• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • But it doesn’t really matter. As long as one uses multiple apps/forums, I.e different echo chambers, and touches grass in Wild West spaces from time to time, like reality, it’s all fine.

    I think the effect of echo chambers is just altogether overblown, and also the natural inclination for a human to just stay in one place, not being curious to peek behind other curtains from time to time. The latter is one of the key traits of our species, we are just simply too curious to ever be completely taken by echo chambers. The individuals with less curiosity and more inclination to stay in place, not change anything, may have this problem more due to those traits. I.e. conservatives.

    As long as ones curious and doesn’t explicitly communicate with other humans in one dedicated space, it’s all fine. It’s actively harmful to our psyche to be exposed to something like 4chan or Tate brothers academy just for the sake of not being in an echo chamber.

  • Fair enough. I’m not going to, nor do I want to, dissuade you from continuing your search and believing what you believe, just wanted to get a better understanding on how you reason about these things. And initially I had hoped also to spark some questions and maybe second thoughts on your part.

    For the record, I’m not entirely following your chain of thought here, and I do not believe as you believe, nor do I really see the the distinction you posed just now, but who knows, maybe I’m wrong and it turns out you’re right.

  • If you mean self-hosting email, then good luck.

    It’s a lottery with the IP and even the IP space you get, whether anyone will actually receive your emails.

    I hosted my own for a few years, but god fed up telling everyone to dig through their junk folder for my emails, and not being responded to very often, probably because of just that.

    Maybe some providers have it better, but I tried a few and each was just not good. I really think Microsoft, Amazon, Google and other big players have intentionally separated the good, trusted IPs, ones they use for email services specifically, and made the other worse

  • Personally, I think it’s because life is beautiful, the world is beautiful, people are for the most part beautiful. In a hell, I don’t think we should have so much beauty and majority of our time spent in awe of this all, enjoying our time, the nature and each other.

    I think this might very well be a hell, though, if one focuses on the bad stuff. Which is way too easy these days with our phones and constant cycle of news and updates and whatnot.

    But to be a hell, overall, I would think there wouldn’t be so much niceness, so much endearing stuff, so much love and joy. I know not everyone gets nearly enough of those, but there are people, like me, who are just way too lucky I guess, or maybe it’s a little bit about attitude or perspective gained by having been at the lowest lows, but also able to escape those pits of suicidal despair. And, again, in a hell, I can’t imagine they’d let you escape and lead a joyous, happy life, in a beautiful, breathtaking world

    Edit: Also, like one commenter put it so well: What does it matter?

    If this is all a hell, then I’m okay with that. It’s nice. It doesn’t matter what this “actually” is. It’s just nice, warts and all.

  • And from the other side of that spectrum, I take the maximum prescribable in my country, 72mg, daily, and it’s been good for me. Though I’ve found that I seem to have a weirdly good tolerance or luck in regards to side effects of medications. I’ve only ever tried a few, out of so many, that caused anything undesirable at all.

    Not sure if there are differences between methylphenidates though? Mine’s branded concerta.