Fucking windsock
Fucking windsock
Yes, defense, where the majority of waste is. Cool.
Oh goodness me, no. Think Rose Art vs Crayola, respectively.
The amount of “OREGUNIAN” and Sig Sauer decals on people trucks, cars and the occasional Jeep Liberty in my area is tragically comical. Just drive through any neighborhood where garages aren’t common and you could pick out ten houses to rob later.
You couldn’t ask for a bigger target to paint on yourself.
Ironically, with 71% viewer share, Fox News commands the “main stream” podium. This information is lost on those 71%
“… full-scale bonkathon”
I approve of this
Master Race (in Outer Space) - The Vandals
Marching the Hate Machines Into the Sun - Thievery Corporation
Fuck every single person that voted for this doofus rapist shit head. Furthermore, fuck every registered voter that decided to sit this one out because, “reasons”. Our country alone arguably deserves the fallout this coward shitstain will stir up, the rest of the world absolutely does not.
I really thought his handling of the covid pandemic (among everything else) would have been a wakeup call to Americans that he is beyond dumb as fuck. He clearly and plainly fucked it every single step of the way. I have since tempered my expectations of my fellow countrymen. Apathy, racism, ignorance and incuriosity will doom this institution.
Pff, hold our beer. We have just under four years to show how monumentally ignorant, apathetic and subservient we can become. After that, who knows? My crystal ball just shows brand-sponsered schools and overflowing private prisons.
If nobody did anything meaningful over the past eight years about this, I don’t think there really is a limit. When the education system takes a nose-dive and what is available is neo-Christian/capitalist indoctrination, it’s only going to get worse. I’d sure like to think the opposing party had the grapes to stop this nonsense dead in it’s tracks, but again - eight years and I guess we are just cool with it all. I want to love my country, but JFC, it is sure hell-bent on ghost-riding it into a christo-fascist idiocracy.
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"You may have a Nazi flag. You may have a confederate flag… "
I mean, hey, who doesn’t for just such an occasion?
I’d like all of him to be put into a tar pit for future paleontologists to study.
Well, at least the average IQ of the Trump cabinet just increased slightly.
Sounds about right. No pun intended.
That was exactly my turning point. It was so unnecessary. It really exposed what a immature, petty, shithead he is. After that instance, all of his try-hard poser traits were out in the open and his lies stated stacking up over his head. I knew kids like him growing up, the difference is that I felt bad for them and they grew up. He is emotionally stuck as an awkward chump who tries to believe that people are laughing with him.
I don’t get excited for any of his projects any more, even though they are both impressive to some degree or another and many jobs with honest and skilled people are attached to said projects.
If there is one thing he impresses me with, to this very day, is his ability to absolutely shit the bed
Where can I send them a letter of confirmation?
ICE thinks Taco Bell is authentic Mexican cuisine.
IIRC, it was Vance and Trump that led that, or am I repeating the headline?
You mean he polled a number out of his ass. He doesn’t need to go through the effort of asking anyone to get an actionable result. The results from bots and racists would have been similar anyway.
If DOGE was a movie, it would be Sausage Party.