Last night Organic Maps was removed from the Play Store without any warnings or additional details due to “not meeting the requirements for the Family Program”. Compared to Google Maps and other maps apps rated for 3+ age, there are no ads or in-app purchases in Organic Maps. We have asked for an appeal.
As a temporary workaround for the Google Play issue, you can install the new upcoming Google Play update from this link:
The Announcement on various Networks:
Fosstodon Post
Twitter Post
Telegram Post
If you don’t know what Organic Maps is, it is an alternative to OsmAnd and google maps, more info on the official site (link) and GitHub.
Maybe an error? Honestly this is a weird one. I hope we will learn more in the coming hours.
You can still get it on the other channels, like F-Droid or Obtainium. Still, we all know that not being on the Play Store is an heavy sentence for any Android app.
- Added F-Droid link.
- Fixed Typo in the obtainium link.
More people should know about F-droid.
You are right, and I forgot to add the link to it in the opening post. I’ll edit it in!
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Actually Obtainium is mentioned (but thank you, checking back I saw I had a typo in the github link that I had missed, and I’ve now fixed it!), but this is the first time I hear about Accrescent: is it this App store?
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this is the first time I hear about Accrescent: is it this App store?
yes, thats the one. It’s relatively new, and the new default app store in GrapheneOS.
Can it use github like Obtainium does?
I wish there was an “app app” that is just a curated list of app name, description, link to github / other git / fdroid rep / download link, ratings. Could be a formatted markdown fie. Have forks of this list that different people can extend and you can subscribe to different trusted curators with something like version control. Ideally P2P without a central server. Why is it so complicated?
curated list of app name, description, link to github / other git / fdroid rep / download link
so… F-droid?
Have forks of this list that different people can extend and you can subscribe to different trusted curators
so… third party F-droid repos?
F-Droid doesn’t have e.g. organic maps because it’s against their religion or something.
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big disadvantage: if installed via fdroid, it won’t work on android auto
Won’t it? I thought you just needed to enable the apps you want. My fdroid AntennaPod is certainly usable in it.
It didn’t appear for me until I reinstalled from play store
Didn’t investigate more
Open settings > search for androod auto > customize launcher
Works for fdroid antennapod on my samsung
Correction: yes it will. Source: that’s how I installed it
Organic maps don’t show up tho
You have to enable “Unwanted Features” in F-Droid settings before it shows up.
Link to the app:
It states the OpenStreetMap data is from May. Is it fully offline and needs to wait for the next app update?
The data updates are handled separately in app
Cool, thanks
no they aren’t, new versions of the map will only be available when the app is updated.
My Organic maps has a download screen for the maps which regularly update outside of the app itself.
I’m yet to see the app offer an update to the maps data without the app update beforehand. I use it on two devices, and if I don’t update the app on one of them, it won’t display new map data available to download.
from the changelog:
OSM data as of July 23
Where is that?
“Include Anti Feature Apps” in Settings > App compatibility:
There you have to add the anti-features you may accept included in Apps. For OM you have to enable these:
(But not 100% sure about this. Maybe the first circled is also enough?)
Very helpful contribution - thanks 🙏
Ah you mean this. Thank you
Streisand effect
Never heard of this app until now
It’s built on open street maps and is great for trail stuff: hiking, dirt biking, horse riding, etc.
Was using Osmand before and it’s a lot nicer to use for day to day navigation on the bike than the sluggy mess Osmand sometimes is
Does anyone know why the only public transport option is “subway”? I don’t get why they would only index subways.
It’s kind of weird to give that instead of just a general PT option that routes multi-modally with a menu to disable each type manually.
because you need to pull the schedules for each country in order to do that. they’re working on public transport navigation, but it’s still not ready for use.
If it’s not ready for use, it either shouldn’t show up by default, or it should have a visible disclaimer. Otherwise it could be dangerous…
yes, that’s exactly why public transport other than the subway doesn’t show up by default and you have to go an extra mile in order to enable it.
the subway showing up without the rest is beta software compared to other choices. It might route you three tomes as far all because it doesn’t know buses exist.
