While I agree the orangefuck is 100% capable of this, i doubt seriously his ability to apply this much forethought to anything.
While I agree the orangefuck is 100% capable of this, i doubt seriously his ability to apply this much forethought to anything.
Laugh all you want but this is clearly a top 4d chess move. It’s a little early to tell exactly what it is, but it’s either the I’m rubber; you’re glue gambit, or it could be the neener-neener maneuver. Either way, we should be proud to witness this in our lifetimes.
“Time flies, time crawls You’re a prisoner trapped between its claws Life sucks, sometimes You gotta learn to live between the lines”
Pretty much as written. Time marches forward no matter how I feel about it. My best friend died, people still sat in traffic on the way to work. My wife said she wanted a divorce, the mailman still brought me bills. I made the best chilli I’ve ever tasted and my neighbors cat disappeared. You gotta learn to just accept that life is fleeting and carve out your own space. Find your own joy. Bring your own good time. Because life doesn’t owe you anything and moaning about it won’t make things better.
How long till we send troops into Ukraine? I don’t mean as allies. Reagan is spinning in his grave. (Don’t get me wrong, a grave is where he belongs, but he’d be pretty burned about this)
Ah. Yes, thinking about it like you say it makes way more sense. Thanks.
First letter to the back. Then add ay.
I. Iay.
Smell. Mellsay.
Cookies. Ookiescay.
Yeah, and it turns out the guy that cut me off and brake checked me was in the wrong too. But much like that, it only matters if there’s consequences.
The SS. Uh, i mean the Secret Service.
I mean, he said he’d fuck his daughter too. So it’s not like the creepy alarm can ring any louder. And not just because she looks like Sid from ice age.
Sing it with me!
It’s so nice. I wanna post the same thing thrice.
That’s just patina. We usually charge more for that.
Stop! Or I’ll say stop again!
I can see this working. We just need a workforce that costs no money. Apropos of nothing, how is privatization of prisons working out?
*and unless it’s a D&D night.
Man, if only we were hip to what an asshole musk was a month ago. His fans could have known that buying a cybertruck was going to get negative attention. But I guess there were no signs to warn us. And really, who drives cybertrucks more than single moms living paycheck to paycheck, day laborers, and other marginalized folks? We should just assume that anyone in a gold cyber truck had zero idea what they were doing, had no intention of being an edgy dbag, and only uses it to deliver fresh produce to the local food banks.
Did you see the nazi uniform that guy was wearing? He was asking for it.
Ha. It’s ok for people to not like things and it not be jealousy. You don’t like this opinion, but does that mean you’re envious that they stated it before you got a chance to? Some people don’t like things and that’s ok.
It’s his whole act. He really doesn’t have any martial. He just attracts heckling and riffs on that.
My first, and only really, suggestion is- pay your bill.