I almost forgot about Dre once
Nowadayseverybodywannatalkliketheyhotsumsay butnothincomesoutwhentheymovetheyrelips justabunchofjibberish andmuvamohsmsosje becausetheyforhotaboutdre
The Alamo is worth being forgot about. It’s always told as a feel good story but it’s actually just kinda fucked up. Pretty on par for American history
What about the Lusitania? There’s so many things we forgot to remember!
Clearly, you haven’t seen PeeWee. I ONLY remember the Alamo.
I think that only applies to Texans.
Fuck 'em, I do what I want.
If that were the case, how did you know to post about it?
Forget about Dre though?
As all things will be forgotten. So it goes.
Weren’t they telling Mexicans not to forget the Alamo? I’m not Mexican, so I shouldn’t need to remember the Alamo
Aren’t we all Mexican on the inside?
Only on taco tuesdays
The Alamo’s a story of American expansionism by an ungrateful group of settlers welcomed by Mexico.
America are the bad guys in the Alamo story.
Remember that’s the first time Texas fought for slavery.
“Have some apple pie. Oops, can’t forget the ala mode.”
What the fuck is an Alamo? Is it like an Internet but with less porn?
The bicycle is in the basement