It’s like 2016 and 2020 never ended. flattened-bernie

If everyone had voted for hillgasm she’d have won. maybe-later-kiddo

  • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
    7 months ago

    grillman: “Hey, Bernie is a closet right-winger, don’t be fooled!”

    gigachad: “Hey good to hear, I think the same. What school of leftism do you follow?”

    grillman: “Leftism? Well this is awkward, I’m a center-right liberal!”

    Every time.

    • Dr.
      7 months ago

      I honestly don’t think they’ll win without a cease fire. While most Americans don’t care right now, if escalations continue, we could see Israel fighting a war on 4 different fronts. The IDF numbers are already low, evidenced by the expansion of compulsory enlistment. The US will likely have to put boots on the ground. In my opinion, that would be poison for the Harris campaign, libs don’t give a shit about dead Palestinians but they hate seeing American kids sent back in coffins.

      Will Harris be smart enough to push Biden to turn up the heat up on Bibi? Will Biden set aside his eternal love for Israel to do so? Not sure about Biden, but Harris at least seems to be fairly smart and has been making some smart moves. I wouldn’t trust her to do the right thing based on moral or ideological grounds but I do expect her to be politically smart. But again, no clue on Biden, hard to predict given that his brain is mashed potatoes at the point.

    7 months ago

    Norman Finkelstein has a lot to say about weaponized identity politics in his book ‘ill burn that bridge when I get to it’

    Recommended reading

      7 months ago

      I haven’t read the book, but I have heard him speak about the book.

      My impression was that generally he comes off a bit… dunno the word, brash, a curmudgeon, something like that… but he’s generally correct. IDpol is poison when it’s weaponized the way liberals first did and now the other liberals, American conservatives/republicans and whatever they are elsewhere in the world, have also been doing pretty much nonstop for maybe 10 years or so. The way the democrats were doing it was mostly cringe but ultimately if you just ignored the radlibs it could be fine. With the addition of republicans doing it plus both sets of libs pretending that they earnestly believe in this shit… well, we’re living in multiple layers of hell being tortured from every possible angle and this is just another one.

      But yeah, anyone (and I do mean anyone) who insists on placing identity above class does not understand, usually from ignorance, well, anything. They (idpol, radlib types) often use a phrase like “class reductionism” and I have to say, I really don’t like calling people out for doing federal agent shit, but, well…

      If they (idpol, radlib types… gotta keep redefining this because if you’re ever slightly vague… ask Bernie what happens) understood anything or believed in material analysis of the world and understood that fundamentally there are those who own capital and control resources and there are those who produce value, do all the labor, and own no or very little capital and society is divided along these lines and all hierarchies result from these divisions, including racial, religious, sexual, gender, whatever else, then they wouldn’t be acting like they do. (And yes I know there’s more nuance in here, but this has to be the basis. It has to start with control over resources and how that is achieved and maintained. That is effectively politics in a nutshell.)

      But they’re libs, they’ve never engaged with Marxism in any serious way, they don’t understand anything.

      It’s incredibly hard to speak to people who are so mad at the wrong thing or group of people. The anger is legitimate, but it has to be directed correctly or it’s all pointless nihilism.

      Norm is usually correct or “correct enough” but the topics he chooses make him a fucking magnet for basically everyone. And he comes out early on everything, way ahead of the general curve, so he’s been practically treated as like the OG “lulcow” for like 40 years. I’m glad that he’s had this end of life redemption arc of sorts where everything be ever said about Israel was proven correct, his thoughts on radlib/idpol weaponization eventually coming full circle to blast libs in the ass was correct, and I’m not totally sure about his opinion on Ukraine, but I know he spent a lot of time explaining why Russia/Putin had legitimate grievances. He’s been anti-Israel, anti-woke, and anti-NATO. Like no wonder everyone fucking hates him (lmao). But he’s right! Mostly, anyway. 100% right on Israel and Palestine.

      Norm wrote a book about how Israel was weaponizing and utilizing the memory of the Holocaust to carry out its horrific agenda and goals. And he was 1000% correct. And he got called a holocaust denier for that despite the premise of the argument being the Holocaust obviously did happen (his fucking family was annihilated in it besides his parents) but that can’t justify Israel’s actions. And now look today, we can all see so clearly nearly daily what Norm was telling everyone like 20 years ago. The IOF goes around calling everyone Nazis, calling everything pogroms, comparing every death of a Jewish person to the Holocaust with nothing at all similar between them. Norm was so fucking correct, called out an entire terrible nation, but they’re so deep in their own asses they still keep doing it even though someone has totally exposed what they’re doing and how disgusting and disrespectful it is/was.

      I dunno, I love Norm. He’s still hot too. I didn’t know it was possible to be hot at his age, but there he is.

        7 months ago

        Yeah I feel you. He did seem a bit defensive. after all these years of being correct while people around him are just trying to drag him down probably did a number on him. Still and all though he’s the goat in my book. Mad respect for his intellect

    • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      Listened to an old 2016 opperman interview and the ads were often Bernie campaign ads. Really brought me back, many different emotions, primarily complete black pill knowing how things turned out. Thanks for starting me on a road to becoming a communist though Bernie

  • Red_sun_in_the_sky [any]
    7 months ago

    He is a paid putin agent and so are the faR left tankies🤓🤓. They are all spreading harmful ideology. Ummmm these putler bernie bots have been harassing israeli folk cause they are more benevolent than the far left anti voting crazy bots. 😢 Now they are harassing a powerful women like kamala, by calling her kkkopmala which is very racist and these privileged tankies never dealt with racism. 👏👏👏😢🤬