Lol yeah, I did then same thing but went a little overboard. I type Colemak on my split ortho tented keyboard exclusively. I also learned to properly touch type on colemak. I’ve trained my muscle memory to the point I cannot type colemak on anything other than my split and If I try and touch type properly on a qwerty keyboard I end up defaulting back to colemak. To me they’re almost entirely different skillsets!
I’m sorry dude but in the gentlest way possible, you’re relying on conspiracy theories to avoid confronting reality and justify your beliefs. It’s exactly the same as what q-anon and trump nutters do. I realise that its a coping mechanism to help you deal with the state of things but you can’t change anything for the better if you can’t engage with reality.
I know shit feels hopeless now but I promise there’s things you can do now that will genuinely improve life for yourself and the people you care about. Join communities, volunteer for causes you believe in, get involved in protests, and try and form those social bonds that help break people away from conservative and maga centric thinking. If you think about it, regardless of whether what you believe is true or not, these are still things that will improve life for people who are suffering now.