Squinting to make out actual letters and kind of succeeding
Squinting to make out actual letters and kind of succeeding
Love to see us all discovering our ecological niches 💖
One month in and you’re writing complex bash scripts!! Keep up the good work! 🎉
That cover art is giving Jack T. Chick
Little Bobby Tables all grown up 😢
Thanks for looking into it! Seems like I will be doing mysef a favor to learn the tried-and-true tools, versus the shiny new thing (did I say shiny? More like shady). Really appreciate the advice, thank you!
Thank you both so much! That seems like a great way to go. Any opinions on using Streamlit for this? I came across it in a search and it seems promising
Well well well That’s quite a switch in opinions
I want another row for N-95 mask! With approving Drake of course
Oh shit, you’re right! I didn’t catch that. Hmmmm
This art seems legit. The hands/fingers look okay, and all the words are spelled correctly. Even “Monopoly” on the money is spelled right, whereas LLMs will usually render “Mmnolypop” or some nonsense
Some enslaved person in Asia now has to continue this conversation with you (Source: No More Bets)
Bouncing on it in an opaque and reductive attempt to dissuade and/or dissemble
Srsly Wrong podcast: Blue Shell Bezos
Still not convinced it’s the guy. Luigi taking the fall while Mario walks free, a tale as old as time
We’ve seen the dude’s pretty eyes and smile. If he’s celebate, it’s voluntary
Because Reddit can fuck right off
What absolutely cursed fonts are those, I need to know