The apartment I bought had cabinets with fake, decorative drawers on them. Except it turned out that one of those drawers wasn’t decorative. It was just stuck.
Inside there was a full set of silverware (as in literal silver) from the 60’s complete with the original receipt. It’s worth thousands of dollars. I guess whoever lived there before me was in no condition to pack and the people who packed didn’t know about the silver…
Gonna pull extra hard on my fake drawers tonight.
Psh when I open random stuck drawers all I find is jars of teeth
Do you have any idea what jars of teeth go for these days???
Bro eating good tonight
Expert mode is the tongs that were locked closed when they went into the drawer, and have now expanded 3x the size they should be
That’s the entire reason I use a wine bucket to house big utensils. I used a wide thin grill spatula and all of my patience opening that drawer.
The bucket is slightly bigger around and slightly taller than a cookie jar. It works great.
It used to work great in the old days. Now every utensil needs to have a bulky handle, and I’ve accumulated too many, so there’s just no room in that bucket
That sucks and I hate that for you. And I know how hard it is to throw them out because the second you do you know you’ll need it before you get a replacement.
We use a combination of a tall vase for the big top heavy stuff and an old Jaegermeister ice bucket that came free with something decades ago. Nestled within each other. Holds all of the bigger cooking utensils like spatulas, spoons, tongs, etc.
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Look at money man over here. Showing off his two tongs.
Praise Anoia
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hahahahhahahahahahahhaaahhaahhaha amazing
One of ours gets stuck on the 3 different sets of measuring cups. Why do we have 3 full sets? No one knows!
Because having one means you have to wash that pile of dishes at the bottom of the sink.
Because eventually you’ll break it lose one of the cups and then have 3 incomplete sets that will hopefully provide a full set between them.
Can opener
cannot opener
Mine is pineapple corer and unnecessarily large can opener
If it wasn’t so true
The spatula is a classic one
Forgot the upside down spatula.
And how else would you suggest we pay tribute to Anoia?
Rattle those drawers and praise her.
Oh merciful Anoia, guard our kitchens and protect our drawers!
What is the purpose of the squiggly one?
Mashing potatoes
The hard way. Use the egg beaters (aka hand mixer) instead.
I don’t eat potatoes, I’ve only made them for others at Thanksgiving so I just used a fork, but I think the people who prefer a masher say the mixer overbeats them.
It is liable to turn the potatoes into a purée and into a liquid which is absolutely terrible to serve with anything. It basically turns it into potato soup.
I remember I only made that mistake once years ago. I got lazy one day and decided to use a hand blender to mash some well cooked potatoes… it only took ten seconds to make potato soup. Then I had to make another batch of potatoes after.
Y’all are doing it wrong. There’s a happy medium and it makes the potatoes nice and fluffy.
Human agony and self torture
Potato masher
Not just A potato masher, its THE potato masher. If you dont have that thick af metal wire one you have an inferior potato masher.
The opposite of true unless you’re looking for chunky or over beaten potatoes. Perforated head is vastly superior to thick wire trash.
Why is it, when something stucks, it is always you three?
I’ve been wondering the same thing profesor.
Ty be fair, sometimes it’s the upside-down spatula.
Mine is measuring cups that stack weird.
Found the American :)
Do measuring cups not exist outside of America?
While there are measuring cups, they aren’t a set of cups of fixed volume, like American measuring cups, but rather like beakers with markings on them.
Our baking recipes are also based on the mass of ingredients rather than volume, which frustrates me whenever I see US-based recipes who call out for the “cup” measurement instead of mentioning the amount of grams one needs.
That’s wild! TIL!
We typically use a kitchen scale
So what? I also have a scale which is in no way better than using a measuring cup.
I just found the American, no mention of wether that’s a bad thing. It just makes your nation unique, that you use measuring cups.
Why the hell are they in the same drawer?
You could just buy a utensil crock and never have to worry about it again.
Also box graters go in a cabinet, if you don’t have cabinet space and just keep it in a drawer then get a flat grater (it’s not like you use the other sides of the box grater anyway).