At this point, I’m certain that teachers don’t know about full screen.
I find it easier to inform people about the hot key.
For those unaware you just hold down Alt and press F4.
My favorite version of this was in Runescape back 20 years or so ago. Someone would tell someone to try it to unlock a cheat panel or something, and then you’d see the other players’ character just disappear lol
Or double click into the picture.
You didn’t get the joke, right?
No, he didn’t
I just noticed it after seeing y’all mentioning it lol
They can’t!
As a teacher in luddite Germany: yes our smartboards still Run Windows Media Player + I need that bar visible so I’m able to stop the movie at the correct teachable scene.
(And before anyone suggests making a custom playlist with vlc and all those newfangled contraptions from around 2005: I don’t even have admin rights to change the sound volume…)
Does the spacebar not work to pause and play the video?
You need to see the timecode somehow…
Even though I now see why, it’ll still bug the ever loving shit out of me.
Literally 1984
We still use those overhead projectors, so, yeah
I’ve been in full corporate business leadership meetings where someone is sharing screen over zoom, but they have their PowerPoint windowed and one edge of it is slightly hanging off the side of the viewable screen.
What I’m saying is this sort of thing doesn’t go away after you finish school
My god, windows media player. This meme must be a few hundred years old by now
i happen to still mostly use windows media player on windows 10 LTSC, in my opinion it looks better and runs much better than whatever regular windows has nowadays
of course VLC exists too and is mostly superior, but it doesnt have the cool visualisations for music :(
r/windows10ltsc is still private. Do you know of an alternative place online to talk about that OS? I haven’t found a Lemmy community for it yet
not yet, if you want to push yourself a little bit you could create your own community for it
Pepperidge farm remembers those days.
I once watched my dad watch a whole movie on his TV with the play bar up. I was waiting to see how long it would take him to notice and move it. Nope he watched the whole damn movie with it there.
Some teachers just want to watch the world burn.
As a teacher, I can confirm this. I always move the cursor out of the way, though. I don’t get why other teachers don’t do the same and how so many of them are so tech illiterate. Although I’m more amazed at the tech illiteracy of the students who use their phones 24/7.
My (estranged) wife and kids seem content to watch streaming services this way, I’m genuinely just like what the fuck is wrong with y’all, I taught y’all better than this lol
Come to think of it, maybe that’s why the marriage didn’t work out.
Definitely not her chronically cheating for a decade. Nope. It was leaving the play bar up!
I’m so proud that my wife often notices when the surround sound isn’t working properly on her own. Doesn’t mean that she can fix it herself, but that’s a job I will gladly do.
deleted by creator
Peak relatableness
End the suffering
Use the time stamp for note taking.
I’ve become basically desensitized to it lmao
Please… 🥲