranger-- so you wind up with a lot more of those types surviving what would typically be a very quadratic wizard anywhere else than you’d expect. (I can’t have a setting be ALL nerds whipping around Maximized Fireballs and Twinned Thunderbolts.)
EDIT: It’s just now occurring to me how much that sounds like ‘instinctive magic’-- which I very much believe would evolve into a populace that evolved any manner of thaumaturgical manipulation in their ancient pasts.
tl;dr the more brash, ignorant, and loud about ‘honor’ types are still wrong about it when their subjective sense of honor is predicated on “whether or not the foe is ‘using magic’” as the commons would call it-- they just don’t know how or why they’re wrong yet bc I have an aesthetic bias toward turn of the century steampunk/clockwork/magitek vibes; and I like leaving room for named-character innovators.
I always go for gishy spellsword types
I love me some magic. If I’m not doing cool Dragon Ball like energy blasts I’m not interested.
But rn I’m playing oblivion where I find it kind of hard to brute force with mage, so I just use some supplementary spells as a nightblade.
Why I picked up Kineticists for when my GM wants to run a pathfinder table (she actually outright banned me from “any multi-classing swashbuckler into an arcane caster” (and for the record, Sorcebuckler goes HARD), gunslingers, and eldritch knights for like three years because ‘that’s all you play’); Kineticist is straight up Saiyans meet Benders: the Class and no other setting I’ve played has something like it
NOTE, so y’all don’t think I’m at a table with a tyrant: she had a really good point. I’ve been running games w/ her since I was still in school; and in a solid half of that time, I only reliably leaned back on two or three gameplay mechanics at any given time to a point that it was getting in the way of the character work and social scenes. Branching out into other playstyles and having to bend my mind around the differences in buildcraft and how that can make radically different characters for someone who typically builds from mechanics first, it actually did my character writing wonders.