Case in point: Mark Robinson
Case in point: Mark Robinson
The deep sea detector in the news uses Cherenkov radiation to detect the neutrino.
A neutrino can interact with the nuclei in water molecules (so hydrogen and oxygen nuclei) and produce a charged particle like an electron or a muon. The outgoing particles carry the energy of the incident neutrino, so they can be emitted at a speed greater than the speed of light in the liquid medium.
Note this is much less than the speed of light in a vacuum, so this isn’t breaking any physics. When charged particles (electrons, muons) pass through a medium at speeds greater than light in that medium, they emit Cherenkov light in a forward cone.
The Cherenkov light is analogous to the shockwave formed when breaking the sound barrier. Since it points in the direction the particle was traveling, you can detect the shape of the light cone with a large array of photon detectors and reconstruct the direction of the neutrino.
I remember thinking “freedom fries” was the pinnacle of stupidity…
Huh, near me a dozen eggs is $9.50, so close to $80k worth of eggs at retail prices.
lol a dozen large are $8.99 in the Bay Area
$8.99 - bay area
This is the email he sent to the DOJ after consulting with his public defender:
To whom it may concern,
I’d like to reject my pardon please.
Jason Riddle
Sent from my iPhone
Resettling Palestinians elsewhere seems like a straightforward solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Honestly baffling no one else thought of this given how many decades this thing has been happening.
-A very stable genius, apparently
After spending decades slavishly carrying water for the moneyed class
That hasn’t been my experience reading his columns, you got some examples of this?
So his Substack is basically “Paul Krugman Unleashed” which it turns out is pretty glorious. Example: his “Health Insurance is a Racket” post starts off with a bit of Saint Luigi art.
Surely if we buy Greenland we get their eggs
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LNNL)
FFS it’s LLNL. Someone didn’t bother to do any proofreading.
Oh I should have been more clear: Trump’s supporters delight in cruelty towards others. You’re right that Trump just does whatever makes his supporters cheer for him; he’s a textbook narcissist who craves attention. “Build the wall” for example, was a talking point his advisers gave him. He apparently thought it was stupid, but when his crowds of supporters cheered for it he went on to make it central to his campaign and identity.
My interpretation is you’re both saying the same thing. In regards to what the other person wrote: during Trump’s first term, often people in his administration were worried that something he asked/ordered them to do was against the law. So they’d try to find a legal way to accomplish some part of his request, or just slow walk the order and never really do it. Trump was notorious for having very little follow through on making sure things actually got done. Now trump’s people will do what he asks without worrying about the legality.
Fascists need an “other” to demonize. They delight in the cruelty towards the “other”. The executive order gives them a sense of accomplishment, further strengthening the group bonds as they enjoy the suffering of the “other” together.
It really is as simple as “the cruelty is the point”. It helps them because they desire to inflict cruelty, and this gives them a method for doing so.
Actually we haven’t observed a difference between the speed of neutrinos and light, which sets an upper limit on their mass based on the precision of those measurements. The evidence of mass is much weirder, in the observation of neutrino flavor oscillation.
Neutrinos come in 3 flavors: electron, tau, and muon. We’ve observed that the flavor oscillates as a function of time, or equivalently as a function of distance from the neutrino source. The data is quite precise, and is perfectly explained by there being 3 neutrino mass states that are distinct from the flavor state. So a neutrino with a well defined flavor will have a superposition of the 3 mass states, with each flavor corresponding to a different admixture of mass states.
The flavor oscillations allow us to measure the difference in the mass values, but not the absolute masses. Technically it’s possible that the “lightest” neutrino is massless, and the other 2 mass states are nonzero. Without an absolute value for the masses we can’t rule this out.
“Almost massless”. Neutrino masses are so small that they haven’t been measured (yet).
Solar (photovoltaics), wind turbines, and hydroelectric are a few non-steam energy sources in use.
As for theoretical sources, some of the pulsed-power fusion concepts use the electromagnetic pulse from fusion to directly induce electrical power. But none of these have been demonstrated yet.
If you are poor, there are discounts for those with low income who live in the area. There’s also exemptions for people with medical conditions that prevent them from using public transit source.
Street parking in NYC is $9 an hour, and long term parking garages typically charge like $400 per month. $9 per day is nothing in comparison.
If they had, they certainly wouldn’t have died from measles.