Edited title to add “Candid”
That’s the smile of a cyborg that shot a scumbag in the dick. Gotta love Peter Weller. He was also Batman!
I was watching my 6 year old nephew and we saw Peter Weller, so I told him that’s the guy who played Robocop. Of course my nephew wanted to meet him, he was nice and asked what my nephews favorite part of the movie was… unfortunately, my nephew excitedly said, “when you shot the bad guy’s wieners off!”
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Schools are allowed to exercise “reasonable” discresion
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That’s not what free speech means.
Anyone can say anything they want at any time. What people forget is that words may come with consequences.
Schools must have rules for a number of reasons, mainly because they are full of kids. Dress codes for schools apply across all students and must not discriminate. So, if a school has a rule that any words can’t be on shirts, no child can have words on their shirt.
Here is a breakdown for you: https://www.freedomforum.org/school-dress-codes/
What you are talking about has been in the courts a number of times.
Freedom of Speech is not freedom from the consequences of said speech.
By that definition even the Chinese have freedom of speech.
What we are saying is that you can say anything you want but there should be reasonable limits.
Freedom of speech covers most opinions and ideas except when words present a direct threat to others.
China can and does censor things on a broad scale and as an example, calling the government or dictator stupid would probably get you tossed in jail. That is not freedom of speech.
They said their speech, and got the consequence of being jailed for it, exactly what the comment I responded to said, my point is that freedom of speech doesn’t actually exist.
Well hate speech is free speech too. Schools don’t want to foster that behavior and so they can make and enforce policies to create the learning environment that they want. Also your argument works for bringing guns into schools too. The second amendment is above those school policies too.
Just a reminder that cops are bad enough and robotic cops will be even worse!
Also why is there a Photoshoped hole in Peter Wellers crotch? Did that guy finally get sweet revenge?