Their next cavalry charge towards enemy tanks is almost ready!
Their next cavalry charge towards enemy tanks is almost ready!
Lee Harvey Oswald found a way to do something about the presidency. Just saying…
With you until the end. Don’t be such a dick.
No no, you said “too far away to resupply”. I claim bullshit. I never suggested it was a good idea.
“The leader of that country had a run-in with the leader of our country, and therefore should resign”
In what world does this bullshit make sense? Get fucked moron, you realise he’s not in some government department, right? He’s the leader of ANOTHER COUNTRY
The fuck are you talking about?? The US managed to resupply in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years,and they’re a LOT further away.
“Heated exchange”.
What are they talking about?? An exchange requires at least two participants. Zelenskyy was trying to keep it cool while Trump and Vance (mainly Trump) just spoke over him. That wasn’t a heated exchange, it was a fucking loser having a tantrum while others watched, not quite believing what they were seeing. Having Trump keep talking about Zelenskyy basically being responsible for his citizens dying and bullets flying etc made me sick. The absolute lack of compassion from this orange twerp is incredible. What a cunt.
I was questioning that too. I’m certain I’ve read allegations of wrongdoing, i.e. sex with a minor, attributed to Trump. Why are they saying otherwise? (no need to answer that, I think we know)
Oh holy shit what a take down. That ending was incredible. I’d be terrified of one day meeting Jon Stewart and accidentally voicing an opinion within earshot just in case he takes issue with it.
“Allowed”? In what sense? Are you seriously suggesting Trump or Musk are responsible for a Delta crash in Canada, and helicopter collision and a Southwest go around?
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Yeah, but, what are you going to do about it? Trump is above the law and Elon certainly isn’t going to be fined, let alone go to jail, over this. Courts and lawyers can cry all they want, who’s going to enforce it? Nobody, that’s who. So sure, Point out they’re doing illegal things - the law doesn’t seem to matter to those in charge any more.
I would hardly use AUKUS as an example of Macron’s failing, rather an example of Australia sucking US cock for no reason. The AUKUS deal even blindsided most of Australia’s own defence force. It is a fucking stupid deal, agreed to by some fucking stupid people and signed by Australia’s then fucking stupid Prime Minister. The whole thing stinks of back room shinanigans, will most likely result in zero submarines ever, but unfortunately no diplomacy on France’s behalf would have made any difference to the end result.
A final solution, perhaps?
You have a record, get out
This I never fully understood. Isn’t the point of prison/community service orders etc. for the person to be punished for the crime or repay their debt to society? In which case, after the punishment has been carried out why continue to punish them further? They’ve done their time and hopefully learned a lesson. I understand background checks as a form of checking a person’s character for certain sensitive roles, but for everything?? Nah, that makes no sense.
Surprised not to see Generation Kill here. I’ll watch it twice a year. Along with, as mentioned by many above, Seinfeld, Firefly, Community (preferably early seasons) etc.
Once enough people wake up die. FTFY
Along with a cringy edge-lord neckbeard.
Is it meteoric?
What a bizarre take. This isn’t a “Zelenskyy didn’t put on his face this morning” post.