Runescape is jacking up their subscription prices next month, going from like 12 bucks to 14 bucks a month. The increases range from 20% to 56% in price depending on currency. Players are PISSED about it especially since the company got bought out by some investment firm earlier this year, and they see it as a shameless cash grab.
Here’s a mega thread about the price increase on Reddit. Overwhelmingly negative feedback on the price increase
So I decided to make a post on Reddit basically asking in a neutral way if it would deter people from playing… And I was met with the most hostile, toxic keyboard warriors basically telling me “maybe stop working at McDonalds and you can afford it” and defending the company for the price increase. After an hour, my post was removed, and I was banned for a year without any explanation.
I’m honestly in shock that I would get banned just for asking a question, like they are that angry about people talking about the price increase?
Shout out to the open source Runescape remakes - 2003 era remake - 2009 era remake - 2012 era remake
There are other open source remakes (2004, 2006) but they’re not as popular. I’ve actually contributed upstream to all 3 of the above, it’s a very nice community!
I played it a looong time ago, mined a lot lol.
Tried it later and it was more 3D-ish and I didn’t like that very much.
Any idea which one I should try out?
Oh no a massive time sink
(thanks! I have a lot of nostalgia for Runescape but don’t want to waste months of my life, so I’m considering getting a single player server up and running with a like 10x exp multiplier. Now to decide on 2003, 2009 or 2012…)
I downloaded a single-player server a while ago, 20x XP let me actually experience the damn game, lmao. It was neat, getting to see what I only got glimpses of as a child.
Not a big surprise on the Huffman Shitshow. A lot of subs over there are insanely toxic. But yeah, a ban for that? That’s crazy.
I didn’t even know RuneScape had a subscription! I think I briefly played it about 15 years ago. Good game, I just don’t have the time to play it, unfortunately. I assume you play? What’s the community like over there?
I just looked up their pricing and it makes sense for them to have an optional subscription. $14 a month is in line with other similar games (e.g. wow). Would be nice if they had a couple of tiers of subscription. Maybe a $7 and a $14. But that might complicate things. How much can you do on the free mode?
My brother has been playing for years and has a few paid accounts. Here’s how he explained it to me. All paid accounts had their prices locked in until you cancelled them. His first, and main, account had a price of $5 a month because he first bought it 15 years ago.
There are also “ironman” modes that exist in the main game. It’s an option at character creation that will restrict your account from trading with other players forcing you to obtain all items on your own instead of just buying them from the trade board. Since you need to make a new character, this is also another payment. My brother has two ironman accounts.
There are “leagues” which are new temporary servers where the rules are different and XP gain is incredibly fast. You’re given tasks to complete before the “league” ends and are awarded cosmetic items based on how much you complete. This requires its own paid account to play. My brother has one of these too.
In total he spent about $20 a month on the game for his various accounts. This change to the subscription will set every single one of his subscriptions to $14 a month raising his monthly payment to something like $56 a month which is ridiculous. He plans on ending all of his subscriptions since there is now no incentive to stay subscribed (the price is no longer locked in). So my brother, a long time and devoted customer, will play the game less and give less money because Jagex is hoping most people like him won’t go through the hassle of unsubscribing.
He, and lots of other long time players, are hoping that Jagex does what other MMOs do and allow multiple accounts for one subscription price.
You don’t need a separate account to play Leagues or any other temporary game modes. You are correct however that you do need to pay a separate membership for each character unless you’re okay with that character only being able to do F2P activities.
20 years ago it was $5 and maybe like 10% of skills were locked behind it. I noticed very little impact from it. But I’m pretty sure end game stuff was locked. IIRC, dragon armor was locked and may have been the best armor.
I’d be surprised if that general model changed significantly.
The model hasn’t changed, but as development of new content has continued, 95% of new content is subscription only.
That said, I can’t speak for Runescape “proper” aka Runescape 3, the current “main” version. I’ve heard a lot of concerning things about all sorts of mobile game style predatory shit going on there.
I’ve only played Runescape 2, now called “Old School Runescape”, which is a fork of the game from (I think) 2006.
Essentially, right around that time they completely overhauled combat, stat progression, and a bunch of other stuff, and called it Runescape 3. A lot of people didn’t like the changes and started hosting custom servers from before the changes.
Eventually they made an official version, called it Old School Runescape, and have been developing it side by side with “normal” Runescape since.
