Take a chick on a date you walk down the boardwalk
and take off your shirt cause its hot. She also takes off her shirt and bra and whips them out. In my mind I dont want anything serious with her anymore. She goes under fun but not wife material. Most men I know have this preference also.
Good luck even scraping the bottom of the barrel, but I guess the Karens and the crazy ones gotta have “a breadwinner” too right I mean when you get out of moms basement and get a job.
Im already married with kids and my wife doesn’t go topless in public. Like I dont even need to tell her, she grew up with morals and all that good stuff missing in these 304!
Until they want to get married. Women give access to dating we men give access to marriage. We dont want to marry a 304. Thats why there is a pandemic of single females and its only going to get worst specially if we keep pushing this shit.
Im married to a women dummy! Now you are onto something, they are all sharing a chad that can give a fuck about them. The guys they want dont want em and just because chad bends them like a pretzel and pipes them down doesnt mean he loves them or even likes them. At 30 they hit the wall so spend those years wisely and don’t listen to other single women cause they want you as miserable as they are!
Plenty of "304"s ARE married. Sorry to disappoint.
a pandemic of single females
This is so funny to me, because single women are overall happier than married women, and for very good reasons.
This is far from being a pandemic. It’s a liberation… from shitty men like you, who insist that they’re the prize, simply because they are men. This has been a looooonnnggg time coming.
It’s not what you said. You’re allowed to have preferences and you’re allowed to have your own beliefs about modesty, and to be with someone that shares in those beliefs. It’s the way you said it that reveals shitty attitude towards women. You imply that all women should act in accordance to your beliefs and that they are somehow lesser for not being up to your wifey material standards. The world doesn’t need conform to you. You’re weirdly judgy and you’ll probably get mad that others are judging you and your opinion but you can’t be shitty and not expect people to be shitty back.
I did not imply lesser you did. I said fun! That does not mean lesser. Im judgy cause there is a pandemic of single females, go on youtube and type single mom or just single female. They are all crying that they cant find a husband meanwhile they been doing OF. Actions have consequences my friend.
They can’t find partners because MEN ARE AWFUL. Men (especially young men) are swinging so hard into fascism. Meanwhile, women are swinging the other way; or maybe standing still while the Overton window is dragged away from them. If you are looking for a man under 30, and you are not also a man under 30, you are fucked.
You might have just as well pointed at all the young fascists who can’t find tradwives because they are so fucking toxic. Blaming women is arbitrary.
By your own arguments, women don’t actually behave like that – going topless in public. And you know damn well that most women don’t have OF accounts. And yet we can see a massive swing in young men’s behaviour all over the world recently. Is it because they are men? Is it a coincidence that they are men and behaving badly? I don’t fucking know, but it’s a thing that is happening, and all you have in response is an attempt to deny reality.
NDP is the leftist party. CPC is the right-wing party. PCP is the far-right racist party. Look at the difference between men under 30 and women under 30. This is a real thing that is really happening. It isn’t because of OF. It isn’t because of being topless. It’s because of a profound difference of values. Deal with it.
Take a chick on a date you walk down the boardwalk and take off your shirt cause its hot. She also takes off her shirt and bra and whips them out. In my mind I dont want anything serious with her anymore. She goes under fun but not wife material. Most men I know have this preference also.
“wIfE mAtErIaL”
Good luck even scraping the bottom of the barrel, but I guess the Karens and the crazy ones gotta have “a breadwinner” too right I mean when you get out of moms basement and get a job.
Im already married with kids and my wife doesn’t go topless in public. Like I dont even need to tell her, she grew up with morals and all that good stuff missing in these 304!
Hmmm it’s almost as if men’s opinion on this matter shouldn’t matter nearly as much as women’s
Until they want to get married. Women give access to dating we men give access to marriage. We dont want to marry a 304. Thats why there is a pandemic of single females and its only going to get worst specially if we keep pushing this shit.
