The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself. — Carl Sagan
why the need to grandiosity?
just dust
nothing cosmic about it. And not dust at all, just a human typing on a screen. There’s a purity to dust that we shouldn’t reclaim. Is the moon full tonight?
Everything heavier than lithium was created either in the heart of a star over it’s lifetime, or during its death in a supernova. We really are cosmic dust, or as Carl Segan called it, “Star Stuff”.
Remember, there is: Life is meaningless and nobody cares :(
Life is meaningless and nobody cares :)
I’m currently on the :(
I wish everyone a great day, even though I’m in a dark place at the moment. Please hug someone for me.
I’ve had some dark times. Especially when I lost my religion.
Existential crisis is depression’s brother. They often travel together.
Figured out that my purpose is taking care of my people.
My people are my immediate family, friends, people in our small alternative subcommunity, pets. It’s sort of like a tribe and is small enough I can wrap my head around it instead of the world and society at large. It appeals to the pagan inside my inner atheist.
Find someone or something external to yourself to care about that you can meaningfully help and take care of. I’ll give my wife a hug for you.