They left out the part where Carolyn Bryant Donham admitted her initial accusations that Till assaulted her—which catalyzed Till’s murder—were lies. Still think they should have sent her cancer-ridden, geriatric ass to prison before she died.
I think we should have taken everything from her except the clothes on her back and left her to live her days on the street.
That does bring a smile to my face, but it crosses the line for cruel and unusual punishment.
🤔 So what does that say about the actual homeless communities in the U.S.?
They’re cruel and unfortunately usual.
There was no initial accusation from her. She lied at the trial, and that’s what she admitted to.
Seems you’re correct that she admitted to lying at the trial, but the reporting and facts about what actually happened are so conflicting and mired in obscurity and time that it’s impossible to say what really happened. Not sure if her telling her husband about it really was the impetus for the crime, but she claimed so at trial. Regardless, she deserved prison.
I mean, 99% of the mentions on reddit say the same thrng. I saw one thread one time where someone clarified it.
I’m not sure what my opinion of a 70 year old perjury is. If someone else set off her husband then she might’ve just been trapped in a really bad and abusive place. The jury was shit. The judge was shit. Nothing that child said or did can justify a murder four days later.
If they actively enforce the rules on criminal charges against defacing a federal monument, then this will be a great honey trap for finding and arresting racist POS’s who come to shoot it up like they already do with the other Till grave monument.
I hadn’t heard of Emmett Till until maybe 5 years ago (thanks American education system). But I was blown away that people go out of their way to shoot up a monument to a brutally murdered INNOCENT child. Just sickening.
where did you go to school
Not OP, I went in Pennsylvania and we absolutely did not learn about Emmett Till.
In reality his story doesn’t play into the civil rights movement or anything else “important” so most classes skip it. It’s usually a general overview of segregation and Jim crow, the court case that established separate but equal. World war one, great depression, world war two, early cold war, then civil rights movement. I was taught Till in Florida though, they squeezed it in with civil rights movement.
Put some camers there and the road to it and you got yourself a nice sting OP. So many assholes are gonna wanna vandalize it.
Gonna need them in Old Miss. Probably want the servers they upload to outside the US as wells so the data doesn’t get “lost”.
Long overdue but still an important step forward.
I think its pretty fair to give a monument. To Emmet till which was brutally murdered, im just surprised they haven’t done it sooner.
There’s a plaque by the lake he was found in, it’s bulletproof because people kept shooting it.
People fucking suck
Right wing racists fucking suck.
Weird… It’s so late it’s almost pointless. How about publicly break Roger stone and the American mafia.
I disagree on it being pointless, America has a long history of ignoring racism. Has it even been a month since Fort Bragg had it’s name changed? And that’s not even scratching the surface of addressing our systemic racism.
Yeah I get it. I can tell that I definitely have a different life perspective than the two users that replied.
I guess I just really have no faith in America changing. It’s dirty from top to bottom.
While I do agree with you, it’s important to remember that the statues of all the confederates in the united states where mostly made in the 50’s and 60’s (referring to the timing of it)… I think, but at least it’s something.
Calling this “almost pointless” is just borderline racist. There is never a discussion on the utility of a statue when a white colonizer gets immortalized.
deleted by creator
Yeah I see that. Idk I guess my mind is more on a side quest of something else I believe is hurting America. It’s good that if that’s something you appreciate and find important that your spreading your word. Everyones got a different role to play in trying to make this a better place.
I don’t think Jason Aldean fans are going to approve.
They don’t put up with memorials to lynched black men in a small town!
What is this Jason Aldean nonsense I keep hearing? What did he do recently?
Wrote a song about ‘Try that in a small town’. Haven’t listened, but apparently is hints at violence towards BLM protesters.
From what I can tell the song is “mostly” ok, herp derp leave us alone nonsense.
