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I hate his fucking stupid face so much
bro they have supermarkets? in russia?
Hes a trust fund kid. Probably the first supermarket he’s ever been inside.
Big “Ben Shapiro goes to Home Depot” energy 😄
First time I’ve seen this one. So many questions!
Allow me to answer a few potential ones:
He went there to support Home Depot’s lack of opposition to the Georgia voter suppression law that made it illegal to give people standing in line to vote food or water
Yes, he’s that much of an anti democracy weirdo
No, he’s clearly never been to a Home Depot or any other home improvement store
No, he wasn’t going to build anything with a single board of wood even shorter than he is
No, there’s no reason other than (completely unnecessary for anyone who knows what Home Depot sells since the name is behind him in letters much taller than him) branding and pure idiocy to put one board in a plastic bag.
Yes, the person working the checkout definitely asked him “are you sure you want me to put it in a bag? We don’t have one that fits…”
Yes, the fact that the unnecessary bag is plastic might well be a childish “haha I’m using oil based resources unnecessarily! In your face, snowflakes!” message to people who care about climate change
Yes, he called the board “magnificent”
Yes, he’s enough of an out of touch weirdo that he did this with a straight face, thinking it would make him look like a badass defender of freedom rather than a sad little weirdo doing performative nonsense to excuse the inexcusable from demagogues on his “side” while demonstrating his “never did physical labor in his life” privilege
Yes, he’s also the guy whose wife is a doctor with a dry ass pussy
ended up dead in Nazi concentration camps
Anybody familiar with young children will recognize this use of passive voice as the phase where the child admits that something bad happened, but is not comfortable assigning responsibility yet. “The lamp got broken”.
Churchill was the villain his entire life, he’s been hailed a hero despite his history. Hitler was evil too but the number of deaths directly attributed around the world to Churchill makes Hitler look like an amateur. The only difference is Hitlers victims were mostly white, Churchill’s were mostly brown and history always placed a different significance to brown and black deaths
Looked it up, referring to this?
Churchill’s policies to blame for millions of Indian famine deaths, study says
I think the major difference here is malice. Did Churchill set out cause these deaths or was it greed and/or stupidity? Honest question worth discussion, I haven’t heard of this prior.
Policy lapses such as prioritizing distribution of vital supplies to the military, stopping rice imports and not declaring that it was actually a famine were among the factors that led to the magnitude of the tragedy, he added.
So we’re comparing some possible logistics mistakes, in a distant colony, during a defensive war where the ruling country was being bombed on their own soil. Comparing those “incendental” deaths to those of an aggressive conquering army literally rounding up their own citizens and those of the lands they conquered, to be killed.
She wrote that famine was caused in part by large-scale exports of food from India. India exported more than 70,000 tons of rice between January and July 1943 as the famine set in, she said.
That quantity seems pretty low. In comparison, I found an old post that indicated 300,000 tons of food aid had been supplied to Gaza over 190 days, so similar time spans, to a much smaller population.
Of course, exporting food while the residents are starving is terrible. But this is one study and one interpretation of results.
This certainly sounds like yet another bad faith strawman talking point by Nazi sympathizers.
I don’t agree with their point comparing it to the Nazis, but I think this interpretation is being way too generous in reaction to that. Famines in India under British colonial rule were a frequent occurrence. Between 1850 and 1899, 15 million Indians died from no less than 24 major famines. The horrors inflicted through Britain’s nakedly colonial rule were not just innocent mistakes or the product of unexpected circumstances - this was simply the modus operendi of the empire. Frequent atrocities, oppression, and mass death were the status quo for much of the world’s population during this time period.
Obviously, the Nazis had no problem with any of that, they were only upset that they weren’t the ones getting to do it.
Pushing back against the idea that Churchill was worse than Hitler is good, but criticism of Churchill’s role in the famine outside of that comparison is perfectly valid and has academic support, for example, Amartya Sen’s work.
Why does Tucker Carlson look like he just realised he sharted.
He looks like he’s constantly bewildered. He uses it so that he can give the appearance that what’s going on is insane and that he’s the last normal man standing…
And for the most part it just makes him look clueless…
I actually was worried he was an adult with disabilities being exploited by Fox when I first actually watched his show. The fact that he laughed at the idea that tacos are Mexican an origin when it’s “obviously an American food from California!” Did not help
The worst part is that he isn’t that stupid. He’s just genuinely that evil.
THIS is EXACTLY why Republicans are the ONLY PARTY for Jews! You’re not a REAL JEW unless you vote for the Pro Nazi Party!
I mean that is pretty much the sentiment I’ve been getting from the Pro-Israel crowd