The Cage is peak trek
Never accepted Kirk and those after as real trek
You better be referring to the original broadcast recorded to magnetic tape and not the abomination that is the DVD release
What about the option of the original black and white recording of ‘The Cage’ with the colour portions from ‘The Menagerie’ spliced in, as released to videotape in thr 80s?
That was the real Star Trek. Roddenberry even took it to cons in the 70s and 80s to let fans know what he really wanted to put on the air.
Good point. Everything after that is woke critical race theory DEI!
You’re fooling yourself if you don’t want to see the sharp decrease in quality post DS9. The best Trek series of the last 25 years is Orville ffs
I’d give strange new worlds a pass as being better than Orville, but yeah, it’s definitely the exception to the rule.
Fair, Strange New Worlds is great
Fuckin-A roit, mate!
LOL I had a whole reply typed out before I realized this was sarcasm. A+ example of a red flag.
You’re so threatened by people who like different TV shows than you that you have to pretend their opinions aren’t serious?
I don’t mind the Kelvin films. Karl Urban as Bones makes it all worth while.
They’re just popcorn flicks. Watch or don’t watch and it’s not like the Star Trek Universe is altered in any way. (Also, those movies are better than everything after Wrath of Khan, movie-wise)
Also, those movies are better than everything after Wrath of Khan, movie-wise
I used to think Chris Pine Kirk was better than Shatner. I now kind of feel like Pine’s the best Captain, but SNW Kirk’s the best gentlemanly lady killer kirk.
I’d argue they are better than anything after The Undiscovered Country. But yeah otherwise I agree, 2009 is one of my top trek films, and I’d rather watch it over any of the TNG movies. Sorry, not sorry.
Largely agree, with a couple exceptions: Undiscovered Country and First Contact are good; Into Darkness is bad.
I’ve taken to the term 3rd-wave Trek for the 2010s-present shows to identify the stylistic differences in production compared to shows made in the 80s-90s or 60s.
Each era is molded by the media conventions of it’s time. And there I go reinventing Marshal McLuhan again: “the medium is the message”
Where do you put ENT? I say it feels very different from the not much earlier VOY but not as a wave in its own right. And while we’re at it: TAS
Echoes, like when a wave hits something else and creates some dissonance.
I don’t really like any Trek past DS9 Don’t hate me
VOY and ENT are good
Never liked VOY, writing is poor… Not interesting sci-fi like TNG, not a captivating story like DS9…
The Doctor is essentially the only good part. Maybe Seven of Nine, Jery Ryan is a great actress, despite the embarrassing clothing.SNW is good, DIS is whack. PIC essentially crapped all over the past series’ development, killed Hugh, Ro, Icheb, made the Federation grimdark… Monk Worf was cool tho.
Voyager’s writing is inconsistent. There’s some fantastic episodes… and then there’s salamanders.
True, but the feeling is that in general Voyager was hard to watch.
I rewatched TNG and DS9 several times from start to finish and almost skipped no episodes (though in later rewatches of DS9 I’m skipping the alternate universe ones since I can’t bear them). I tried rewatching VOY and I just can’t. Sure I can rewatch some of the awesome episodes from the show, but I can’t watch it from start to finish since I find most episodes to be cringey (even if I like most of the actors and their characters, but something doesn’t work when watching entire episodes).
Unrelated: I watched DIS until it was on Netflix (and deemed it an action TV series that’s got nothing to do with Star Trek) and watched only a few episodes of PIC until it turned into the “fellowship of the ring” with the introduction of a sword wielding elf. Should I squeeze my nose and dive into it again and try to finish it?
I’ll watch SNW as soon as I can. Still haven’t gotten around it
Discovery started off as an action show, then suddenly added 10 minute long unrelated montages in the middle of action scenes. That killed it for me.
TNG I would skip most of Season 1 and probably a decent chunk of Season 2 on a rewatch.
VOY episodes just leave you with nothing. Sure, stuff happened, but… you feel like it doesn’t matter. It’s sad because they had the chance to really make something cool, 5-year-exploration missions pale in comparison to travelling back from the other side of the galaxy.
You can watch the last season of PIC, it’s essentially a noir-action show in a scifi setting, but… WATCH SNW NOW!
I’m watching Voyager with my kids. Janeway is pretty bad ass given her position as the sole federation representative in the delta sector. We are however using a watchlist and skipping the filler episodes rather than going for the completionist approach.
Janeway has Q powers, she gets into all kinds of shit she has no chance of getting out, and she just… does, somehow. It’s really bad writing… Plus Voyager is ALWAYS getting disabled! WTF, you guys should stay away from encounters, that ship is made of glass… even tho they, again, succeed somehow in the end.
