Another happy customer of YouTube premium here. I canceled Netflix, never had Spotify. The only subscription I pay, worth it. The family plan works to 5 or 6 euros per person per month.
Same. I still feel the individual is worth it for me as YouTube is the bulk of content I watch. People also tend to forget that a portion of every subscription goes to the creators that you actually watch.
Yea YTP individual isn’t worth it, but the family plan is (if you can fill the slots)
Filling slots is how you make the family
Angry upvote.
Seeing this comment, my mind thought in 3D and I saw like 12 perspectives of what you said😭
Do I hate giving money to Google? Yes. Do I watch 6+ hours of Youtube a day? Also yes. I almost always have something playing in the background throughout my day, so it’s the one service I’m ok paying for and I don’t have to worry about it breaking like I would with other frontends.
You have already been paying Google for that 6+ hours before even a penny came out of your account - you’re just been paying in data. We have to stop pretending Google is some good guy that left an open platform in the world and just said “if you use it we’ll show you some ads.”
Ads aren’t even the main revenue stream for Youtube, data is. All of these points about “paying for a service” become moot the moment we acknowledge the value of the data Google is farming from our interactions. This is how we’re paying for Youtube. If you choose to buy Youtube Premium, understand that you’re paying to not have ad interruption. You aren’t paying for Youtube, because that was already happening, you’re just paying for the convenience of avoid ads.
Yeah, but it’s not Youtube making the content I guess is my problem. Everyone is mostly here because of all the Reddit crap, doing the EXACT same thing google did to videos with youtube. No one here is completely fine with a "Reddit Premium Account!"tm I patron a few creators so I help with what I can, I will not join the youtube “member” additional fee. I also have been trying to branch out to creators that upload to multiple sites, it can be a little bit of a pain like figuring out Lemmy and how everything works but obviously it’s better than sticking with a company gouging and controlling content on their platform for profit.
The channels you‘re watching get a noticeable chunk out of your YT Premium subscription though. I‘ve heard multiple YT creators say, that they get a lot more money from a premium view than an ad supported one (and nothing when you use adblock). And I definitely watch too many different creators to support each and every one individually on patreon/nebula/floatplane/whatever.
Patreon takes a cut of your money and gives the rest to the creator. Youtube does the same thing with Premium, plus creators receive a higher rpm from Premium viewers than they do from ads. And people left Reddit because they stopped supporting 3rd party apps. Youtube never supported 3rd party apps, plus there’s no suitable alternative to leave Youtube for.
Also, I’m not completely fine with Youtube Premium, but the pros outweigh the cons enough for me to justify paying for it.
From my research, Patreon takes a smaller cut than YouTube Premium. Comparing YouTube Premium to its own ad model is a “Worst Negates the Bad” fallacy. From what I gathered (not easy to find and has changed over time) YT takes 30% from the former and 45% from latter. Seems insanely high. More than taxes. May be why so many creators need sponsors and hawk merch. YouTube never supporting 3rd party apps seems like a negative. Lots of suitable alternatives to youtube: read a book, listen to music, go for a walk, hang with friends, play games, etc, but to your point, sounds like a monopoly. Their search was once great, then ubiquitous, now terrible. YouTube Premium is just in the “entice users and creators” phase of its inevitable enshittification. Don’t mean to dump on something you like, just disagree with the reasoning. If you’re not fine with Premium and hate giving money to google, sounds like you’ll eventually seek out alternatives when they go into profit maximization mode. Hopefully enough resources will have been invested in viable alternatives by that time.
Yeah, but it’s not Youtube making the content I guess is my problem.
They might not be making the content, but providing a platform for video is not cheap.
Providing a platform that allows anyone to upload a ridiculous 10 hours in a single video in whatever crazy resolution they want, for free, really is not cheap. Then the bandwidth to deliver that 10 hour video at 4K, not to mention infrastructure to handle millions upon millions of people around the world is really really really not cheap.
So its not like they’re not contributing anything. Reddit OTOH handled mostly text, which is cheap. Most of everything else like images and videos were just links to other hosts that did the heavy lifting like imgur or YT
And Spotify does make it contents? They even stopped curating playlists
Honestly, is this true? How do you keep on top of content you actually wanna watch? I’m not sure since when but youtube recommendations have gone so downhill and a lot of the content creators I used to like don’t release as much as they used to so even when I wanna browse YouTube there isn’t anything I wanna see.
Over time I’ve curated the list of creators I watch, so my recommendations are pretty good at feeding me what I like, though I do usually have to scroll through a lot of junk. And when the recommendations aren’t doing it, I’ll just manually go to a channel I like and find something and the algorithm will quickly adjust.
If paying for a service you use is the worst thing you can imagine, you really need to read the news at least once a decade.
YT premium is a good value for me and my family. Guess I’m evil.
Same. I watch more YouTube than probably any other streaming service. Plus I got the family plan and I sell the extra seats to my extended family and friends. Works out to be pretty cheap in the end.