Old School isn’t predatory in my opinion. Outside of occasional “leagues” on special servers with specific challenges applied, there’s no FOMO. The f2p game has plenty of content enjoyable on its own. The subscription just unlocks a mountain of more content, including alternative ways to level up through early game. Technically you can advance faster with a subscription, but that’s due to having more options to turn into an over optimized plan, not some shit exp multiplier or something.
Look up YouTube videos on fastest max level on RS3. You can get all your levels to max level with micro transaction loot boxes in a very very short time for a very very large amount of money.
I mean this with all the love in the world, but you’re surprised that mods, in a gaming subreddit, are complete assholes?
This last year reddit has just been fucking trash all around, and I just… quit going, even though I still have things that the Fediverse just plain can’t provide any useful content for.
Not because of anything spez did, or whatever stupid-ass money seeking bullshit they’re trying next, but just that the content is crap and has gone from interesting and useful to trash. For example, the selfhosted subreddits went from cool software to being stuffed full of people who do NOTHING but argue about hosting email, and marketers telling you how easy it is to host something you can use to spam people. Just a degradation from good to shit.
And, even when it’s not immediately obviously worse, it’s still full of shitty bots, and the mods run around like they’re fucking royalty and we should lick their boots.
“Invest Firms” are doing this all over. My company as well as several other prominent southwest construction companies just got bought out, too.
This is the end game of capitalism. Firms buying other firms to squeeze every dime out of them. Its about to get fucken bumpy.
The difference between $12 and $14 is not equal to 50% of $12.
There are other currencies in the world.
Euro is going from 8 to 12.5, which is higher than 50%
That’s 36% but I’m sure it’s higher in some other currencies. 50% would have to be 16.
12.5/8=1.5625, so the Euro price went up by 56.25%
you’re trolling bro wtf
I shouldn’t do math right when I wake up.
Not sure, took me some time to remember we were talking about % increase.
Not everybody is natively good at math ^^
That’s fine, but then they shouldn’t go around correcting people.
OP said it’s 20% to 56% depending on currency.
Then he should put that in the title.
$12 to $14
50% increase
Pick one
Or learn to read.
Or change the title to up to 50%
That’s it. Lemmy, ban OP for a year.
Wait hold on, how does an across the board increase from $12 USD to $14 USD result in 50% increase in price, “depending on currency”?
Isn’t currency conversion just a scalar multiplier that applies to both the $12 starting cost and the $14 new cost?
No, not sure if other industries do this, but buying a game in a weak currency usually turns out cheaper (by alot) because Devs will usually offer the game for a lower price in the weaker economy
So OP wrote a misleading description when saying the increase was from $12 to $14?
I don’t play RuneScape and I’m just going off of their description, which is inconsistent and the derogatory “just read lol” has so far shown to be wrong.
Well OP does say the price increase ranges from 20% to 50%
In other currencies the price change is over 50%, for example Euro price going from 8 to 12.50
Because they quoted the dollar price, and how it affects other countries. The prices are featured in the link, SEK is particularly egregious.
I feel like I’m missing something completely - maybe I do need to learn how to read. The only thing I’m seeing on the jagex page is new prices for a handful of currencies under “pricing table”, SEK is not one of them.
There’s no mention of past prices at all? Is there another link I’m not seeing?
EDIT: I think my main point is that as far as I can tell, you need to be an active member of the RuneScape community to know what the prices actually increased from, so “learn to read” wasn’t very helpful to casual passerbys, and OPs post could have some more clarity and examples of increased prices for those not already in the know. It was especially confusing that the only example they provided wasn’t an example of the 50% increase mentioned in the title.
This is a general games community so I think it’s fair to ask for some more context and leniency for such a niche game. If you want folks to care, don’t make it hard for them to do so.
Read the Reddit posts.
I was literally looking at playing again with the Sailing announcement
Now it’s… No. I remember $5 back in the day and that was awesome.
It’s not a popular opinion, and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for the reminder, but what is $5 then in 2024 dollars? Just to keep a perspective that inflation does happen, and $5 is not a lot of money now.
However, if you’re getting less of a product with a lot of eye candy to hide that fact, then get the pitchforks back out. In the end it’s a matter of if it’s worth the cost, no matter what the amount is.
I looked up an inflation calculator and it said $8.33 Cumulative inflation from 2004 to now is 66.5%
So with the enhancements since then $10 is probably a fair price. I just figure being okay to pay $12 but bailing for a few more dollars for a “luxury” product seems overblown, but again…it’s up to the buyer on if they feel they are getting a good buy.
