Self-proclaimed historian Darryl Cooper claimed Winston Churchill ‘was the villain of Second World War’ and that millions of people ‘ended up dead’ in Nazi concentration camps
He went there to support Home Depot’s lack of opposition to the Georgia voter suppression law that made it illegal to give people standing in line to vote food or water
Yes, he’s that much of an anti democracy weirdo
No, he’s clearly never been to a Home Depot or any other home improvement store
No, he wasn’t going to build anything with a single board of wood even shorter than he is
No, there’s no reason other than (completely unnecessary for anyone who knows what Home Depot sells since the name is behind him in letters much taller than him) branding and pure idiocy to put one board in a plastic bag.
Yes, the person working the checkout definitely asked him “are you sure you want me to put it in a bag? We don’t have one that fits…”
Yes, the fact that the unnecessary bag is plastic might well be a childish “haha I’m using oil based resources unnecessarily! In your face, snowflakes!” message to people who care about climate change
Yes, he called the board “magnificent”
Yes, he’s enough of an out of touch weirdo that he did this with a straight face, thinking it would make him look like a badass defender of freedom rather than a sad little weirdo doing performative nonsense to excuse the inexcusable from demagogues on his “side” while demonstrating his “never did physical labor in his life” privilege
Yes, he’s also the guy whose wife is a doctor with a dry ass pussy
bro they have supermarkets? in russia?
Hes a trust fund kid. Probably the first supermarket he’s ever been inside.
Big “Ben Shapiro goes to Home Depot” energy 😄
First time I’ve seen this one. So many questions!
Allow me to answer a few potential ones:
He went there to support Home Depot’s lack of opposition to the Georgia voter suppression law that made it illegal to give people standing in line to vote food or water
Yes, he’s that much of an anti democracy weirdo
No, he’s clearly never been to a Home Depot or any other home improvement store
No, he wasn’t going to build anything with a single board of wood even shorter than he is
No, there’s no reason other than (completely unnecessary for anyone who knows what Home Depot sells since the name is behind him in letters much taller than him) branding and pure idiocy to put one board in a plastic bag.
Yes, the person working the checkout definitely asked him “are you sure you want me to put it in a bag? We don’t have one that fits…”
Yes, the fact that the unnecessary bag is plastic might well be a childish “haha I’m using oil based resources unnecessarily! In your face, snowflakes!” message to people who care about climate change
Yes, he called the board “magnificent”
Yes, he’s enough of an out of touch weirdo that he did this with a straight face, thinking it would make him look like a badass defender of freedom rather than a sad little weirdo doing performative nonsense to excuse the inexcusable from demagogues on his “side” while demonstrating his “never did physical labor in his life” privilege
Yes, he’s also the guy whose wife is a doctor with a dry ass pussy