Subways are great when hiking or boating
I’d first heard of it yesterday when I saw it recommended here somewhere.
However, I wouldn’t assume maliciousness over incompetence. It is Google after all… Anybody who has ever published anything on there has probably had it removed at some point. There’s so many malicious apps and spurious reports, it could honestly be anything. The smaller your app, the longer it takes for an actual human to get involved and sort it out.
Lol Google scared
They’ve just convinced me to try it. It looks surprisingly good. I’d only wish there was a satellite layer. Or is there a way to download it?
Nope, its desgined for offline use, which is just not compatible with huge image files. I dont know what source they would use for sat images, but that would probably complicate things a lot either way. Also if you load sat image tiles from a webserver, then that server/provider will also always know your location.
OsmAnd (another OSM-based app) allows you to set underlay maps from external sources which will be downloaded from those external sources as needed. I do not know if Organic Maps has this feature too but it can clearly be done.
Just tried it. Compared to OsmAnd it’s very easy to use.
But only seems to have vector and offline maps.Storage space is not an issue for me and it wouldn’t be for others if this was optional. I guess the only problem is, as you say, where to get satellite images for an app that doesn’t make money.
I think you underestimate how much storage those tiles take up compared to the vector map data.
Well it depends on the resolution and compression, but storing a city worth of satellite images would probably be in the many GB range.
Yeaaah I doubt they give a fuck about this. Just an automated system doing automated things.
Google should really think about being nicer to competitors right now. Yet another reason it needs to be broken up by Lina Khan and the FTC.
I’m such a major fan of the FTC and Chair Khan right now. This is spot on.
Chair Khan? Am I the only one that things it’s a bad look to have that evil tiger from The Jungle Book leading the FTC?
Wow. At least it’s easy to sideload apps in Android.
F-Droid, no “side loading” needed
Don’t you need to side load F-Droid? That is what I did.
The only way to get it outside of sideloading is flashing a custom ROM like LineageOS that includes it. It’s not exactly available in the play store.
What in the world are you all calling “side loading” you just download the APK and install it. No cables, no ADB, no side loading
Edit, I guess kids these days are calling downloading APKs side loading lol
ITT: Witnessing somebody learning what sideloading is and isn’t as technical as they think it is.
To be fair on most Android devices sideloading isn’t a very meaningful term, but on locked down devices like iOS it is.
It isn’t? I’ve been using the term since I picked up my first Android phone in 2010 and there were side-loaded apps everywhere. Hell, you used to have to side-load the Amazon Store app. And that was all just “download this apk and install it” Workflows.
Installing an APK directly is sideloading. It’s literally on the “Get F-Droid” page:
To side-load our app store you may simply have to download the official F-Droid APK and install it.
Sideload, to me, means pushing it onto the phone and installing it from a second, local device. Loaded from the side. Easy enough to do if you have the tools.
Downloading an APK through a browser and installing it from a file browser, all from the single device itself, wouldn’t count as sideloading given my personal definition of the term.
You’re mixing the definitions of sideloading media and sideloading apps. Sideloading media follows your definition, e.g. transfer via another local device. Sideloading apps refers to the installing of apps outside of the (pre-)installed app store, e.g. by installing an APK directly.
That’s fine, your definition just doesn’t seem to be the norm. I think as things have changed over time, and it’s possible and easy to do it all on the device, that the definition has shifted. To me it means installing applications from outside of official channels.
That is what they are saying.
They are just pointing out the exception. The only way you wouldn’t need to sideload F-Droid is if it happened to be pre-installed on the OS itself.
I guess while I was sleeping side loading meaning went from having to manually move an APK from another device to an android via adb to just anything you downloaded?
That’s silly, but okay
Load from the Side. Sideload. It’s always meant that to me.
Wait, since when does LineageOS include F-Droid? I remember having to download it myself using the built-in browser the last time I tried it.
