The whispering is all in her head and says she sucks
If your organization is such a clusterfuck that you can’t figure out how to open a PDF, then I’m going to consider that a bullet dodged.
Literally every single browser can open a PDF.
Is she admitting that their organization only uses discontinued, insecure Internet Explorer to use the internet? Is she also opening word files in Microsoft word 2005?
I recently found an ad requiring knowledge of win2000/XP
Depending on the job itself, this actually makes sense for legacy support. My job requires “passable experience with Windows 98SE, XP, and 2000”, but the network-facing computers are all 10 and 11.
I met a company that still has a machine in their production line, that uses 5.25" floppy discs and an amber monochrome display. “Why?” I hear you ask. Because it still works, it isn’t networked, and the floppies next to it are the only ones it’ll ever interact with.
The biggest problem with these dinosaurs is when they stop working. Sourcing parts is getting more difficult.
Nah she’s talking about the ATS systems that filter through all the applicants’ resumes looking for the ones with the highest amount of matching keywords so they can get the number of applicants down to a more reasonable number to interview.
They don’t care if their bots don’t work for your PDF resume because they get so many applicants it doesn’t matter.
I’m surprised this isn’t common knowledge for jobseekers.
It is common knowledge.
Bots can scrape PDFs.
I had about 50 applications of proof where bots scraped the information from my PDF and auto-filled it into the next forms which are again simply re-typing in all of the information from your resume again (which most medium or large companies use anyway which makes the entire point moot). They can scrape PDFs unless you hand-write your resume with bad handwriting so the OCR can’t pick it up.
Unless they got their ATS system from aliexpress, it can scrape PDFs.
Our front desk person, on the computer all day, barely understands how tabs work.
It’s scary.
gen z or boomer?
I don’t like dishing on generational rants, but OMG the mobile device generation is every bit as lost as Boomers are when it comes to the actual functioning of their device or using a PC as an actual work device.
My kids have had a PC since they were four, they’re teens now and they still don’t get a lot of it, but when their friends come over they are absolutely clueless. Use an Xbox or Playstation? IPad? Sure! No problem! Anything beyond that they just give up.
Technology needs to be actively taught and actively learned! If their school isn’t teaching it, maybe try subscribing to some online tech literacy courses?
It should be part of elementary/highschool, like it was for me and most gen Y.
I suffered through word editing, excel, ppt, email setup, etc. on 10 year old machines, and it gave the foundations for my studies and life later.
I feel like I’m about as computer savvy as most gen z. Born in 91, but we was poor, so it was the family dell (that I wasn’t allowed to do much with*) until 2008, got my first laptop in 2009**, it broke almost immediately because poor and cheap, and then got my first smart phone (T-Mobile G1) in 2010, and basically didn’t touch a laptop again until I started school 2020. I basically started over from scratch at that point, but now I run fedora full time and made myself learn some basic stuff, but I would consider myself pretty tech illiterate.
*Because my brother was caught looking at porn, so computer time was severely cut back. Then I was caught sending sexy messages to someone. And then the final nail in the coffin was when I tried to dual boot it with some Linux distro, I don’t remember, borked it, and we had to wipe the hard drive
**Technically I had a netbook before this, in like 07/08, that I used Wubi to install Ubuntu on, and I loved that. But never got more than browser level into it.
Coding-wise I’d hazard that younger generations are on-par or better than my generation. But “jack of all trades” is probably more our wheelhouse.
I’d argue the Boomers are a fair cut above Gen Z. We Gen X folk are the greatest!
Seriously though, we straddled the digital divide. We went from nothing to having to figure it all out. All when we were young and able to learn quickly. FFS, we couldn’t play a simple video game without understanding drives, IRQs, CLI, all that.
The iPhone really screwed Gen Z.
X and Millennials had to do everything manually that our phones now do automatically for us.
Fuck them for not putting the requirement on the application and wasting everyone’s time though
I’m going to take a stab and say she’s a recruiter for a third party staffing company.
They REQUIRE word docs so that they can copy and paste or edit your resume on their template.
Pro tip: take the requirements that they send you and Google search for it. Apply directly with the company and cut them out.
The recruiters also like to remove your name and contact details so that the companies they are selling you to can’t bypass the recruiter.
I mean her profile says she works for “First Search” which sound like a middle man for sure.
And “Chief Candidate Whisperer”? Wtf. Don’t get me started.
is she the person you’re supposed to hire when your Chief Candidates are out of control?
“Is the cheif candidate with us in the room now?”
Unless you open the pdf in gimp or something (and it’s not just a photo, which would be equally bad in a word document) you should be able to copy from a PDF too.
Yeah, I don’t know how to say this nicely, but my experience so far is that HR people are not* exactly the sharpest knives in the kitchen…
It’s not even that (and I think you mean are not).
It’s because they are dealing with literally hundreds of resumes. They want to be lazy and just slap on their logo and be done.
PDFs just make this much harder than they want to put in.
Had Javascript on my resume, and the recruiter send me to an interview for a Java programming job…
The other one asked me to take an online test about cryptography algorithms in node js for a prescreening interview, which is something I never even remotely had to deal with in more than 20 years working for multiple e-commerce, health systems, CMS and other services and websites. Also, no Google or any online sources allowed to solve their questions…
I think most recruiters are legitimately stupid.
Most of them certainly have no business recruiting for people in industries they’ve never worked in and can’t really comprehend the requirements for.
Well duh…PDF stands for “portable document file”, not “readable document file”.
You can send it, but no one can read it.You should use readable text files (RTF) instead.
:::slaps knee::: ohhh that’s Rich
Ahhhh! I finally understand what UTF means now!
Learn how to do your job you lollipop.
“Portable Document Format”. If they can’t open it, fuck them, you don’t want to work for that tire fire.
Reminds me of that greentext about an IT guy for a big business who has absolutely no idea what he’s doing and just keeps telling people over the phone to install Adobe Acrobat, about 2 or 3 times a day at most, and 98% of the time it works.
Thank you stranger for understanding my deep internet references when my wife sure doesn’t lol.
Well, this is obviously ridiculous. If you want to maximise your chances, make it as easy as possible. Send an exe.
You. I like you
If you are an HR manager and you’re unable to open a PDF then you should first try and finish first grade high school before continuing your job.
How many great employees have YOU missed out on because you’re so lacking in basic life skills that one wonders how you found the tit as a baby to nourish yourself…
It’s because they feed the document to a parser and pdf parsers are more involved and may even require OCR. They aren’t unable, they’re inept and cheap
I always think of the one green text where the first thing the person does when they get resumes is to throw the top half of the pile in the bin cause:
Can’t have any unlucky people working here.
Can’t open a PDF? Fine, here is a JPEG of my resume.
Apparently it’s because a lot of agencies use software that automatically scrapes résumés for keywords that match job descriptions and they don’t work very well with PDFs.
This isn’t a PEBCAK error for once, and that’s very surprising because I’ve learned the hard way that your average recruiter is a professional spammer that will flood your inbox with shitty roles whilst lacking the mental capacity to understand that entry level doesn’t mean 5+ years of experience.
She doesn’t know that Word can open PDFs
This has got to be a shit post or engagement bait…