What got him in trouble is the video and even more damning is some of the newspaper articles in the background
his song with lyrics try that in a small town is a poorly veiled threat against would be “gun grabbers” to not bother trying that because they’ll shoot you.
it’s textbook republican influencer pandering to a base that hears “theyre coming for our guns!!!” and starts frothing at the mouth while feverishly jerking off. it’s just the easiest way to earn points
Just loving that pandering from Mr. Crime Bill '93, eulogizer of Strom Thurmond.
Pretty sure they heavily damaged the last sign that was put up. Ya know… The bullet proof one…
Using a child dead for 50 years to virtue signal for 2024 election. Democrats were the ones who stood for slavery. Never forget.
And ideologically modern Republicans are closer.
Example: who supported removing punishment of crimes as exemptions for slavery in the recent state votes. Much more democrats than Republicans
What does removing punishments as exemptions for slavery mean.
Thinking it means you can use slavery as a punishment for a crime. Which is how generations of black men and women were still enslaved in all but name in the south, by criminalizing their existence.
Conservatives stood for slavery.
Lol yet you guys are sucking an 80 y/o Trump’s balls because he makes the libs mad.
You guys are the biggest virtue signalers in the country.
Lol funny you assume I like a new york anti gun democrat like trump. You two party supporters are funny.
Fucking idiot
Compared to his predecessor, Biden’s a goddamn genius.
A rock would also be viewed as a genus compared to Trump.
He’s a fucking retarded
The irony of this sentence
And you’re a fucking racist.
See? I can also make wildly ignorant declarative statements. Although… I’m not entirely sure mine is as wildly ignorant as yours.
Would you like to explain what you find to be fucking idiot about having a memorial to a teenager killed because of racism?
I mean if this is the hill y’all want to die on, go ahead.
donkey gordan ramsey meme
68 years later, the US President, uses a heinous crime and a tragedy, for a few more votes.
So Emmett Till should never be honored on a national level?
He should be honored! He should be honored on a national level by the people (the nation).
Not by a party or a career politician.Hey dipwad, we the people elected him.
Edit: specifically he was elected in hopes of doing things like this instead of hiding nuclear secrets in pool houses. It’s a matter of priorities.
Hey milksop, after the ceremony he will go home and hide nuclear secrets in pool houses (what are “pool houses”? Houses with pools?), because that’s his priority. Everything else is just PR.
How do you not know what a pool house is lol
I’m poor. Imagine that.
Okay then, here ya go:
I’m homeless and I know what a poolhouse is
Is he being charged for this? I…thought that was Trump…
idk… i actually don’t care about this stuff since there are no repercussions for any action of those in power, I was just quoting the jellyfish above my post. I genuinely didn’t know that Biden is accused of the same thing as Trump.
idk… i actually don’t care about this stuff
Then maybe just stop talking.
Got it, so you admit you don’t know what’s actually going on, but you comment on it as if you do. Great strategy
Yes Biden (and Pence) found classified documents at their homes. There is a serious discussion as to why people in power are allowed to do this. Presumably it is to enrich themselves once out of office. Other than the classified bit this is probably legal.
The difference is Biden (and Pence) turned over the documents when found and cooperated. Trump is in trouble for lying about the documents and covering up having them after signing multiple affidavits that he has no more.
How exactly do you arrange that on a national level without the president being involved? Especially if you want a permanent memorial?
So you only honor historical events if your president allows it? All your monuments are there because someone in White House allowed it to happen?
All your monuments are there because someone in White House allowed it to happen?
Yes, that’s how national monuments work.
That’s quite beneficial for the people in power. So, you as a nation are also very selective when it comes to historical events you want to preserve?
How is it beneficial? They don’t get any money or power out of it. They just memorialize something that needs memorializing and, because it’s federal, taxpayer dollars go to its upkeep to ensure it stays looking good and doesn’t get trashed. There’s also the matter of protection. Considering a sign memorializing Till was shot, federal protection sounds like a good idea to me.
Good to see the losers are wasting their time trolling on reddit instead of bothering the rest of society at least.
Good thing you’re bothered then, and not the rest of society.
I hope you recover from your massive head injury soon.
Lol stay mad bro