I do the same for Spotify, Disney plus. Formally Netflix but they cut down on password sharing
If you have YouTube premium, why do you have Spotify? YouTube music is comparable and better in some cases.
I don’t pay for either but I use both and the youtube music desktop ui is really really bad. Plus the annoying thing of it often playing music videos instead of the normal song. I definitely like it better on mobile though
You can toggle video or song. I actually like yt music way more because it can play pretty much anything on YT, including hours and hours of mixes you won’t find on Spotify.
Literally Satan.
get a good adblocker and donate that money instead
I do use an adblocker, and I’ll keep spending my money how I please, thanks.
You subscribe to every single channel you watch on Patreon? That’s remarkable!
paying for youtubers
paying for youtubers
Like it or not the platform is full of people trying to make a living independently producing content. Most of them are not making very much money. Watching with an adblocker means they aren’t earning any revenue, which is unsustainable. Watching with a Premium subscription means I don’t see ads and they get more revenue (even more so than ad-supported views).
Those people aren’t massive corporations. They’re independent creators. And generally speaking the content I watch on YouTube is content I want to support.
I’m not trying to say it’s like, inherently ethically wrong to watch YouTube without ads or Premium. But it certainly isn’t ethically superior.
My 3 kids all use iPhone and we have a bunch of chrome casts. The only practical way to avoid the ads in YTP.
I wish I could be as pleased with it. I don’t want to pay for a service and have that service still collect data on me to push ads elsewhere.
Unfortunately that’s everything. Netflix, buying groceries with a credit card, even driving your new car.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Somewhere in the past something went wrong.
No. Nothing went wrong. Just nobody cares how anything works just so long as it does.
If you block ads everywhere else then it doesn’t really matter. Pi.hole, AdGuard, proton vpn, Firefox will all block ads for you on pretty much every other site on the planet.
Mate, you can’t use basically anything today then. Your car probably collects data on you. I’m not saying I love it, but life’s too short for me to cut everything trying to collect my data out of my life. Gotta pick and choose my battles.
deleted by creator
Yeah until it gets shot by A/B testing again lol. I love newpipe, but for somebody with a family it’s hard to justify, especially bc the non-techies of the fam are gonna want something that ‘just works’.
I don’t mind paying for good services, personally.
It’s Google.
YouTube premium comes for free with my Google music subscription. Or the other way around. Idk
Of all the current media subscription services, this is the one I have no issue paying for. The service I get for the money I pay is appropriate. I’ve taken my own measures to limit the amount of PII that Google can vacuum up from my life as well. I’m fine with them knowing what I like to watch and providing algorithmic recommendations for new content. I police said algorithm aggressively to ensure its always on topic and never trying to show me ragebait or shit I don’t want to see.
When the day comes that the cost outweighs the return I’ll stop paying for it and use Grayjay or Newpipe or whatever other option there is. If its a full on dystopia by then, well y’know what? I don’t need Youtube to survive. I’ll be fine without it.
Paying for services?
Absolute evil.
“Absolute evil” is a bit of a stretch, but it’s YouTube/Google’s fault (by closing off and centralizing their video platform) that it is impossible to go elsewhere for videos.
I don’t really understand how that’s YouTube’s fault. They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit. There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did). You can literally post the same video to as many platforms as you want. Sites like Instagram and GitHub have more lock in than YouTube does.
They created a good product so people used it and there were no alternatives when it got shit.
They created an inherently centralizing implementation of a video sharing platform. Even if it was done with good intentions (which it wasn’t, it was some capitalist’s hustle, and its social importance is a side effect), we should basically always condemn centralizing implementations of a given technology because they reinforce existing power structures regardless of the intentions of their creators.
It’s their fault because they’re a corporation that does what corporations do. Even when corporations try to do right by the world (which is an extremely generous appraisal of YouTube’s existence), they still manage to create centralizing technologies that ultimately serve to reinforce their existing power, because that’s all they can do. Otherwise, they would have set themselves up as a non-profit or some other type of organization. I refuse to accept the notion of a good corporation.
There’s no lock in. They don’t force you off the platform if you post elsewhere (like twitch did).
That’s a good point, but while there isn’t a de jure lock-in for creators, there is a de facto lock-in that prevents them from migrating elsewhere. Namely, that YouTube is a centralized, proprietary service, which can’t be accessed from other services.
I mean this is every ecosystem though right? YouTube, Apple, Steam, everyone tries their best to do it because they want you locked in.
Google just made it really hard for creators to go anywhere else and created a monopoly of sorts.
Literally every corporation does or attempts to do the same thing. What we would need is to revive the politicians that broke up rockefellers empire and tell them to do the same with apple, microsoft, google, meta, amazon and every tech „giant”.
No more providing every imaginable service under one company.
Literally every corporation does or attempts to do the same thing.
Exactly. Every single corporation is evil and should be dismantled 🔥🔥🔥. This is just one of a thousand reasons to do so.
I agree that YouTube is Google monopoly, but I I’ve been wondering… They handle massive amounts of data. Would any other non-trillion dollar company be even capable of storing, processing, and presenting videos on the same scale, with the same quality, and with what is arguably very good latency world wide?
