oh for sure. if I’m gonna sell out humanity, I’m gonna make sure to give you guys the respect you deserve by making sure I’m paid in full.
oh for sure. if I’m gonna sell out humanity, I’m gonna make sure to give you guys the respect you deserve by making sure I’m paid in full.
ngl I’d turn against my fellow man if I, exclusively, was offered a couple mil untaxed income instantly from a billionaire
“doesn’t hurt to ask”
me panicking because I have to ask
it has been released to the ether
no. it’s my personal experience.
a junior dev asked me one time about our dev test environments. I chuckled before starting to look him dead in the eyes for 50 seconds straight without saying a single word, but my lips quivering. he had audible gasps as if to speak, but was ultimately speechless the entire time. he understood though. I could tell from the 1ml tear that formed only on his left eye. he pushed. prod crashed. we stayed late on a friday. management ordered pizza. I’m lonely and I love pizza. was all part of the plan.
I won’t upgrade til they let me use throttlestop with virtualization enabled.
dude rhymes banks with banks. never thought he was a great rapper but this is a real one. surprised any label would let a big artist put this out.
pretty elitist thing to think imo. some people just don’t want or have the time to concern themselves with certain things. I’m honestly envious of those people. I wish I could care less.
I’ve lived all around this country and I think the biggest bucket that you exclude is “people who grew up their whole lives in Republican communities that also don’t care about politics nearly as much as chronic Internet users”. these people go to the booths and go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ before voting for whoever’s campaign banner they saw around town more or whoever they heard a relative mention. these people are everywhere. they aren’t even bad people or misinformed dummies, per say, just willingly uninformed. for a large swath of Americans, being Republican is just the default unfortunately.
as far as I’m concerned, apple maps is a lesser evil but you’re still sending your data to one of the largest corporations in the world who are frantically trying to sell you something. only a matter of time you’ll hear news of your data went somewhere you didn’t expect.
donating 100% vs giving your smart kid 70% and your dumb kid 30% is much different. you’ll understand if you’re the 30%.
this. even if it’s a dollar.
that one kid will be wondering why the $1 for the rest of their lives but have no way of finding out why. that stuff can start as nothing but fester quickly. I’ve had this happen to my family.
eh I’m the same as you. even grew up in China for many years and the original comment could be true. who knows, but its getting weird coverage in both countries.
it’s also quite the stereotype (one especially held by western raised Asians) to believe all East Asians have asian elitism. most people I knew in China were insanely jealous of Americans and would give their life savings to send their kids to the US for education and a better life. the rich had the everyone is stupid mentality, but that’s true for rich people everywhere. one thing that is true and why I made the comment in parenthesis is that most Chinese people think Western raised Asian children are raised incorrectly and make that known to their family members in the West which comes off very elitist, but that’s also something shared between cultures around the world who have family members living in the US or equivalent.
no comment on the dudes other comments he’s made since I don’t know much about him, but to apply this to all East Asians especially the Chinese because of his one comment is pretty… yeah.
most of my millennial peers were all in on Friends and thought Seinfeld was pretty much only for old people. it had its cultural moment but it was popular because pretty much everyone older than 30 in the 90s loved the show.
Basically people who are around 50/60 now were the ones who truly enjoyed Seinfeld.
you must be fun at parties