Trump can have one more felony, as a treat
Lol. Dude most likely to attempt a coup in the US just pissed off the armed forces. You love to see it.
Good point.
“For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed [sic] grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country,” LaCivita continued.
Wow. Just a fucking gross response. Every chance they get they try to insult the person who was doing their job.
“We had given our approval for President Trump’s official videographer and photographer to attend the event, ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured and so we can cherish these memories forever,” the families said.
His idiot followers would think their invitation bests federal laws.
A different article said that the reason the beleaguered employee wasn’t pressing charges was fear of harassment by his sycophants. His toadies make life hell for descent people, thus shielding him from repercussions. It’s time to put this man out of the spotlight so the wheels of justice can run him over.
It’s sobering to think about how far US politics has fallen since I’ve had the power to vote. There was a time that I can still remember, where something like this would do more than kill a campaign. Republicans would be condemning their own candidate, and the candidate’s PR team would be working overtime putting out, “we apologize for the misunderstanding and meant no disrespect to the fallen soldiers” statements to try to quell the backlash.
Nowadays? Nope. They double and triple down, and their base loves it. I hate this so much.
I cast my first vote in 1990. It was the first and last time I ever voted for a Republican. Please forgive me. I was eighteen and raised under Reagan. I didn’t yet know better.
Anywho, I concur with your assessment. We’ve fallen so very far.
descent people
Second time in the last few days I see that particular typo. It’s “decent”. Please.
An understandable Freudian slurp.
Honestly, those families of fallen soldiers can go fuck themselves. They dishonor the memory of their children that made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. They don’t get to invite Trump to wipe his ass all over the graves of soldiers. Their children deserve respect, but they deserve scorn.
Oh, it’s even worse than that. My understanding is that the families that invited him are specifically families of soldiers who died during the pullout from Afghanistan. Y’know, the pullout that Trump announced out of the blue with zero prep work in the last year of his presidency and dumped on Biden’s lap. They are celebrating the man directly responsible for their kids’ deaths.
Democrats desperately need to impose a nationwide public school curriculum if/when they get control. This shit needs to stop, and it’s going to take literal decades to correctly educate the next generation…
Lately I have started to grasp why nations, in the past, have imposed “re-education” upon their adult citizens… Obviously it can easily be misused, but I feel like it is exactly what this country needs. And it will never happen.
I’m so glad he pissed off the army before trying to stage his second coup.
Good luck asshat.
He’s gonna try having the police arrest the military
The US military is aggressively non-political. Don’t count on them to do anything as long as the civilian institutions do nothing.
That’s not the point. The Military is no longer a tool he could use. Staying neutral unless things get really bad is a good thing. He’s already tried to use the military against protestors. (And the military told him to pound sand)
Am I crazy? I distinctly remember a military helicopter hovering quite low over protesters in a city and that very much didn’t feel like them telling trump to ‘pound sand’
Yeah, not crazy:
I appreciate the army’s attempts at trying to stay neutral but from my perspective they were already complicit in the trump regime and I have no faith that they would be any different if he gets another shot.
You’re not crazy. The thing is there’s a difference between the national guard and the regular army. The national guard is used to control protests all the time by state governors. In D.C. Trump gets to act as that governor. What Trump wanted was a regular army Infantry division with lethal weapons. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs actually got into a shouting match with Trump over the issue.
When he couldn’t have that toy he tried to tell the National Guard to use live ammo without actually ordering it. He told them to use “all available means” to protect federal property. The National Guard however has trained extensively against using live ammo in protests since May 4, 1970. So they used every non-lethal method they knew, including the down wash of their medevac helicopters. Which the Pentagon later said not to do again as they consider that to be against the regulations for medevac helicopters.
Which kinda sucks, but it’s actually a good thing.
Everyone posting quotes from the trump side, so here’s what the Army said:
“This incident was unfortunate, and it is also unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve,” the statement said.
So the Army sided with the people at the cemetery, and tge following paragraphs indicate the Pentagon does as well.
Barely… They don’t even condemn the people who did it. They say it was “unfortunate.” Give me a fucking break.
Imagine if this was a Democrat.
Still waiting for team trump to release the video that defends them lmfao
I thought it was an Onion article!
What happened to all troops that die in service being losers?
He really is a disgusting twat.
The army stated that they consider the matter closed according tovthe article. I doubt any legal action will come from this.
That’s not the point. Lots of people now see how tone deaf the entire campaign is.
I wish I could believe that.
It’s a cult though.
I’m just exhausted at this point. Nothing he does phases me anymore. Just gotta say my piece at the ballot box and hope for the best
I’m actually impressed a former president currently running for reelection managed to fuck up pandering to the military so bad the Army called him out for it.
Normalization of this shit is how the fascists get a foothold. In this very story we see that the victim is not pressing charges because she is afraid of MAGAfash. The absolute minimum thing you can do is stay angry. Enjoy passive opposition while it is still an option.
“For a despicable individual to physically prevent President Trump’s team from accompanying him to this solemn event is a disgrace and does not deserve to represent the hollowed [sic] grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Whoever this individual is spreading these lies are dishonoring the men and women of our armed forces, and they are disrespecting everyone who paid the price for defending our country,” LaCivita continued.
This is vile.
It’s grammatically sickening.
Why couldn’t the Army itself press charges on behalf of the official that was assaulted?
Because once again, Trump just gets away with it. This is fucking bullshit.