That’s a very correct point of view. Janeway IS cool and the show had such potential, but there are so many wasted opportunities…
Which we abandon and never talk about again. Not even a card on their birthday.
This is the good take. Star Trek peaked at DS9 and there’s yet to be a good reason to continue past it.
Biggest red flag in the entire thread. You win.
Ah yes, “my opinion is infallible and I’m righteous for screaming it from the rooftops, but your opposing opinion is ignorant and worthy of dismissal!”
Red flag indeed, friend.
This is so good I literally can’t tell if you’re doing copypasta or not
As long as you don’t take every available opportunity to steer every single online conversation towards how you don’t like a tv show then we’re cool
“You are allowed to have your opinion so long as you don’t share it”
But they did share it and were cool about it. It’s people who say stuff like “this is shit and people who like it are shit” that need to cool their jets.
Who said you can’t share it? It’s not illegal to be annoying 🤷♂️
What’s the face for anyone who remembers that by TOS canon, the greek god Apollo is real and just got bored of Earth and fucked off to another planet?
If it doesn’t have 20+ episode seasons it’s nutrek
NuTrek apparently began in 1973.
So season one of DS9 and voyager?
DS9 Season 1 is 20 episodes? The way I read “20+” is 20 or more…
How many episodes has TAS?
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Nu Trek is, to me, just the kelvin shit. The new shows on CBS are legit, especially lower decks.
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Discovery bringing Georgiou back in season 2 as a Section 31 agent felt to me like the show was doing this, and is what put me off that show specifically. I really like the majority of modern Trek shows, and even like 2 out of 3 of the Kelvin timeline movies.
Georgiou eventually turned on her S31 superiors, joined the Discovery crew, and tried to make the Mirror Universe better when the Guardian (sort of) gave her the opportunity.
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So what about any of that screams “the Terran Empire did nothing wrong” to you? Or would you rather keep deflecting?
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Cool cool, you’re just inserting irrelevant comments into a discussion I was having with someone else.
Truly dazzling.
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I think they brought her back in an attempt to backpedal the absolute fucking disaster that was season 1. I honestly enjoy Discovery as sci-fi, but when I rewatch Season 1 I can’t shake the feeling they took another IPs pilot and stretched Star Trek over it like a horrible skinsuit.
It had exactly the opposite effect for me. I greatly disliked season 1 of Discovery but thought they wrapped it up well enough at the end of the season that they could move on. Georgiou showing back up in season 2 read to me as them having learned absolutely nothing and doubling down on the disaster rather than backpedaling from it.
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I like Strange New Worlds. Very much hoping they complicate the Gorn cliffhanger they left the last season off with though.
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Your wife has watched 3/4 of the good modern Trek series and should watch Prodigy. (and the TNG era Treks)
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It’s very good and only gets better as it goes on. Season 2 was fantastic.
Yo, if you don’t mind a bit of the Clone Wars getting in your Trek, Prodigy is a fantastic watch, Admiral Janeway is in the running for my favorite Star Fleet officer.
Well, section 31 did save the whole alpha quadrant from the Dominion…
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Nah genocide isn’t my jam… But yes, I believe the Dominion war wouldn’t have ended without the virus. The Dominion would have just kept sending ships and Jem’Hadar from the Gamma quadrant.
Edit: btw I dislike the way DIS “unshrouded” section 31. It was much cooler in DS9 where we were left to wonder whether it actually existed or not, or it was just Sloane being godlike in his manipulation skills.
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Every captain gets a little genocide, as a treat.
maybe I’ve consumed more and more scifi over the years to compare to or maybe the later releases of trek have lowered the average in my mind but I can’t help but see trek in general as solidly mid now
I hadn’t watched any Trek in a while and in Picard there was a scene where their ship was hit and started listing like a boat and I was like “that’s not how space works!”, then remembered that’s the thing with Star Trek.
You got to remember that Star Trek is based upon submarines warfare.
I mean, once your have artificial gravity… why wouldn’t it suck just like normal gravity?
People lurch around the bridge because some photon torpedo rocked the “down is this way” machine.
Oh inside the ship definitely, but outside space doesn’t have a down. If a photon torpedo really hit the front it would push the ship backwards, not to the front and down. But it’s ok, it’s just a bit of fun 🚀
Why would a ship stay level when smacked? Artificial gravity’s not a gyroscope.
solidly mid
What if I say all trek is both NuTrek and OldTrek because accidental time travel
Creative fun in-universe answers are always:
I would say “I’ve got faith of the heart”
Based on a real situation I encountered once: Normal Star Trek Fan: Yeh, I like Seven of Nine.
“Red flag” Star Trek Fan: I like Seven of Nine.
I like NuMetal tbh
Both panels are acceptable and objectively correct.