Mine is ‘pearly penile papules’ as it sounds like a fancy magic spell.
Toxic megacolon. Sounds like a metal band.
Oooh, good call! It totally does. I bet a Toxic Megacolon show would have a wild and kickass mosh pit.
I recently figured out you can arrange the letters of this word to make a Letter Boxed puzzle:
Mine is Omentum.
I went to med school for a grand total of one semester before I realized it wasn’t for me. But during that semester I went through Gross Anatomy in which you dissect a cadaver bit by bit over the course of (IIRC) 8 weeks. Anyway in the abdominal cavity lies the greater omentum, a yellow net-like contraption that basically spans the stomach & intestines. It’s super cool looking, probably my favorite structure I encountered in gross anatomy.
My least favorite thing about gross anatomy - other than that one really stinky cadaver - was Netter. Oh my god I felt like that text became an extension of my body, I was never not buried in it, along with so many lists of mnemonics. I still remember the mnemonic Roman Togas Don’t Cover Balls to name the parts of the brachial plexus (Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, and Branches).
Synesthesia. That or prosopagnosia.
Ah, I’ve never encountered anyone else using the latter.
Did you know that Brad Pitt claims it?
edit: So do I, in case anyone thinks I’m being disparaging.
My words are taken so imma do a phrase
Like many others, could be a band name. Grindcore, probably. I imagine one of the worst experiences to go though. Vomiting is already terrible… butt now there’s shit.
Worm rot 😍
Hypopotomonstrososqepideliophobia. The phobia of long words
“Endocannabinoid system”. It makes us sound like we just evolved a system specifically for processing THC.
Priapism. Gotta check for it in trauma patients.
Also a phenomenal instrumental progressive/fusion metal band
Thank you for this. My kind of band!
Free. As in free healthcare.
Sounds sexual, but very much isn’t.
Well, not with that attitude!
Any of the big compound medical words are fun to say and construct IMO. Adrenocorticotropic, deoxyribonucleic, those kinda words. They seem big and scary but they’re quite descriptive and once you know the “formula” behind them it’s not too bad. Maybe not the most fun words but I feel good every time I can use one and deploy it like it’s no big deal (ie my mouth doesn’t fuck it up). It’s like executing a big combo with your mouth.
Spastic colon
Eptifabatide. My favorite drug name and people have a hard time with that p to t transition apparently, but it rolls off the tongue for me. Abciximab is another good one, but I’m pretty sure someone just wanted a name to start with ABC.
I like ondansetron … I just picture a dancing robot
I always just pictured Santa Clause.
“On, Comet! Ondansetron! On, Donner and Blitzen!”
Ooh I love this!
Idk if it’s medical or more psychological but the term for when your hear a word so many times it loses meaning is one of my favorite phrases in the English language.
Semantic satiation