I installed it under Waydroid recently and it included it by default. Maybe it’s a newer thing? Or dependent on which image you choose?
I think bundling it might be unique to the Waydroid FOSS image. I recently set up Waydroid with GAPPS rather than with FOSS (because AuroraStore still won’t run on Waydroid, grrrrrrr) and it didn’t come with it.
(Side note, if you figure out how to get Aurora to show a list of apps in Waydroid x64 without instantly crashing, I will love you)
Alright, so apparently I’m about to get loved? Aurora just worked for me, but I installed Waydroid under Bazzite using one of the included just-scripts. So I went and figured out how it does it. To “configure”, which is the second step in setting up (on Bazzite) it calls this set of scripts:
The microg installation handles Aurora. In case you want it here’s the just script, tho it’s obviously tailored to bazzite:
No, you just download it
Isn’t that what side loading is?
My definition of side loading is installing anything outside of an app management system. For example going to a website and downloading the APK and installing it.
Windows users call that “installing”… 😈
Use Obtainium
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All my homies search for apps first in F-Droid and only use google play if there is no other option.
Can you help a sister out and help me to start using fdroid? Do I just google it? Can I download the fdroid store from Google play store?
You can’t download it from the Google Play store. You’ll have to download the .APK (application package, the installation file format for all Apps) from this url, there should be a tutorial to guide you further:
there are other apps than can access F-droid and everyone will soon start replying saying why they think their choice is the only reasonable one and everything else is the worst thing ever, but the official one under that link should be enough to get you started.
The official store is fine, but I personally stopped using it after it constantly made problems and wasn’t working properly.
When was that?
The official F-Droid app had an issue with not deleting downloads on systems that didn’t run it correctly in the background. That has been fixed some months ago.
I don’t know how long it has been, but it has been some months.
For me it got fixed in 1.20.0 from May 8, 2024.
I would recommend Droidify, which uses the fdroid store with a nicer UI.
And that’s wonderful!
But normies, sadly, do not
All while the other antitrust case is still in progress
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Old Man?
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Google Maps is exempt from moderation in Google Play Store.
Why would you enlist a map app under the Families program in the first place though?
@gencha No reason at all. It was probably wrongfully flagged by Google’s AI based on some stupid wrongful training data. At least that’s what I think though, because folks at Pushbullet (remember the app?) seem to be having similar problems about “not mentioning that they upload user data to their servers” even though they clearly mention this when the app is opened for the first time.
Probably ensures that children can use it
That makes sense, but my understanding is, what Google considers Family content is not an add-on to regular content. Your content is not also for children, it is catered towards them. This implies using dedicated Google functionality, special SDKs, and so on, to comply with law. So your product needs to be designed in a very specific way to be eligible. I’m not aware of how Google Play restricts children from installing certain apps, but you can always install an app through a parental supervisor account.
To me, this story seems like a lot of crying over a situation that is not fully explained.
The screenshot had has the criteria included though. Relevant part: either be for children or for everyone.
Yeah I feel like this makes it harder to have this app used as an educational resource.
I’m really curious about what kind of BS. Like you could search a sexy shop and have directions to go in person?
Ohh, that’s disgusting. Tell me which one so I can make sure to avoid it.
Seems to be still available on Apple’s store. And if Google intended to bury it, this is definitely Streisand Effect at work. Wish I’d known about this a few years ago when I was hiking more
This totally is accidental and coincidental and has nothing to do with Google being a dick, as per usual.
So sad to see google now being the same shit as Microsoft
I did not know of this app but you know I’m gonna install it now.
Thanks Google!
Amazing OSM-based maps app, totally recommend.
I also just learned of it.
Just installed the app.
Maybe an error?
Error would be if they removed GMaps or Gmail from Play store, this is sabotage.
Play store is 99% some kind of scum, but they found open source app that community likes and is providing service comparable to their app. Yeah, right.
If they don’t want us to call it sabotage, they should be extra careful about apps that are providing same service as them.
Or actually an error since it’s already back…