The situation is very difficult in Gaza, especially in northern Gaza. Death is everywhere. Bodies do not stop in the streets. Anyone who leaves their home is killed. Hours ago, a residential square in Beit Lahia was bombed. More than 100 dead. Jabalia has been under siege for 15 days. There is no there. Food, no water, and it is forbidden for anyone to go out to the street. People are waiting for their death there, and the massacres do not stop. People are there under the rubble. There is no one to save them and get them out. I swear to you, there are hundreds of dead in Jabalia since yesterday, and we have lost contact with my relatives there since yesterday.
“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”
Rest in peace bushnell
The only thing I can think of doing is screaming into the void.
Is it a moral failing? Do I personally have the power to do something, but I’m just too lazy/scared to do it? I have no idea.
Go to the Middle East and help us pls 🙂
No! You could go and try to do something by yourself but you’d fail. We need to build the organization where we live to challenge these imperial beasts! We have to build revolutionary socialist parties, or else no one will ever be able to stand up to these monsters.
This fills me with so much rage. Death to the entity.
Stay safe comrade ❤️
They hurt everyone, but what makes the pain even more is that you see all of that and are unable to do anything Thank you, brother ♥
Now that genocide has been normalized, there’s nothing preventing liberals from bringing it home. Personally, I’m expecting homeless eradication squads next.
The American government sends hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel from the American people’s money (taxes), and at the same time there are people from the American people who died in their homes because of the hurricane because they do not have enough money to migrate.
it is incredible that you have suffered such horrifying tragedy and have room in your heart to feel anything at all for hurricane victims on the other side of the world.
you have the largest, strongest heart. ❤️
may Allah keep you safe.
it is incredible that you have suffered such horrifying tragedy and have room in your heart to feel anything at all for hurricane victims on the other side of the world.
you have the largest, strongest heart. ❤️
may Allah keep you safe
We are all brothers and we feel for each other, and whoever does not feel sad about these things is a criminal mouse like the Zionists.
I hope you will try to make those around you aware of the crimes of Israel and Zionism
Thank you for your words and to support for me. You are also a humane and kind-hearted person
I hope you will try to make those around you aware of the crimes of Israel and Zionism
I’m trying. I’m surrounded by people who are horrified about the idea of Trump getting elected, and they don’t get to talk about that around me without having to acknowledge that Kamala & Co are participating in the genocide of your people RIGHT NOW.
they don’t get to shame me for not voting for genocide, and I think I’ve shamed them in these conversations, because none of them have yard signs up for the Dems for the first time since I’ve known them. realistically, I know they probably will still vote for her, and if they do, I want them to feel ashamed and bad.
honestly, I’m beginning to hope that Trump gets elected, because I’m starting to feel like the only way to save you all is to Make America Grotesque Again. maybe the rest of the world would resist his participation in your genocide, because they definitely will help Kamala.
my son is transgender, and here I am, hoping Trump wins
what a world.
Both of them are Zionists,By the way, I hate Trump very much, Biden, and Kamala. I wish there was a candidate who is not a Zionist. The last thing I want is to thank you for everything you have provided and for every advice you have given. I wish you a happy life for you and your son ,I apologize if if I said something that hurt you
What they mean is that liberals in the US were much more prone to resist Trump due to his obviously grotesque nature whereas they will make endless apologies for Kamala because it soothes their ego.
America is fucked.
I like one thing about Trump: he is a frank person when he says something he does, but his problem is that he is a Zionist Contrary to Biden, since the beginning of the war, he has said that he will end the war, but it has not ended yet. Perhaps he will end while the war has not ended .
I was out touching grass all day and didn’t see anything you said other than this, so no harm done here
I hate them all, too.
There is no doubt that most of the people here hate them very much. I hope that everyone becomes aware of Zionism and their danger, and that they are selfish, and the biggest proof of that was on the day of the hurricane, how no one from the American Zionist government helped them and made them die because they had no money Displacement
I dont know if id go so far as to want to trump to win, but i totally understand your prospective.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
How long until libs are going to scold people into voting dems because they are only going to strip Chinese-americans of citizenships and put into camps while the republicans were going to strip chinese americans and black people of citizenship and put into camps.
4 years
I’m so sorry. I hope you regain contact soon and can be as strong as you can.
Thank you brother, I hope it happens as soon as possible
Can we please get a CW for dead bodies
I’m sorry, brother, but I want everyone to see how we die all the time
Understood. People need to know about how bad it is in Palestine. This genocide must be stopped.
