The only way out of wage slavery is to exploit others before you are exploited.
No thanks.
And if that’s not for you there’s always zero effort stream of conscience rambling while avoiding any and all low-hanging fruit joke posts (those are the worst let me tell you, part or most of why reddit is absolute shite, people clamoring to say the exact same thing for meaningless internet points while everyone has absolute fucking zero suspension of disbelief because it’s basically the most beaten-to-death horse in Dead Horse Valley but somehow the sub-100 IQ crowd inevitably jerks to it and sends it to the top)
Life out there’s like a river, turbulent, but we are destined for the sea, calm and vast.
Guys, please do not skip leg day.
That is some damn high quality shit right there
The swimwear and loafers sure is a look.
Not the only way. You can work for yourself if you’ve got the skills.
Every job i take is completely voluntary and involves me exploiting nobody.
I know not everyone can, but there are ways to make a living outside wage slavery. Is my point.
Fuck yeah! Go Israel.