I mean, come on, they don’t even give you enough currency from the pass to buy the next one. Rocket League does it, CoD does it, Red Dead Redemption did it and neither those companies suffered damage to their bottom line.
But no, ActiGreed cannot show any kind of goodwill towards their players
I’m going to disagree. The price of the battlepass is negligible over the three months that it runs for. There should be no expectation that investing a huge amount of time into the game should effectively mean you can receive free updates and content for the rest of the game’s existence.
In fact, I was pleasantly surprised to realise that there is nothing worthwhile in the battle pass, so I just haven’t bought it. If you think the content inside is worth the money, then buy it. I can’t understand this attitude of wanting everything in the battle pass but wanting it for free (or at least a single small payment up front).
I’m gonna say that for a game costing $70-100, an extra $10-25 every 1-3 months for some skins and crafting materials is egregiously expensive, and anyone who thinks differently needs to step back and look at what Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, etc provided for free in years past.
It’s insulting to charge full price for a game, and then put a store in that game. We all already paid at least $70 for this experience. We’re all paying customers, we all deserve better.
I’m glad for you that you’re enjoying the game generally. I’m not; the store and the nerfs and the general culture over at ActiBlizz have left a bad taste in my mouth, so at the end of the day I think to myself that I could go play D4… But I’d rather play something else, and so I do. I don’t plan to buy any future ActiBlizz products, as things stand. We’ll see if things change after the Microsoft acquisition.
I dislike battlepasses in general. I have a lot of problems with them, but what they have inside of them usually isn’t super high on the list.
I dislike the idea of them, but they can put whatever they want in them, imo.
Buy them or don’t buy them. I’d advocate for not buying them …… ever …. Personally.
The argument I usually get in favor of battlepasses is that they ‘find the continued development of the game’. Well, that’s bullshit for a paid game.
But if that’s the argument, shouldn’t people be happy to buy them? I hear people wanting other people to buy them so the game gets new ‘content’ (another arguable term) regularly, but I’m also hearing that people want to buy one and then get all of them forever for free.
If you’re getting the battlepass for free how does that now fund the continued development of the game?
None of it makes any logical sense to me
I dislike battlepasses in general. I have a lot of problems with them, but what they have inside of them usually isn’t super high on the list.
I dislike the idea of them, but they can put whatever they want in them, imo.
Buy them or don’t buy them. I’d advocate for not buying them …… ever …. Personally.
The argument I usually get in favor of battlepasses is that they ‘find the continued development of the game’. Well, that’s bullshit for a paid game.
But if that’s the argument, shouldn’t people be happy to buy them? I hear people wanting other people to buy them so the game gets new ‘content’ (another arguable term) regularly, but I’m also hearing that people want to buy one and then get all of them forever for free.
If you’re getting the battlepass for free how does that now fund the continued development of the game?
None of it makes any logical sense to me
Yep. As they’d said repeatedly, the premium battlepass is just extra cosmetics. You get armour/weapon skins, emotes, titles, horse stuff. Nothing that affects the gameplay at all. The smoldering ashes that have gameplay effects are all available on the battlepass for free without the premium unlock.
The only way the premium battlepass is “worth it” is if you really like buying useless cosmetics. Not my thing, but I figure some people enjoy it.
Agreed. My only real issue I’ve had is it’s one click to upgrade if you got the deluxe or ultimate edition. I clicked it thinking it would give a confirmation like, “You have one free battle pass upgrade due to purchasing the deluxe edition, would you like to use it now?” Either way, I don’t mind paying a bit each season if I deem it worth the money.
This should be a much bigger issue, I’m currently disputing the whole D4 charge over Blizzard telling me they can’t do anything about it.
I agree, there really isn’t anything crucial at all in the battlepass.
That’s a good thing, I hate battlepasses. I’ll end up buying them if I know I’ll complete them but chances are I will rarely ever play enough to complete them
I agree. Getting cutscenes and actual story content rather than just some tweaked changes and a few items added is a good proposition.
For 4-10 bucks every three months that’s totally sane.
I’m also really enjoying the “free pass” season chapters. It gives you some goals to work on if you skip the campaign rather than just renown and farming whispering tree.
I contextualize seasons with expansions. LoD was like 30 bucks? That was two new classes. The runes and charms. Another act, so like 4 more tilesets. It was a good xpack.
Hearts are kind of like the runes. So that’s one out of the three. Guess we’ll see in 3 seasons if the cost/value is there or not. If we don’t have at least one more class I’ll be disappointed.
Initial 10€ and 4€ for each upcoming pass. I could understand this scheme if you were be able to earn plat otherwise like Red Dead Online, but like you already said, even they gave you all your gold back when you managed to finish the pass. IMO corporate greed and the inpatient of the playerbase are the biggest nails in this coffin.
I was scrolling through it yesterday and the free track stood out to me as being especially lackluster as well.
Lack luster for what though. Does anyone honestly really care that much about the cosmetics? It’s barely visible.
I played the shit out of Diablo 3 post-RoS (you know, after it got good 😋). I cannot bring myself to invest in Diablo 4. I only play it to socialise with one friend; I don’t touch it otherwise. ActiBlizz are gunning to take the title of “Worst Gaming Company” from EA, it seems. Thanks, Bobby.
That’s super annoying and stingy. Blizzard Activision is greedy af
Dang, that’s a shame. I’m typically happy with my Hearthstone pass each season, but I think I’ll be avoiding this one.
I figured that if I buy the $10 horse pack in the shop, it comes with 800 platinum. Then the 666 platinum from season 1 would give enough to buy season 2, and the 666 from season 2 would pay for season 3 with the left over platinum.
So $10 and end up getting the battlepasses for the first 3 seasons (including the premium battlepass from the deluxe edition of the game.). And you sort of get a ‘free’ horse.