What does “undermine dollar” means?
How can someone from outside US undermine dollar?
intent to trade in non-dollar currencies
What does “undermine dollar” means?
How can someone from outside US undermine dollar?
intent to trade in non-dollar currencies
While I think this is un enforceable, I started to be careful what I click.
Just one click can ruin my feed.
And it is boring watch all the same stuff in the feed. I have many different interests, just put them all in there don’t focus only on the last one.
I don’t understand why do they do it. Diverse content will engage me more.
You need to hidrate better.
I thought the same at the beginning, but after working for few years in agriculture, he is actually presenting real problems every farmer has, not only British bourgeoisie.
He put more spotlight on farming issues than all non profit organisations together.
Of course they support him. Yeah he is a bit crazy and looks disrespectful on the first look, but give it a chance he is actually highlighting even ecological issues around farming.
9 year olds don’t have “self choice” to use drugs.
Evem adults most often don’t have it. Addiction starts with trauma, often in mother’s womb. If mother is under stress while pregnant, huge and long stress, child has much bigger chances to become an addict.
I am really surprised that people believe one person will change whole course of US military complex.
If anything they will put someone who is representing their position, not the other way around.
Things are determined, this is just people choosing PR person.
Can you elaborate, please?
While I understand someone not agreeing with the way some instance or community is managed, I see value in different opinions.
Lemmy is great for exactly this purpose, we can have different instances and are able to be exposed to different ideas.
I can not understand the need of some people to limit their exposure to different ideas.
Just idea that they expect growth where there is none is strange. This business are at the limit and have no way to grow faster than economic situation of many people around the world gets better.
Sad part is fir them it is better to destroy service trying to increase growth in meaningless ways, than to just find a way to keep the business that is working.
Idea of infinite growth is ruining us.
But that is always happening. Software that now can be built by two programers needed IBM few decades ago, just because of hardware, languages, available libraries and shared knowledge.
But we still have so many “app ideas” that there is more work to be done. I would be happy to have AI write all those apps that I need and have no time or money to make them.
My conclusion is that it is only about money and economy. We are in unofficial recession so everyone is cutting costs, as soon as money comes back we will go back into bulking/exploration phase.
We all had experience with ads showing up after we talked in person with someone about topic. I don’t need some random person ir media telling me something obvious is happening. And for some time already.
It is very hard, time consuming and boring to iron out those finishing issues in any software product. You need team of people being paid for that.
When doing it for fun, I just go until it works and until it is fun. As soon as I come to those last 20% I never touch it anymore.
So ai doubt it will happen until more companies start paying decelopera to do it. But I don’t see the business model in that, so I doubt it will get better fast.
I don’t know about game dev, buy SerenityOS guys are flirting with Swift.
If it wasn’t from Apple, I would be all over it. They basically took different languages and most of C++ devs made fastest advance in Swift. Rust I do like and support, but is too confusing for amout of free time I have.
I don’t see it as OP equated Ukraine to Palestine, just theoretizes that there is common other side in those conflicts and that reasons for those wars are not what we think they are.
Interesting idea, but I don’t see it.
We learned to hate “algorithm” but those can actually be good if creator wants to help us insted of manipulate us.
Without a friendly algorithm to help us, we have no chance in finding our way around all this information around us.
Zim Wiki https://zim-wiki.org/
Desktop wiki, saving to .md text files, can commit to git repo and has basic task handling.
Perfect for me.
Zim can be used to:
Keep an archive of notes
Keep a daily or weekly journal
Take notes during meetings or lectures
Organize task lists
Draft blog entries and emails
Do brainstorming
Even better when we remind ourselves that GTK means “Gimp ToolKit” :)
I have done stuff by myself they in anybtime before yt would need someone to show me.
Whem car mechanic tells me I have problem on my car I can find yt on how to detect it and how to solve it. I don’t get knowledge to do it, but I can definitely appreciate their work more and not think they are just ripping me off.
It is amazing what we have and take for granted.
It almost like a bot is posting this sentence every time SerenityOS is mentioned.
Using “he” insted of “they” is not enough to call someone transphobic or misogynistic. It’s like you become fascist and are targeting people for one different opinion. Which is not even true.
There are real problems transgender people are having, ladybird browser must be low on that priority.
My feed doesn’t have any neo nazy stuff. Maybe I use it differently or it is because of my country, but here leftists are on twitter and killing it would be very troublesome. Right wing only has some bot accounts.