Colin Gray, whose son is charged with the slayings of 4 people at Apalachee High School, asked a judge to be separated from other inmates behind bars.
The comments on these stories are always filled with “You should be safe in prison but fuck this guy because he did x”
You realize that’s why things just keep getting worse right? Cause y’all will always come up with exceptions. Every. Single. Time.
It’s black or white folks. Going to prison shouldn’t be a death sentence and you shouldn’t be attacked regularly. There are no gray areas here.
On one hand, you should be safe in jail to serve your time. We aren’t animals and treating criminals inhumanely or allowing as such is just perpetuating a cycle.
On the other hand? Fuck that guy.
True… Once we start talking about more ethical treatment of prisoners, it gets embarrassing fast when we have to confront the fact that not only is most or all US incarceration not intended for any personal or societal benefit or protection, but it is actively seeking to enslave the population for shareholder value.
An entirely new philosophy of how criminal offenders should be dealt with is needed, but I’m not even sure those cards are in this deck.
Agree. If folks don’t believe in safely and humanely handling prisoners they effectively permit prison rape as a common and acceptable thing.
I don’t think that’s alright.
This dude is a criminal and I hope serves time due to his actions. He shouldn’t be raped or assaulted while there. He should be incarcerated.
One source told CNN the AR-15-style rifle was purchased at a local gun store as a Christmas present. The timeline the teen’s father provided to authorities would put the gun purchase months after authorities first contacted Gray and his family to investigate school shooting threats made online.
Yeah, fuck that guy.
Even if the purchase was made before first contact, the gun was given to the kid after first contact, that’s all that matters.
“your son wants to shoot a lot of kids”.
Ok here’s an auto rifle, son!What the fuck.
No other hand. He, and every other inmate, deserve and must be protected so they can serve their time safely.
Christmas isn’t too far away. May be he can gift an AR-15 those who threaten him.
Oh, threats of violence you say? We should definitely look into that, maybe go talk to a few inmates with some softball questions, dismiss their batshit crazy answers, and never follow up.
Maybe even buy guns as Christmas presents for the inmates making the threats!
Hello, Officer!
I believe him. I’m sure there are people in there who consider his actions reprehensible. He got children murdered through his recklessness.
I’m guessing “incalculable” to this cocksucker is about three though