8600 tesla’s sold in three days from 4 dealerships.
2150 per dealership
Assuming a 10 hour workday that’s 71.666 tesla’s sold per hour at each dealership.
8600 tesla’s sold in three days from 4 dealerships.
2150 per dealership
Assuming a 10 hour workday that’s 71.666 tesla’s sold per hour at each dealership.
Like, yeah he was shitty, but he didn’t participate in a violent attack on the nation’s capitol.
Not in DC, but in Miami many of his staffers were involved in a violent riot. The threat of violence was enough for them to suspend the counting of votes, and after a deadline passed, Bush won with a supreme court decision.
Bonus points for similarity, Roger Stone organized a violent protest (riot) with the explicit goal of stopping the counting of votes, for the benefit of republicans.
This works fine for informal things, like a correspondence with a friend, inter office communication, or perhaps a rambling Zine. However, for something formal like a resume, this would be bad etiquette.
Just a side note, If your mistake was found after removing your paper from the typewriter, good luck getting the paper re-aligned on any typewriter without decent detents built into the platen.
Looks like most typewriters before 1973
Typewriters before this time did possess a backspace key, but it simply moved the carriage back one character space so the typist could use whiteout to remove a mistake. When struck, the correction key of IBM Selectric II would use internal correction tape to remove the mistake and replace it with a letter key manually chosen by the user
Read more at the ANSI Blog: Invention of the Backspace Key https://blog.ansi.org/?p=7178
And that’s only after you found the right video codec, and replaced your sound card because yours was outdated.
No, only goatse existed in the '90s, and that’s 1999. Everything else on your list was from the 2000s.
You mean before YouTube existed? Back when downloading a picture took minutes?
A 90s Rick roll would have been someone putting the music video on VHS, then mislabeling it, then sharing it.
A room at the entryway to the house, commonly used to take off rain boots, wet clothing.
Aside from niche communities, and community niches, this place is awesome.
FYI though, this is the world news sub and your post will probably be removed.
Following: I use bookmarks in Firefox (sure there’s a better way, but I’m stuck in mine
“We’re going to keep them out until such time as they agree that it’s the Gulf of America,” Mr. Trump said Tuesday.
But he urged the Trump administration to reconsider its two-week-old ban, saying that case law “is uniformly unhelpful to the White House.”
When it became clear the first ban would be found illegal, they just try another.
Elon deciding there is no conflict if interested is a Conflict of Interest
The stuff you need to make this sort of thing isn’t off the shelf, they would have to buy or build a shitload of these
and its not cheap, these are just maintenance cost (and upgrades)
Ukraine’s gdp is around 170 billion, so it isn’t really something they could afford to just crank up.
On a personal note, I hope we as a species never fire another one of these weapons ever again.
Ukraine does not have nuclear weapons. They gave them up for peace…
Also here’s him criticizing NATO after visiting Russia in 1987
Ok good stuff. Screenshots are unnecessary, but if you were any good at scrolling up, you would have known who you were responding to. Screenshot for reference
I’m responding to this
You need to learn to read usernames. I’ve made no claims
You asked for evidence of legal immigrants being deported. I gave you evidence of AMERICAN CITIZENS being deported.
You: Moved the goalposts.
Physically removed Americans from the United States
A number of Americans have been placed in immigration detention centers to be deported but were later released.[15][16] Up to one percent of all those detained in immigration detention centers are nationals of the United States according to research by Jacqueline Stevens, a professor of political science at Northwestern University.[21]
The following is an incomplete list of Americans who have actually experienced deportation from the United States:
Pedro Guzman, born in the State of California, was forcefully removed to Mexico in 2007 but returned several months later by crossing the Mexico–United States border. He was finally compensated in 2010 by receiving $350,000 from the government.[22] Mark Daniel Lyttle, born in the State of North Carolina, was forcefully removed to Mexico but later returned to the United States from Guatemala and filed a damages lawsuit in federal court,[13] which he ultimately won.[2] Andres Robles Gonzalez derived U.S. citizenship through his U.S. citizen father before being forcefully removed to Mexico. He was returned to the United States and filed a damages lawsuit in federal court, which he ultimately won.[3][23] Roberto Dominquez was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts. He was deported to the Dominican Republic. The government is unconvinced in this case as it claims that there are two people by the same name, both born during the same month and year. According to the government, both children were born to parents with the same addresses, and that one child was born in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic.[24] Esteban Tiznado-Reyna was born in Mexico to a father who had an Arizona birth certificate, which was found unreliable in an immigration court.[25] Tiznado was found not guilty of illegal reentry into the United States in 2008, but ICE still deported him despite the verdict. Documents were uncovered that the USCIS withheld in the 1980s, showing his proof of citizenship.[24]
and this
I want to point out that this list is INCOMPLETE and you should go to the bottom of the Wikipedia page you will see numerous articles depicting the stories of the people above.
You should know: these numbers are from around the middle of the month, federal layoffs aren’t being counted here.