Donald Trump fired off an angry middle-of-the-night attack on “highly overrated Jewish Governor” Josh Shapiro after he spoke out against the former president at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.
Donald Trump fired off an angry middle-of-the-night attack on “highly overrated Jewish Governor” Josh Shapiro after he spoke out against the former president at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.
My parents seem like normal somewhat rational people. They are still planning to vote for Trump. Please stop with this “we’ve already won” shit. It can only cost us the win. Go vote. It’s far from guaranteed. It honestly looks to be pretty close to an even race right now.
That is why the focus is on strong arming his party and elected officials to remind them that he led a literal fucking lynch mob against the last republican who crossed him by… not shitting on the constitution on Jan 6.
if trump wins it is not going to be by a popular vote (it was never going to be that). It is not even going to be by barely squeaking by on the electoral college. It is going to be by getting close and then using outright theft and violence to get the rest of the way.
Which is why, even if someone is too stupid to understand that there are down ballot candidates who matter just as much (arguably moreso), they still need to vote. Because we need a landslide so that there are no elected (or military…) officials who decide that they want to be on “the winning team” and defy the will of the people. And that is who trump is campaigning to at this point.
Almost half the country will vote for the orange ape. Don’t other this guy’s parents. If everyone voted the country wouldn’t be in this situation anyway. Take 40% out of the voting pool (not even counting voter suppression) and the ill-informed will vote alongside the hyper-informed.