Maybe you’re not familiar with many women, but they’re definitely not single because of a lack of options
Im married to a women dummy! Now you are onto something, they are all sharing a chad that can give a fuck about them. The guys they want dont want em and just because chad bends them like a pretzel and pipes them down doesnt mean he loves them or even likes them. At 30 they hit the wall so spend those years wisely and don’t listen to other single women cause they want you as miserable as they are!
Plenty of "304"s ARE married. Sorry to disappoint.
This is so funny to me, because single women are overall happier than married women, and for very good reasons.
This is far from being a pandemic. It’s a liberation… from shitty men like you, who insist that they’re the prize, simply because they are men. This has been a looooonnnggg time coming.
Thats why Im investing in cat supplies and box wine companies!
You’ve been added to my banlist.
Incel detected
How does an incel have a family…. Explain yourself
Just because you still live in Mommy and Daddy’s basement, doesn’t mean you have a family. More like, a family is still stuck with you!
My family meaning my wife and kid. How can I be an incel if some one can explain it to me. They say incel and dont know what it means lol
Incel has moved in English from “involutary celibate” to mysoginistic.
I’m not saying you are but you sure speak like one…
No it has not lol
You’re being attacked by a bunch of simps stuck in the friend zone. Or they are hypocrites who definitely wouldn’t want their SO on Only Fans.
You should meet better men. Really fuckin bizarre take
They are all hard working family men. It don’t get better than that! Their wives dont think showing her tits in public is a good thing either.
If a woman taking her breats out in public is enough for you guys to only reduce her to only “fun” is disgusting
Ohhh I forgot you are the only person’s opinion that matters. Got it!
It’s not what you said. You’re allowed to have preferences and you’re allowed to have your own beliefs about modesty, and to be with someone that shares in those beliefs. It’s the way you said it that reveals shitty attitude towards women. You imply that all women should act in accordance to your beliefs and that they are somehow lesser for not being up to your wifey material standards. The world doesn’t need conform to you. You’re weirdly judgy and you’ll probably get mad that others are judging you and your opinion but you can’t be shitty and not expect people to be shitty back.
I did not imply lesser you did. I said fun! That does not mean lesser. Im judgy cause there is a pandemic of single females, go on youtube and type single mom or just single female. They are all crying that they cant find a husband meanwhile they been doing OF. Actions have consequences my friend.
They can’t find partners because MEN ARE AWFUL. Men (especially young men) are swinging so hard into fascism. Meanwhile, women are swinging the other way; or maybe standing still while the Overton window is dragged away from them. If you are looking for a man under 30, and you are not also a man under 30, you are fucked.
You might have just as well pointed at all the young fascists who can’t find tradwives because they are so fucking toxic. Blaming women is arbitrary.
Ahh yes the men blaming has begun. It has nothing to do with their OF accounts or showing their tits in public. Got it!
By your own arguments, women don’t actually behave like that – going topless in public. And you know damn well that most women don’t have OF accounts. And yet we can see a massive swing in young men’s behaviour all over the world recently. Is it because they are men? Is it a coincidence that they are men and behaving badly? I don’t fucking know, but it’s a thing that is happening, and all you have in response is an attempt to deny reality.
and you wonder how we all know you’re fragile and misogynistic.
The post is about women showing their tits try and keep up here! You are all over the place!
Take a look at this data.
NDP is the leftist party. CPC is the right-wing party. PCP is the far-right racist party. Look at the difference between men under 30 and women under 30. This is a real thing that is really happening. It isn’t because of OF. It isn’t because of being topless. It’s because of a profound difference of values. Deal with it.
Link pls
https://www.ekospolitics.com/index.php/2024/08/conservative-party-experiences-largest-decline-since-pierre-poilievre-assumed-leadership/ Reverse image search exists, you know
PS: I date men and women. Where’s your insight into dating men coming from? Sitcoms?
You date men??? I thought they were awful???
We found an incel in the wild, holy fuck. Just as pathetic as we had been led to believe!
Incel with a family… please explain???
Calling women females is at best weird and insensitive for example.
I got big time Ferengi vibes from that comment.
Calm down, take your pill 🤣
Nothing to add I see!