What could competitors do to beat Google without hemorrhaging their money just trying the manage the overhead?
They don’t need all of the data that’s on Youtube. The vast majority of it is crap.
That’s not answering my question. Crap or not, it is an important consideration.
Literally Hitler
I am displeased with premium these days. My use of premium was to remove ads and give creators a little more money. The issue today is every single video will have a sponsor spot that is an ad. So here I am paying extra to get rid of ads and the creator just made their own. Using sponsor block has become a requirement to get past the wall of ads.
I don’t mind in video sponsor spots because at least the creators are being paid directly for those. Personally, I just skip em or if it’s a creator that makes them funny, I may just listen anyway.
Those sponsor spots absolutely blow my mind. They’re there, forever in the video no matter how times it’s viewed. That’s a lot of trust to have in an advertising relationship, both the creator (who is basically tattooing a person in a portrait they’re painting with an ad) and company have to determine if it’s enough compensation based on… feels I guess lol. I’m pretty sure there is some after data but how do you know which videos take off or not? Then if there’s any controversy, whole things a mess and I hope they get a lot for it.
I don’t like these segments because they are either unavailable in my region or they are a promotion of a shitty product like Op**a **, that later will get called out for being from a terrible company.
I “flew to Ukraine” to sign up for YT Premium family at a fraction of what they normally charge. No regrets.
All hail modded YouTube clients
I have begun to see that YT is being hostile to adblocker users - and this worries me. I assume YT is already probing the clients to see which are circumveting the ads.
I had an (let’s say unconventional) idea at one point: an add-on which only purpose is to show the YT ads in the background which uBO blocked. All of the blocked ads would be played (eventually) - except that the user can just ignore this happening in background and wouldn’t be actually seeing the ads. I.e. the browser would just move playing the ads into a background container not visible to the user.
Thank, finally i can be evil without doing the genocide.
The main issue with YouTube premium is the price, I can’t imagine that they’re making anywhere near $14 a month from showing me ads that I never click on. I’d love to see a breakdown, including how much is subsiding free users, how much is going to creators, and how much is going into the pockets of shareholders.
I think like most if not all of the people I know would easily pay $5 dollars for premium
YouTube and creators make significantly more from premium users than ad-supported. But I’m okay with that. I’m paying for a service, that service works (mostly) great. I get essentially Spotify and ad-free YouTube for that price, and thus get far more bang for my buck than a Max subscription or a Hulu subscription or whatever.
A lot of the features of YouTube Premium (ad-free, downloads, offline music, background play and PiP on mobile, video queues, etc.) are likely available from other YouTube clients, but given how much I use the service I don’t mind paying for it. Especially since using other clients sucks for the creators (unless you’re personally subscribing to everyone’s Patreon, and I don’t know about you but there are a few channels I subscribe to on Patreon and FAR more that I just…watch).
I signed up through Pakistan and got the family plan for $4 AUD a month.
Been going for a couple of years now and no problems.
Also the big benefit is YouTube music, so I don’t need my spottyfi account anymore either
It’s actually great value, I never watched YouTube for entertainment before I got it, now I get to watch people do way too big deep dives on subjects I would normally find boring, but because they go too far it gets interesting
You’ll get an email shortly kicking you off that plan, they’re just working through the list. Had it for 4 years, signed up quite a few others as well. Everyone has been booted over the last 2-3 months.
Well that’s a shame, I don’t see myself buying it at full price.
I don’t know the breakdown but I know that creators generally earn much more per premium view vs normal view.
Reach out to friends and fam! We do a family plan which I think comes out to $4-5 a month per account.
Even if there was a single ad that I would want to click on, ever, I would still just simply look up the site instead. The only reason I’ve clicked an ad in the past 20 years was when I did it accidentally. They know that and I’m sure their goal is just for you to see the ad.
Remember when the big selling point of cable TV was no advertising? And then it became 99% ads?
ummm I was born ~90 and I’ve always seen commercials. don’t take it the wrong way, but when were you born???
Before the 90s. I think the best time for cable TV was between 1982 and 88. MTV wasn’t crap. The History Channel had actual history shows and the Discovery Channel always had top notch science shows. We also had “Night Flight” on “USA’s Up All Night.” They would run back to back episodes, starting at 9pm on Saturday nights and ending around 4-5am Sunday.
Anyone who remembers 80s cable TV should feel incredibly ripped off by what they’re showing today.
I remember these days. Cable felt really special. Then the ads, and every channel became reality TV and less about what the channels original purpose was. TLC is all trash TV, History is all ancient aliens and conspiracy theories now. YouTube sorta has brought that back, but for me the premium subscription is too expensive. I have a subscription to Nebula where a lot of YT creators have channels and it costs far more reasonable.
So, you’re actually viewing the past with rose tinted glasses here. There was never a time when basic cable was completely ad free. There was certain channels that started ad free, and some like HBO only ever showed ads for their own content, but there was always ads. TV now is very different and arguably worse, but not for that reason.
Then God created newpipe