Oh yeah, I found it - it’s the mask thing that the Skeleton character can make: https://divinity.fandom.com/wiki/Fane’s_Mask_of_the_Shapeshifter
Oh yeah, I found it - it’s the mask thing that the Skeleton character can make: https://divinity.fandom.com/wiki/Fane’s_Mask_of_the_Shapeshifter
I seem to remember the shapechanging helmet from one of the other games. Was it a thing in D:OS2?
Druid creates the basement. Barbarian kills the rats in the basement.
That one’s a side-quest dungeon with a fixed layout. For the “By Three They Come” quest, judging by your quest journal.
Seems nothing we can do actually affects the landscape. Even the druid’s “landslide” doesn’t actually do any environmental damage.
The same way that the basements are 10 times bigger than the houses themselves.
I’ve played all the classes (a couple to 70+, others to 50). My favourite so far has been Barbarian with Hammer of the Ancients smashing everything. Very satisfying and once you get fury sorted then it’s just smash, smash, smash.
Looks like that’s a feature of the mod. It makes the game more like D2, so levels will be reloaded and mobs respawned each time you enter the game.
Progress is “saved” by reaching waypoints. You shouldn’t have to clear the whole level, just make it far enough that you reach the next waypoint. There should be one on every second level.
Yep, and many of the free elixirs you get are quite useless, like “+10% fire resistance”. But they all give extra experience gain so always worth having one up.
I’ve never bothered tracking it because I don’t want the game to dictate when I play the game.
If I was invested in this season, I might have to look up a timer to get the season journey done.
Yeah, seems odd. For other characters, loading their stash space (or heck, even their inventory) doesn’t seem necessary at all. I know you can inspect other players but that only shows equipped gear.
The only thing I can think of is that it’s something to do with trading…?
It’ll break your frozen/cc status, yes… but in the chain-cc scenario, you’ll be back frozen again after that 1 second of unstoppable has expired.
Still, better than nothing. My barbarian pre-season had two cc-break skills and still couldn’t fight multiple cold-enchanted elites without being constantly frozen. Maybe a third in elixir form may have given me the edge I needed to kill them?
Yep. As they’d said repeatedly, the premium battlepass is just extra cosmetics. You get armour/weapon skins, emotes, titles, horse stuff. Nothing that affects the gameplay at all. The smoldering ashes that have gameplay effects are all available on the battlepass for free without the premium unlock.
The only way the premium battlepass is “worth it” is if you really like buying useless cosmetics. Not my thing, but I figure some people enjoy it.
From what I recall, they said that you can do it whenever. Whenever you log into a character that has more progression in altars and map discovery than your account is at currently, your account progress will be updated.
Bonus points if you wait for the quest dungeon to pop up as a Whispers dungeon. Extra extra bonus points if you wait for it to be a Whispers dungeon and then activate a nightmare sigil on it.
No queueing here when I tested it out for 15 minutes. I’m guessing traffic has died down a bit. No way I was going to bother logging in at launch time as it was 2 AM here.
I’d hope there’s at least an achievement. I was disappointed there wasn’t one for getting max renown rewards.
I’m still nowhere close to finishing all the side quests and dungeons. Once I get to WT3/WT4, there just doesn’t seem any reason to grind through all the regular dungeons.
Interesting. Add a feature, remove a feature. Obviously intended to slow down power-levelling, but why walk it back?
I don’t see how “make helltides almost completely pointless” could be a feature. But hey, it’s Blizzard.
Aspect rewards are per-realm. So if another of your characters has already finished that dungeon and unlocked the aspect, it will not show any aspect reward for a different character.
As for not getting the renown progress, is it possible that you’ve already done that dungeon with the current character?