He is trying to divide users by claiming that a nebulous group is controlling the rest against their will. Classic protest mitigation tactic
Maybe if they introduced this in good faith months ago people would think it’s a good idea. They reason now is just power hungry admins trying to get their way. Fuck this guy so much.
I agree because this is actually quite nice to have the ability to vote out power tripping moderators. But they’re only introducing it now because they’re getting desperate. What a waste. This CEO is an idiot.
Well it’s not like I’m going back anyway since I got perma banned 2 days ago and nuked my account.
I’m curious as to how much money Reddit are spending on their attempts to change the narrative with articles like this.
Probably one of the reasons why they are not profitable. PR costs.
This is the thing that gets me. I’m fine if Reddit wants to diversify revenue, or ask developers to pay a fair share. But the callous disregard for developers, users, moderators, and communities they built is beyond the pale. I don’t know how someone can look at the timeline of events and how Reddit has handled this and think, “this is a company that deserves my money”. Huffman’s comments in the press alone, leaked or not, make him look like a giant d*uche canoe. The moment my saved posts are transferred out I’m gone.
History teacher here. I find it incredibly ironic that a guy whose entire livelihood depends on unpaid workers to generate profits for him while he sits on his
porch drinking sweet teacomfortable desk chair describes those workers as the “landed gentry.”If you’re a politician or a business owner, you are accountable to your constituents. So a politician needs to be elected, and a business owner can be fired by its shareholders,” he said.
Someone get this man a hearing aid, because he’s gone completely tone deaf.
Oh, they are gonna remove admins by having their own sub vote them out “democratically”. I guess thats better PR than doing it themselves? Sounds like a feature that could easily be misused too, if they do it wrong.
What a choad.
Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”
Wait, what? Huffman himself is “landed gentry”; moderators are among those who have to do the actual work.
So he’s out doing damage control with the press.
Which implies there’s damage to control. The subreddit blackout is clearly working.
With bigger subs, this strategy may actually work. A lot of Redditors just want to scroll, and they want their content. They don’t care how it gets there.
Yeah I’m seeing that a lot. Floods of comments about how dumb the blackout was and that they just want to browse Reddit. I know r/SquaredCircle pledged to go dark indefinitely and there was a lot of outrage about it. I’ll be very interested to see if it comes back as that was a sizeable subreddit
I’ve read that, at times in the past, Reddit has used bots or plants in comment threads to stear the conversation. It makes me wonder if any of that is happening now. I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist, but at this point I have very little trust in the Reddit staff.