Retreats in fear
Brave Sir Donald ran away. Bravely ran away away!
I didn’t! You’re lying!
Back before the 2016 Conventions Trump challenged Bernie Sanders to a debate. Bernie jumped at the chance and Cadet Bonespurs had to run away from his own challenge.
Trump is on tape telling people in the room that the only person he’s afraid of is Sanders.
Fast forward to now and he’s apparently added Harris to that list. It’s beautiful.
Bernie can control a room on power of pure charisma, force of personality and personal authority in a way few people are capable of. Just watch his Fox News town hall.
That’s a weird way to spell “objectively good policy.”
His policies are obviously great, we all know this. But you can’t go into a hostile environment like a Fox News Town Hall and completely dominate proceedings on policy alone.
Calling it now:
Since there’s not enough time left for him to recover from this brutal ego bruise, I predict he’ll only do rallies from now on, or appearances on far-right media, because he’ll retreat to his snowglobe for reassurance for a while. He’ll avoid addressing Kamala directly, but he’ll ramp up his own network and rile up his mob. His team will struggle to rein him in, and some appearances might be cancelled.
e: once he gets tired of being reassured, he’ll double-down on the unhinged scale
I get use this image nearly daily.
with Harris’ team unsuccessfully pushing for both candidates’ microphones to stay on even when it was not their turn to answer.
Wait a minute, Harris’ team was the one pushing for always-on mics? That’s actually such a flex lol.
I think it would have been a smart choice. The rationale behind muting was trying to force both parties to having a nice, civil discussion, to force decorum upon the proceedings that formerly was just a given, but generally not respected by Trump, by his nature.
However one part of the first debate was that the muting might have saved Trump from his own worst impulses. To be sure, Biden made his own problems that were far far worse, but part of Trump looking relatively reasonable in his conduct that night was being forced only to speak in turn.
Slam dunk is if you let him put his unhinged nature and unreasonable behavior on full display, while also managing to manage him so that you are still heard.
I would not be surprised if a career in the courtroom dealing with all manner of hard to deal with people is the best prep anyone could ask for to deal with a personality like Trump.
Yeah, I imagine that was the strategy, more or less. It’s a bold one.
Not really. It was always her tactic to make him go nuts. Provoking him into shouting over her would have gone along with that and just made him look bad.
Therein lies the flex - it shows how predictable and manipulatable trump is.
Yep lol. That is the flex.
Someone needs to build a huge projection screen outside his rat infested shithole in Florida, and every night he’s there, replay the debate for him.
Project chickens onto Trump tower. It’ll hit the news, he’ll see it, and it’ll push him into another debate. His people can’t control him. The might be able to manipulate him to some extent (e.g., “you don’t need to debate again, you won. What else is there to say/do? All you could do is lose. Leave it on the W.”). So, if you goad him enough, hell agree to another one.
Bawk! Bawk bawk! Bawk!
Coo coo ca cha!
Cha-chee cha-chee cha-chee
Has any of you ever SEEN a chicken?
A coodle doodle doo! A doodle doo!
She needs to still show up as scheduled, say that just because trump won’t make time for the American people doesn’t mean she will ignore them
Either he takes the bait and shows up, or she dominates the news cycle now, before the debate, during the debate, and after it
The whole time trump won’t be able to talk about anything besides the debate and how it’s not “fair”.
It’s the common sense move, so I’ll be surprised to see it, but I hope they do.
She needs to still show up as scheduled, say that just because trump won’t make time for the American people doesn’t mean she will ignore them
That reminds of the 2020 presidential election in Poland when both candidates did exactly what you describe - they debated at the same time but in separate studios. And the story how it came to that is wild.
This was after the first round of the elections (where two candidates are selected for the second round), which involved things like last-minute rescheduling of the elections, last-minute candidate swap and effectively throwing away 20 million dollars of public money. Currently there are several criminal investigations conducted against people involved in organisation of that first round. And of course it was all in the middle of the pandemic. So the political chaos was at its absolute peak.
The two candidates were the country’s president representing then ruling party and capital city’s mayor representing then biggest opposition party. Both of course wanted the debate. The issue was that then ruling party turned the public broadcaster into a party propaganda machine compared by experts to that created by Goebbels. And the core of that propaganda was that the second biggest (private) broadcaster in Poland (owned by Discovery Group) is anti-Polish and cannot be trusted.
Both broadcasters offered they can organise the debate. The private one I believe was also willing to jointly host it. But the ruling party candidate couldn’t agree to a debate hosted by the private broadcaster because that would significantly impact the propaganda and expose his many wrongdoings to the manipulated ruling party voters.
On the other hand, the opposition candidate couldn’t agree for the debate hosted only by the public broadcaster because that would effectively be 2 hours of him trying to deny lies spread by hosts and the other candidate.
The 2nd round was coming close and no compromise has been found. So on the same day the two broadcasters prepared their studios for two candidates with audience. Ruling party candidate went to public broadcaster, opposition candidate to private one. Both declared the other as a “no-show” and proceeded to have a “debate” with hosts and audience.
Few days later the opposition candidate lost by a small margin.
What a clown show
Just treat the debate as normal, but they just swap to the empty podium where Trump should have been.
After the debate they say Trump showed a marked improvement this time.
Clint Eastwood tried that and it was cringey as fuck