After Sinwar’s death, the situation became very difficult, as if we were in the first days of the war. The massacres did not stop
اخي ،هو بقدر يشوف حتى لو إنتا حطيت محتوى حساس
محتوى حساس بس بتغبش على الصورة قبل ما تشوفها
I think he might not know about some of the conventions of this site yet.
Yes ,I’m helping him 😅
I am sorry Mahmoud, I am so sorry. I wish there was more I could do from my home, I wish I had more money to give, more to do than simple protests. I’ve thought of going to the middle east to help, but my body is damaged and I’ve never learned how to fight and I am no doctor or mechanic or anything like that. I am afraid I would be in the way.
You and your people are the bravest in the world and you have been for decades and it is not fair.
Thank you for telling about this. I weep for Gaza. I hope you hear from your family soon.If you come to the Middle East, you will not be able to go to Gaza because the Egyptian government has closed the crossing. The Egyptian government has also besieged us for 18 years. You know, my brother, if you were a resident of Gaza and entered the Egyptian border unintentionally, you would be killed immediately, and this happened with three people, one of whom was not He has a mind and this is clear to him. He was hitting himself and did not know where he was going. As soon as they entered the border, he was killed. He and two fishermen in the sea. The boat entered the Egyptian border due to the difficult weather and were killed immediately. These things happened before the current war.
Thank you, my brother, for your support. Your help means a lot to me ❤❤
Thank you my friend, thank you for telling what is going on and for taking the time to respond. I will visit in better times and I hope they come soon. I will bring all the good things I cannot bring now ♥️ Leve Palestina ♥️
It is an honor for me to come and visit you one day because you are a humane and kind person. Thank you for all this support and beautiful words. I wish you happiness always, my friend. ♥♥
You will always be welcome in my home. It is small, but I have a good kitchen and I love to cook ♥️ It would be a joy to host you and yours.
I hope you, your friends and your family know you have a community here who cares for you. There is help to find if you need something that can be given. If you have not already you can check out c/mutualaid
Thank you, my friend. It is true that your house is small and you have a small kitchen, but your house is big because it contains a free and honorable man like you, and also my family does not think about traveling, just me, and it is impossible for me to do that. Because the Palestinian passport is very weak, and I think it is better to return to Gaza when the war ends.
Thank you so much for the sweet and lovely words Mahmoud
Beautiful people like you deserve everything that is beautiful
اخخخ ي محمد والله من ايام ما اكلت شي ما في نفس للاكل من يلي بصير حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
ولا أنا
From the imperial core, the belly of the beast, some solidarity to you. I feel ashamed.
Thank you for your humanity, my friend. I spoke with many Americans, most of whom were in solidarity with us. The problem is not with you. The problem is with the American Zionist government.
Mahmoud, my words can only do so much. The people of Palestine are in my thoughts constantly, my eyes weep at my quietest moments for them. If i were to speak, it feels like would not be heard, but i do, because those without deaf ears might listen. I do what i can, but i can only do so much. I am sorry. One day i hope to visit a Free and Liberated Palestine, because if i do not, the fight is not finished, and i will not rest.
Don’t worry, my friend. The war will end and Palestine will be liberated. You will come to it while it is liberated one day and visit Gaza and Jerusalem. You will love it very much, especially Palestinian food. It has become one of our dreams for the war to end 😢💔.
cursed world we all have let Gaza down
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل شفتي تقرير قناة mbcالصهيونية بتحكي عن هنية و السنوار انهم ارهابين و حكوا عن سنوار انه جزار وقتل الابرياء قصدهم الابرياء الصهاينة الجنود الاسرئيلية بيحكوا عنهم ابرياء اتخيلي
🙂🙂والله صدقتي يا اختي والله ما تخيلت لهي الدرجة انهم هيك، حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيهم، يوم القيامة موعدهم
من صغري ماكنت مرتاحة من ذي القناة، خصمهم يوم القيامة شهداء
الله يلعنهم من الاول الحرب مش راضيين يحلوا عنا مليون مرة حكينا لهم ابعدوا قرفكم عنا حلو عنا ما عندهم شرف ولا كرامة متل كلاب ديما ينبحون
Humanity has been judged and we have been found wanting. An absolutely abysmal indictment on this world
They have deceived us greatly in their humanity. This war has exposed all governments and people, and we have learned who is against us and who is with us.
There are times when I get overwhelmed by my org work and start to regret joining. Wonder if I should step back and focus on getting my own life together. Then I see news like this.
Thank you, my brother, for everything you do for us and for the Palestinian people. I and the Palestinian people appreciate your effort and the effort of every person who does like you, and we hope that Palestine will be liberated so that honorable people like you can visit us.