Wish we could make it more space efficient though. And reorderable favorites.
But the pace at which this app gets better and better in really significant ways, is pretty amazing. I don’t think there are many things I miss from Apollo left, this experience is already just great. Wow.
I’m working on more updates to subscriptions/favorites, but for now the focus is on bug fixes and performance. The dev team seems really receptive to various customization opportunities and the pay much closer attention to GitHub issues so I’d add a feature request there.
The update that was released today is more or less this
Wish we could make it more space efficient though. And reorderable favorites.
But the pace at which this app gets better and better in really significant ways, is pretty amazing. I don’t think there are many things I miss from Apollo left, this experience is already just great. Wow.
I’m working on more updates to subscriptions/favorites, but for now the focus is on bug fixes and performance. The dev team seems really receptive to various customization opportunities and the pay much closer attention to GitHub issues so I’d add a feature request there.
Yep. Seeing OP’s pic makes me miss the old Inbox logo, however. Not too found of the bell. Or was it always the bell? I’m getting old 😕