I grew up in a very conservative Catholic community. Imagine a group where JD Vance and Harrison Butker would be considered mild. If a new person didn’t show up in the right kind of clothes and faux humility, people would make a snap judgement and start gossiping. If the new person were wealthy or had a lot of children (8+) or were in a medical field, they would probably be ok. The single parent mom with two kids who dared to send one to public school for better STEM classes? Lol, she had no chance.
There was a “welcome wagon” type group who were supposed to invite new people to coffee and doughnuts with the congregation in the basement after services. I watched the one invite one family and offer a handshake, visibly retracted the hand to skip over Single Mom, and then extend an invitation to the next family. Ice cold.
There was a “welcome wagon” type group who were supposed to invite new people to coffee and doughnuts with the congregation in the basement after services. I watched the one invite one family and offer a handshake, visibly retracted the hand to skip over Single Mom, and then extend an invitation to the next family. Ice cold.
Just like Jesus would have wanted eh
Do you even care about movies if you don’t watch them in the original language?
To be honest I’m that guy. But I don’t judge anymore and German dubs are actually top notch compared to other countries. But it’s a tough decision for me to watch a new movie in German just so I can share it with someone else and I will comment on it once!
I would be bothered if a movie written in pig-latin was dub to English… who doesn’t understand pig?
What beautiful language.
I don’t have a lot of comparisons to dubs in other languages, but most german dubs I know are average at best. The biggest problem is that they often pick voice actors who just don’t suit the character or the original actor. The stilted reading/talking is another issue, which is also often present in original German productions.
German dubs are actually top notch compared to other countries
This is true for movie productions. They are dubbed well, even to a point where jokes and plays on words are translated as well. On the other hand, cartoons are not. They lack of something that makes them unwatchable when dubbed - I think it’s because some of the play on words and jokes are missing, also the dubbed voices differ extremely from the original. Such thing can make a character appear and be percieved very different, compared to the original. If cartoonn are availiable in original language (English), I’ll prefer that.
Yesterday I watched an interesting video about this topic: Why Germany dubbs movies, but other countries don’t
Warum Deutschland Filme synchronisiert und andere Länder nicht The video comes with insights from a voice actor, who dubbs the voice of Leonardo di Caprio.
Anime - People don’t like you when you’re into the popular ones.
Video Games - It’s everywhere here. If you’re into AAA games, you’ll never hear the end of it. If you’re into Indie games, then you have to be into games like Hollow Knight, Undertale .etc or you just don’t know indie.
Metal Music - Fucking hell, you’re always going to be snubbed and looked down upon because you’re not into Death or Black Metal. Doesn’t matter if you’re into Iron Maiden or X Nu Metal band here, but you’re just not metal until you listen to anything Black/Death. Maybe I don’t want to listen to Cookie Monster and Friends.
As an older metalhead, this makes me a bit sad, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. The metal scene I joined in the early 90s did have its tolerance problems specifically against other music genres, but I never knew it as particularly gatekeepy, at least the circles I socialised with and the concerts and festivals I went to. There were some people who though you weren’t a real metal fan if you didn’t exclusively listen to metal, but they were a minority. Nobody had a problem with me not particularly liking Slayer or Motörhead, and there was no requirement to have long hair and be covered in leather and/or band patches.
I listen to a variety of metal. If most of your song is incomprehensible screaming or growling (in any genre, for that matter), I’m not interested in that song.
And even if you do listen to death/black metal, you can still get crap from some people if it’s not a certain sub-genre. It’s just music, let me listen in peace, I don’t need a lecture.
“Yeah, I like tons of metal bands! …just not sure which ones as I can’t read any of their names.”
The guys running /Politics and /WorldNews will ban people if they don’t endorse israel committing Genocide.
So many gates to maintain.North Korea
A lot of more traditional hobby communities like HAM and model aircraft clubs, that want you to take a dozen tests to play with them. Those same communities seem to scratch their heads as to why they can’t attract new members.
Ham licenses make sense. If you screw up, you ruin things for everyone, so you have to make sure everyone who transmits knows what they’re doing. The problem is the elitism, and how many of them look down on anything more modern than vacuum tubes as not being real amateur radios.
But from experience, hams are usually enthusiastic to explain anything related you might be interested in
I think those only need 1 test to play with them, and that’s because they are regulated by the government. They want people to follow the rules because if they don’t it can come down on all of them.
The biggest one of these that I know of is falconry which requires 1 falconry test, 1 hunt test, 1 inspection, and finding a two year sponsor. Falconry is specifically set up to gatekeep as to protect the sport in the USA.
I’m on board with rules if it involves live animals tbh
How is putting up so many barriers to participation meant to protect the sport?
Falconry in the US exists as an exclusion from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Both of these laws make it illegal to disrupt or possess native birds or their parts. Falconers successfully petitioned the government to let them take wild raptors from the wild as long as falconers themselves regulate the participants. If the falconers are not being respectful of the birds it would be incredibly easy to strip their privileges.
In the same sense RC flying is a privilege from the FAA after too many people flew drones into airports and HAM is a privilege from the FCC to keep people from jacking up the airwaves.
Well, the last guy they let have falcon killed a baby black bear & blamed it on a bicyclist…
I’m guessing they needed to sure up their ranks after that nonsense.
Gatekeeping enthusiasts
hoarders are good at gate keeping
Any “hardcore full loot pvp MMORPG”
Vegan groups. You will toe the party line comrade! And yes, shellfish are intelligent animals with a rich social and emotional life.
“But they don’t have the nerve types and brain structures to feel pain as we do…”
If they have no ego, why are they shellfish?
Railway and train modellers, of all scales. To their credit, a fair fee people are becoming more open, but especially modelling clubs are often run by old white men with questionable politics and problematic behaviours. They will sneer at anything that’s not steam, or at people who run modern instead of vintage trains, or who don’t get a train model exactly right the way the original ran that one time in the mid 50s from Bumfuck, Idaho to the middle of nowhere. They have little patience for newbies who might not have internalised all the lingo, or who might need something explained in simple English. If you build something that is not an exact replica of a real world location, they’ll say you’re not doing model railway, but merely toy trains. And then these same people go and wonder why they can’t attract new people to the hobby.
All of this applies to many niche communities. In Germany, especially the older forums that are around since the internet became widly popular show such behavior. Take HiFi- forums for example: If your plugs are not made with gold, you are doing it wrong. Also, if you want to spend money for a hobby, don’t bother to start if you are not willing to spend at least an unreasonable ridiculous ammount of Euros.
These enthusiast also complain about a lack of new members. It’s the nobody wants to work anymore sentiment, but with niche hobby communities.
Replace “trains” with “amateur radio” and the entire paragraph fits perfectly.