Hi all, it’s whitepwrfan69, your lovely admin here at lemmy.balls. The mod team and I have been hard at work making sure that this place is fun and pleasant experience for all the users here. After days of discussion, looking through literal petabytes of data, we’ve decided the best course of action is to defederate from Hexbear. Although we very much believe in free speech, there are some pretty obvious dangers coming from federation with them. Let me list the top examples that me and the mod team fleshed out.

  • autism_2 [any, it/its]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Good. I’m as liberal as they come but those people are removed. The way they praise the CCP and deny the Ughyr genocide makes me pretty sure they’re kids who had too much Tiktok. They even support Russia because they think it’s still the Soviet Union!

    • Pili [any, any]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      Sorry sweaty, Russia is as commie as it gets really, it’s a dictatorship that hates gays and Jews, and their supreme leader Putler is currently trying to invade Europe to recreate the USSR. It ticks all the communist check boxes. I’m disgusted to even say that, but the Hexfash are correct this time.