I never was a Runescape player, but I was hardcore Ultima Online in the early days. Looking at the newest versions out there, it’s intriguing, but also so much more complex now that I think I’d enjoy watching gameplay more than playing it now. Age catches up to you.
I think the worst thing about their subscription price is that it is very close to the same price as WoW or FF14, but with runescape you can only have 1 character. If you enjoyed a quest or lower level content, you have to create a new account with its own subscription. If you want to try an Ironman or hardcore character, that’s a whole other account and subscription.
Small note. This is only for new members. From their email to existing members:
“If you’re already a paying Member via a monthly or 6 monthly subscription, then nothing will change, as long as your subscription remains active, we will continue to honour the same price you’re paying now as part of our “Grandfather Rate” which is explained in more detail in the FAQ below.”
This is only for new members.
Incorrect. You should reread what you included.
as long as your subscription remains active, we will continue to honour the same price you’re paying now as part of our “Grandfather Rate”
So you’re locked in basically to that rate until you cancel. It’s not for new members specifically. But there’s not always going to be content that you enjoy playing. People who stay subscribed to an MMO forever are people who have tons of money to just throw away. I play World of Warcraft, and I have never just subscribed for a year at a time. Sometimes I get busy and I don’t have time to play, or there’s nothing I enjoy in the current patch.
Honestly for an MMO it’s still a good price. MMOs in particular people sink a tonne of hours into, so it’s pennies per hour which (like gaming in general) is a pretty good rate for entertainment. That doesn’t mean huge mark ups like these are anything but infuriating.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Runescape should have tiered membership for multiple characters. For example, one character for $10, three for $20, ten for $50, etc. This would make it easier on player’s wallets, and frankly it would encourage people to play the other game modes.
Having said that, I think the larger problem is that the people that develop the game get peanuts for pay. Most of them are fans of the game and just want to work on it, but doing so shouldn’t trap them to a low income. It’s not a good sign when developers can leave the company and earn a higher salary streaming Runescape content.
What can you expect when the company is owned by an investment group.
I would point more to the massive bot ban wave and banning of a large clan
That’s a lot of memberships taken out of the game
I see what you’re saying, it is a lot of memberships taken out of the game, but I would argue no one running a bot farm is paying for membership with Earthly currency. They wouldn’t want to tie legitimate credit information to any of those accounts, and so they obtain membership through bonds purchased with in game gold.
It’s in part what has driven the cost of bonds from 5 million gold to 15 million. As a result, I’m of the opinion that bots aren’t a revenue source for Jagex.
Runescape almost als expensive as WoW was 20 year ago
Were you banned from reddit or from that subreddit?
Reddit mods being reddit mods is not reddit censoring you.
it kind of is
It’s just RuneScape. Don’t like it? Quit. Vote with your wallet.
Dude, I feel like if you’re still playing RuneScape in the year of our lord 2024, it’s more than just RuneScape for you at this point.
Then if they’re gonna whine about it, but pay anyway, they’re basically saying the company can do whatever they like and they (the players) will just suck it up. So what’s the use of whining then?
I don’t give a shit about RuneScape. But being vocal is how people give their feedback. For the players, it’s better to give feedback before the price changes, in hopes of making a difference.
Perhaps an unpopular opinion, and I preface this by saying I do not fully understand the ins and outs of game development, though I am a software engineer (just not a game dev).
OSRS has made some absolutely amazing improvements in the last couple years. Almost every single update has hit perfectly with nothing but minor errors or complaints. New expansions and regions, new quests, new raid, weapon and damage rebalances, new bosses, new community events and special game modes, new updates to their clients both mobile and desktop, and most importantly a significantly better bot-busting system over the last few months.
This shit isn’t cheap. That’s a LOT of parallel systems and work, and OSRS continues to have 0 micro transactions outside of membership. True, RS3 and its cesspool of mtx helps fund OSRS, but I don’t know how far that goes.
I’m OK with OSRS costing $2 more per month if it means that this current cadence of content of QOL updates marches on. Jagex has been absolutely nailing it and I’m very happy with them, and that’s worth money to me.
I used to be a game dev. Busy so can’t reply atm but Jagex and OSRS make a LOT of money compared to everyone else already. Their subscription stats are insane
Might have been banned for talking about the new pricing outside the mega thread tbh
For 1y though? Mod defo has microscopic pp
That’s true for any mod.